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ICT619 Intelligent
Topic 5: Genetic
Genetic Algorithms
How GAs work
The TSP as an example
Business Applications of GA
Advantages of GA systems
Some issues related to GA based systems
 Case Study
What is a genetic algorithm?
 GA part of the broader soft computing (aka
"computational intelligence") paradigm known as
evolutionary computation
 First introduced by Holland (1975)
 Inspired by possibility of problem solving through a
process of evolution
What is a GA? (cont’d)
 GA mimics biological evolution to generate better
solutions from existing solutions through
survival of the fittest
crossbreeding and
What is a GA? (cont’d)
 A GA is capable of finding solutions for many problems
for which no usable algorithmic solutions exist
 GA methodology particularly suited for optimization
 Optimization searches a solution space consisting of a
large number of possible solutions
 GA reduces the search space through evolution of
solutions, conceived as individuals in a population
Intelligence and Evolution
 One way of understanding intelligence is as the capability of a creature
to adapt itself to an ever-changing environment
 We normally think of adaptation as changes in the characteristics
(including behaviours) of a single animal in response to experiences
over its history
 But adaptation is also change in the characteristics of a species, over
the generations, in response to environmental change
 An individual creature is in competition with other individuals of the
same species for resources, mates etc.
 There is also rivalry from other species which may be a direct (predator)
or indirect (food, water, land, etc.) threat
 In nature, evolution operates on populations of organisms, ensuring by
natural selection that characteristics that serve the members well tend
to be passed on to the next generation, while those that don’t die out
Evolution as Optimisation
 Evolution can be seen as a process leading to the optimisation of a
population’s ability to survive and thus reproduce in a specific
 Evolutionary fitness - the measure of the ability to respond adequately
to the environment, is the quantity that is actually optimised in natural
 Consider a normal population of rabbits. Some rabbits are naturally
faster than others. Any characteristic has a range of variation that is due
to i) sexual reproduction and ii) mutation
 We may say that the faster rabbits possess superior fitness, since they
have a greater chance of avoiding foxes, surviving and then breeding
 If two parents have superior fitness, there is a good chance that a
combination of their genes will produce an offspring with even higher
fitness. We say that there is crossover between the parents’ genes
 Over successive generations, the entire population of rabbits tends to
become faster to meet their environment challenges in the face of foxes
How GAs work
A population of candidate solutions - mathematical
representations - is repeatedly altered until an optimal
solution is found
The GA evolutionary cycle
1. Starts with a randomly generated initial population of solutions
(1st generation)
2. Selects a population of better solutions (next generation) by
using a measure of 'goodness' (a fitness evaluation function)
3. Alters new generation population through crossbreeding and
Processes of selection (step 2) and alteration (step 3) lead to
a population with a higher proportion of better solutions
How GAs work (cont’d)
The GA evolutionary cycle continues until an
acceptable solution is found in the current population,
some control parameter such as the maximum
number of generations is exceeded
How solutions are represented
 A series of genes, known as a chromosome,
represents one possible solution
 Each gene in the chromosome represents one
component of the solution pattern
 Each gene can have one of a number of possible
values known as alleles
 The process of converting a solution from its original
form into a chromosome is known as coding
How solutions are represented
 The most common form of representing a solution as a
chromosome is a string of binary digits (aka a binary
vector) eg 1010110101001
 Each bit in this string is a gene with two alleles: 0 and 1
 Other forms of representation are also used, eg,
integer vectors
 Solution bit strings are decoded to enable them to be
evaluated using a fitness measure
GA Selection
 Selection in GA based on a process analogous to that
of biological evolution
 Only the fittest survive and contribute to the gene pool
of the next generation
Fitness proportional selection
 Each chromosome’s likelihood of being selected is
proportional to its fitness value.
 Solutions failing selection are “bad”, and are discarded
Alteration = Crossover + Mutation
 Alteration refines good solutions from current generation to
produce next generation of solutions
 Carried out by performing crossover and mutation
 Crossover by splicing two chromosomes at a crossover point and
swapping the spliced parts
 A better chromosome may be created by combining genes with
good characteristics from one chromosome with some good genes
in the other chromosome
 Crossover carried out with a probability – typically 0.7
 Chromosomes not crossed over are cloned
Crossover and Mutation
 A random adjustment in the genetic composition
 Can be useful for introducing new characteristics in a
 May be counterproductive
 Probability kept low: typically 0.001 to 0.01
An albino is a common mutation
The typical Genetic Algorithm
1. Represent the solution as a chromosome of fixed
length, choose size of population N, crossover
probability pc and mutation probability pm.
