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Nonprofit Web Design:
Convert Your Website into a Major
Tool to Engage Your Community
Effective Design
Effective Content
Web Site Tools
Learn how to use your website to increase donations,
engage your community, and foster relationships through
the power of the Internet.
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Welcome & Thank You!
I. Introductions
II. Presentation Agenda:
Effective Design & Content
•A Website is a Tool
•First Steps to Get a Website Online
•The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
•Design Tips
•Break-out Session – Pretend You Are a Website
Website Tools & Interaction
•Creating and Managing Your Own Web Site
•HTML & Web Authoring Tools & Content Management
•Getting Your Website UP
•Website Tools
•Search Engine Optimization & Social Media
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Using Your Website as a Tool
Purposes: What do YOU get out of your website?
•Community Involvement
•Recognition – raise awareness
People: Who comes to your website?
•Your Members; The People You Serve
•Job Seekers/Potential Staff
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
First Steps to Get a Website Up & Running
Domain name
Pick a domain name
•More than 7 million .org domain names are now registered.
•Extensions: .org, .com, .us, .info
Register a domain name – costs, precautions, and companies
• -- $9.99 for a year
• – free for a year for nonprofits
Website Hosting
•Price - $10-$20 per month
•Free Hosting –
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Three Distinct Aspects of a Managing
•Design – Graphics, layout, images, making it look
•Development – Coding, programming, putting it
•Marketing – Search engine optimization, email
marketing, getting people there
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Critical Errors in Web Design
•No style – stick with one style for every page
•Typos/Grammar errors – ask someone else to review your website!
•Infrequent updates – if your website looks like it’s managed by a lazy
person, well, it probably is.
•Not enough content, text – search engines can’t read pictures
•Too much information – don’t bombard people, but make sure they can
find what they’re looking for
•Outdated Design – Web technology and style has changed a great deal
from the late 90’s – don’t be outdated.
•Bright RED text. It does not make me want to read further.
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
What a website should be:
•Clean and Organized: Your message, mission, and call to
action should be easy to find
•Load Quickly: Avoid a home page that makes you jump
through hoops or watch/listen to a video. It wastes time.
•SEO Friendly – Your website should be easy to find online.
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
What a website should NOT be:
•Cluttered with lots of flashy and unnecessary graphics
•Difficult to read – small font, various styles, and bright
colors are difficult for the eyes
•Missing important components
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Components Every Nonprofit Website Should Have
•Home Page – Brief introduction that states what you do, and how to find
and do everything you want a visitor to do on your website
•About Us - Mission statement, staff list, board of directors list, and history
•Programs and Services
•Outcomes – What are some of your success stories? Do you have
testimonials? What are your accomplishments over the last year, last 5
years, last 20 years?
•Purpose – What issues surround your cause? What is happening in your
•Donations – How can people give to your organization?
•Contact – email, address, phone number, map, contact form
•Site Map – A page that serves as a directory to every page on your
•Events – Fundraising events, volunteer training, etc.
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Optional Pages for Nonprofits
•Wish List – Write out the items your organization needs for donations –
computers, phones, paper, supplies, food, etc.
•Partners – If you partner with other agencies, list them and provide links to
their sites
•Volunteer Opportunities – List what your organization needs volunteers
to do and how they can get involved.
•Employment/Internships –Have a page to list job opportunities or
internships available.
•Privacy Statement – There may be legal reasons to put a privacy
statement on, for instance, if you are collecting email addresses.
•Blog – Post a blog once a month (or more) about your organization
•Forum – Allow your visitors to interact with each other and your staff
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Design Tips
•Put your contact information on every page
•Provide a menu or categories for navigation
•Link back to the homepage on every page
•Use a logo, professionally designed
•Make sure the website looks the same in every
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Activity: Pretend You Are a Website
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Creating and Managing Your Own Website
2. Templates
3. Web Authoring Tools
•HTML Editors – Notepad, WYSIWYG
•Content Management Systems – WordPress, Joomla, Drupal
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Learn a little HTML
(Not Scary!)
<p>All text goes inside a paragraph tag</p>
Adds a line of space between text: <br>
Adds a horizontal line: <hr>
Adds a link: <a href=“linkgoeshere”>link</a>
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Web Authoring Tools
Basic Editors
NotePad - free
WordPad – free with Windows
WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get Web Editors
Microsoft Expression Web: $299 or $15 through TechSoup
Dreamweaver: $399
Content Management Systems -- Open Source -- Free!
WordPress –
Joomla -Drupal – good for online stores
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Getting your website “UP”
“Putting” files
Using an FTP – “File Transfer Protocol”
Dreamweaver has a built-in FTP
FTPs: Mozilla, SmartFTP, Fetch (for Apple people)
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Website Resources for Nonprofits
Finding Volunteers:
Using Templates:
•Cost substantially less than designing from scratch
•Look just as good
•Thousands to choose from
•To find them, Google “free website templates” nonprofits
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Content Management Systems
•Easily Updated
•Open Source
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Content Management Systems
WordPress –
Joomla –
Drupal –
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Hiring a Web Design Firm
•Search Engine Friendly
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Internet Marketing
•Getting Traffic to Your Website
•List your site with search engines
•Google – where does your website rank for certain keywords?
• – free tutorials and tips
Google Analytics – track how many visitors your site gets,
which search words they use to get there. FREE – add code to
your website.
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Social Media
•YouTube – Charity : water raised $10,000 in ONE DAY on YouTube
•"Call to Action" feature for YouTube's nonprofit partners
•InVideo overlays to drive traffic to an off-YouTube web page,
where they can collect signatures, email addresses, or even
•LinkedIn – a professional profile – post presentations, blogs,
connect with other professionals
•Twitter – send tweets out about your organization – if other people
retweet, you can literally reach 1000s of people in seconds.
•Facebook – post events, raise money, connect with people
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
Other Website Tools for Nonprofits
•Email Marketing
•Online Donations
•Online Auctions
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
•A website is a communication tool – back and forth
•What do YOU need out of your website?
•Several tools are available – which ones will work for
•Tons of information is online – free tutorials, free
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
PodCamp Pittsburgh
The “Un-Conference”
Social Media Conference
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist
The best customer is already searching for your
product or service.
Let's make sure they find you.
Presented by Jami Broom, Internet Marketing Strategist