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Igneous Rocks
Pages 129-134
– Summarize three factors that affect whether rock melts.
– Describe how the cooling rate of magma and lava affects the texture of igneous
• Relate cooling time to crystal size
– Classify ig rx according to their composition and texture.
– Describe intrusive and extrusive ig rx structures.
Origin of igneous rocks
• Igneous rocks are formed by _________________material from a volcano or
molten material within Earth
• Temps are 1600 at 60-200 km beneath the surface
Why is it so hot?
1. The deep rocks are under __________________from the rocks on top
2. Also … ________________________ ______________ produce heat
3. _____________________ ______________ from formation of the planet
Formation of magma
Three factors affect whether rock melts
1. ______________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
Rocks have different _________________ points based upon the
________________________composition of their minerals
This means they crystallize (and melt) at different times
Partial Melting
Different minerals have different melting points, and minerals with
_____________melting points are the first to melt
This creates lava with a specific composition
As the magma heats up, ______________minerals melt and the magma’s
composition changes
Where do Igneous Rocks form?
Magma—_________________ Earth
Lava—___________________ Earth
Cooling time=__________________ ___________________
• Magma trapped underground is insulated so it cools _______________
• As it cools, the atoms arrange themselves in patterns to form _____________
• If the magma cools slowly, the atoms have time to arrange ________ crystals.
• These crystals are called
________________ _____________________
Rocks form when these mineral grains grow together.
Igneous Intrusive Rocks
• Rocks that form beneath Earth's surface are called _________________
________________________ rocks.
• They have crystals __________________ enough to see.
• We call this texture/grain size: _________________________
Granite is an ________________ _____________________ rock
It cooled ____________________ inside the earth
It has a ______________________________ texture
Diorite—salt and ____________________ look
A ________________, _________________, _____________________ rock
from the top of Bowen's Reaction Series.
Does gabbro have a high or low melting point? ________________________
Extrusive Igneous Rocks
• When rocks form from molten lava _____________________ Earth's surface
we call them _____________________ igneous rocks.
• They cool _____________________ so the atoms don't have time to arrange
themselves into patterns to form ____________________. They have a
__________________-___________________ texture.
• This texture is called ___________________________.
Rhyolite is an _____________________ ______________________ rock
It cooled _________________, It has small grains
This is called an ___________________________ texture
It has the same mineral composition as _______________________.
Andesite Porphyry
• This is an andesite _______________________
• A porphyry has big _______________ in a _____________________
• Matrix—fine-_________________________________
Basalt makes up the ____________________ ______________________
• It is a ________________, _________________, _________________ rock
Common Igneous rock terms
Scoria formed when gassy lava cooled quickly above ground. You can see
where little pockets of air had been. Scoria is actually a kind of ___________ and
not a mixture of minerals.
• Uses
– lava soap
– _______________-_________________ jeans
• Glass. Pumice has cooled too quickly for minerals to form. Very low density
• Chemical composition, however, will be from the bottom of Bowen's Reaction
series (i.e. felsic).
Hyaline texture—__________________ texture
• ___________________ --Volcanic glass
• Notice the _____________________ fracture
Pegmatite—_____________ ________________ mineral grains
Rock cools extremely _____________________, so very big mineral grains form.
Classification of Magmas
• Mafic—high in ______________and ______________________________
• Felsic—high in _________________ and ____________________(quartz)
• Mafic—_______% silica
– Colors-- black, green, red
• Intermediate—______% silica
• Felsic—______% silica
– Colors-- pink, white, light gray
Composition of Igneous Rocks
• _________________
—high in silica (quartz and feldspar)
Light colored
• _________________
—high in magnesium and iron
Dark colored
• ___________________
--A mixture of the two
In between colored
Melting point is also affected by two factors
The pressure
– As pressure
melting point
The water content
– High water content=_________________melting point
– Low water content=_______________________ melting point
Remember a rock is made of different minerals-- Bowen’s Reaction Series
When rocks melt, those with lowest melting points melt first
This is called ____________________ _________________________
When rock crystallize, those with highest melting points crystallize first as the
magma cools
– This is called ______________________ _________________________
Igneous Rock Structures
Igneous Rock formation beneath the Earth's surface
• Pluton-large intrusive igneous rock body
• Dike—cuts across rock layers-vertical
• Sill—horizontal –parallel to existing rock layers
Common Igneous Rock Pairs
Type of
(Mafic) (Intermediate) (Felsic)
(phaneritic gabbro