2. Define a fitness function f for measuring fitness of
3. Create an initial solution population randomly of size
x1, x2, …, xN
4. Use the fitness function f to evaluate the fitness value
of each solution in the current generation:
f(x1), f(x2), …, f(xN)
The typical Genetic Algorithm
5. Select “good” solutions based on fitness value.
Discard rest of the solutions.
6. If acceptable solution(s) found in the current
generation or maximum number of generations is
exceeded then stop.
7. Alter the solution population using crossover and
mutation to create a new generation of solutions with
population size N.
8. Go to step 4.
The typical Genetic Algorithm
The Travelling Salesperson Problem
 Given a set of n cities (A, B, C, ...) find a closed tour of all cities
with the shortest total distance d
 Tour 'cost' may be something other than distance d
 This is an optimization problem with following constraints
Each city to be visited once and only once
Total distance travelled must be shortest
 The time required to find a solution by exhaustive search
increases exponentially - the problem is NP-hard
 Possible number of tours for n cities = n!/2n
 1 million centuries for 50 cities at the rate of 1 billion tours per sec!
The Travelling Salesperson Problem
In 1987, Martin Groetschel and Olaf Holland found an optimal tour of 666
interesting places in the world. Source:
The TSP example (cont’d)
Representation and coding of TSP solutions
 The representation might be an ordered list of numbers each
representing a city nominally (known as order-based GA):
1) London
2) Venice
3) Dunedin
4) Singapore
5) Beijing
6) Phoenix
(3 5 7 2 1 6 4 8)
(2 5 7 6 8 1 3 4)
7) Tokyo
8) Victoria
 Alternatively, the representation of the solution may be
encoded in binary on a matrix...
The TSP example (cont’d)
Representation and coding of TSP solutions
 A solution to the TSP problem is an ordered list of the n
 Each city is assigned 1 out of n possible positions
 Representation of the solution may be visualised as a
 Each row represents a city
 Each column associated with a tour position for cities
The TSP example (cont’d)
 The tour represented above is CAEBDC
 One possible bit string code for this solution:
01000 00010 1000 00001 00100
(rows written end to end)
 Binary bit strings can produce "faulty" chromosomes
needing repair
 An integer vector scheme produced a 100 city tour
9.4% above optimal cost
An Optimal 100-City Tour
Business Applications of GA
 Increasing number of industrial and business
applications of GA since late 1980s
 In business, applications include (Kingdon 1997)
Portfolio optimisation
Bankruptcy prediction
Financial forecasting
Fraud detection
Design of complex
machines eg. jet engines
Business Applications of GA (cont’d)
First Quadrant - investment firm in
 Started using GA technique in 1993
 Uses GA to manage US$5 billion worth of
investments in 17 different countries
 Their evolved model earns, on average, $255 for
every $100 invested over six years, as opposed to
$205 for other types of modeling systems (Begley &
Beals, 1995)
Advantages of GA systems
 Useful when no algorithms or heuristics are
available for solving a problem
 No formulation of the solution is required - only
"recognition" of a good solution
 A GA system can be built as long as a solution
representation and an evaluation scheme can
be worked out
 So minimal domain expert access is required
Advantages of GA systems
 GA can act as an alternative to  Expert Systems if
 number of rules is too large or
 the nature of the knowledge-base too dynamic
 Traditional optimization techniques if
 constraints and objective functions are non-linear
and/or discontinuous
Advantages of GA systems (cont'd)
 GA does not guarantee optimal solutions, but produce
near optimal solutions which are likely to be very good
 Solution time with GA is highly predictable
Determined by
 Size of the population
 Time taken to decode and evaluate a solution and
 Number of generations of population
 GA uses simple operations to solve problems that are
computationally prohibitive otherwise
Example: the TSP problem
Advantages of GA systems (cont'd)
 Because of simplicity, GA software are
 Reasonably sized and self-contained
 Easier to embed them as a module in another
 GA can also aid in developing intelligent
business systems that use other
methodologies, eg,
 Building the rule base of an expert system
 Finding optimal neural networks
Some issues related to GA based
Level of explainability
 Capability to explain why a particular solution was
arrived at is practically nil
 The system does not know what a fitness value really
 Moderately scalable
Accommodates increased number of variables by
increasing the length of the chromosome
 A longer chromosome means a larger population space
(more potential combinations of genes)
 More time required for decoding and fitness evaluation
Some issues related to GA based
systems (cont’d)
Data requirements
 In general, GA do not require extensive access to data
but some applications may need it to evaluate solutions
 This makes the quality and quantity of data is important
Local maxima
 Local maxima are regions that hold good solutions
relative to regions around them, but which do not
necessarily contain the best overall solutions
 The region(s) that contain the best solutions are called
global maxima
 GAs are less prone to being trapped in local maxima
because of the use of mutation and crossover
Some issues related to GA based
systems (cont’d)
Premature convergence
 A GA is said to have converged prematurely if it
explores a local maximum extensively
 It may be then dominated by very similar solutions
within the region
 Most significant factor leading to such convergence is a
mutation rate which is too slow
 Mutation interference is an effect opposite to that of
premature convergence
Some issues related to GA based
systems (cont’d)
 Mutation interference
 Finding a mutation rate which allows the GA to
converge but which also allows adequate exploration of
the solution space is essential for satisfactory
 Mutation interference occurs when mutation rates in a
GA are too high, and as a result:
 Solutions are frequently or drastically mutated
 The algorithm never manages to explore any region of
the space thoroughly
 Any good solutions found tend to be destroyed rapidly
Case Study - Help Desk Task
Scheduling (Dhar & Stein 1997,
GA based system developed at Moody’s for
scheduling service tasks to its customer
service representatives
Major constraints
 The system
 Must minimise computer downtime and customer
 Must integrate with existing database system which kept track
help desk requests.
Case study – constraints (cont’d)
 Must be flexible to
 Accommodate new types of task definitions and changes
in employee, training etc.
 Allow administrator to modify solutions
 Must generate and reevaluate schedules quickly
(under 15 minutes) and consistently
 Must not take administrator or CSRs away from their
jobs for any extended period of time
 Must be developed quickly
Case study – constraints (cont’d)
 Should be scalable in case of future growth in number
of requests for help and the number of CSRs
 Must not be too complicated for its users – the
administrator and CSRs
 The main difficulties in meeting the constraints:
the large number of tasks
the large number of CSRs
the varying capabilities of CSRs, and
the wide variety of tasks
Case Study - Variables and issues
needing to be considered
 The priority of a task, which is determined by the severity of
the problem
 The length of time required to perform the task and how it
would affect the servicing of other users
 The ability of various CSRs to perform different levels of
tasks (expertise must match the complexity)
 Low priority tasks must not be kept waiting indefinitely
 The measure of goodness of a schedule to be based on
amount of downtime each schedule cost the organisation.
Possible solution methodologies
1. Traditional linear programming (a numerical
optimisation technique)
2. A rule based expert system
3. A GA based system
ES ruled out because
Expertise to solve this problem not expressible as a set of
Help desk administrator not available for knowledge extraction
Linear programming ruled out because
It fails if no optimal solution can be found
It does not produce any sub-optimal solutions, which is the
case with GA.
Case Study - the solution
SOGA (Schedule Optimising for GA)
 A hybrid system consisting of GA and fuzzy system
 The GA component deals with the scheduling task.
 Each task in the queue is represented by a gene
 The entire task list forms the chromosome
 Each chromosome is decoded by a scheduling module
that assigns tasks to available CSRs who can perform
Case Study - the solution (cont’d)
 Fitness of each chromosome is determined by
calculating the amount of downtime that would result
based on the schedule represented by the
 Schedules generated by the GA component are
modified by the FS component
 SOGA runs in the background behind the help request
tracking system
 Updates schedules based upon a predefined time
interval (eg, every 10 or 15 minutes)
 CSRs access their current job queue through their
interface to accept jobs.
Case Study - Results
 The system is timely – generating schedules in about 5
 The solutions are found to be good by the help desk
 The system is flexible enough to allow for task
 The system scales up well to larger domains (higher
number of tasks)
 The SOGA system was developed in two months using
one programmer overseen by its designers
Begley, S. and Beals, G. "Software au naturel." Newsweek, May 8, 1995,
 Dhar, V., & Stein, R., Seven Methods for Transforming Corporate
Data into Business Intelligence., Prentice Hall 1997, pp. 126-148,
 Goldberg, D. E., Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms Come of
Age, Communications of the ACM, Vol.37, No.3, March 1994,
 Holland, J. H., Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Univ.
of Michigan Press, 1975.
 Kingdon, J., Intelligent Systems and Financial Forecasting,
Springer Verlag, London 1997.
 Medsker,L., Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Kluwer Academic Press,
Boston 1995.
 Michalewicz, Z., Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution
Programs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1996.
 Negnevitsky, M. Artificial Intelligence A Guide to Intelligent
Systems, Addison-Wesley 2005.