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Final Optic Fabrication, Testing
and System Integration
Mark Tillack, John Pulsifer,
Joel Hollingsworth, S. S. Harilal
With contributions from:
Bill Goodman (Schafer Corp.), Hesham Khater (LLNL),
Colin Ophus and Dave Mitlin (U. Alberta)
HAPL Project Meeting
San Diego, CA
8-9 August 2006
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Progress was made in 5 areas
1. Improved our simulation capability
• A KrF oscillator-amplifier configuration was installed and tested
• Sample scanning and auto shutdown were added
2. Expanded the database on Al coatings (toward end-of-life)
• More data were obtained on electroplated and e-coated mirrors
3. Developed techniques to fabricate larger optics
• CMP was tested for post-processing large-area high-quality surfaces
4. Performed component and system integration
• A substrate assessment was performed (Schafer)
• Neutron irradiation experiments were planned
5. Explored alternative mirror concepts
• 4” AlMo mirrors were fabricated in collaboration w/ LBNL and U. Alberta
Control over beam characteristics
required us to add an amplifier
Death by 1000 cuts: loss of energy
in the Pockels cell was the final straw
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“Performance improvements to the UCSD mirror test
facility using an oscillator - amplifier configuration”
S. S. Harilal, J. Pulsifer and M. S. Tillack
300 mJ
Compex laser
150 mJ
Gain curve with 5-ns pulse,
20.5 kV Compex, 17 kV LPX
150 mJ
50 mJ
pulse slice
15 mJ
10 mJ
35 mJ
200 mJ of polarized,
smoothed, 5-ns light
Performance is strongly dependent on HV
and timing of both lasers (and Pockels cell)
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Good news and bad news
The good news: the gain curve
results in profile smoothing
The bad news: non-linear gain and
jitter can distort the temporal profile
Jitter allows leakage
from latter part of seed
Seed pulse
High LPX voltage
amplifies residual output
from the Pockels cell
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Facility improvements are making life
easier, and higher shot-counts possible
Automated shutdown
enables higher PRF
No damage
Damage leading
to shutdown
External control of target position
allows more data (better statistics)
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We have a lot more data now on
diamond-turned Alumiplate
• Facility improvements have made
data more reproducible
• PRF data are looking promising
• Higher shot count data look worse
(this may be the limit for Alumiplate)
PRF effect
“Laser-induced damage testing of metal mirrors:
fluence-life data and surface analysis”
J. Pulsifer, M. S. Tillack, J. Hollingsworth, L. Carlson
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Grain size effects on pure Al are obscured
by variations in fabrication techniques
• Evaporative coating was attempted
because smaller grains should result in
a stronger surface (y = o ky/d1/2)
• All surfaces were diamond-turned
• Not all evaporative coatings have
smaller grains, and the trend with
grain size is not obvious
• Better control of fabrication processes is
essential for continuation of this work
CMP provides us a pathway to highquality, large-aperture metal mirrors
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• Uses a corrosive slurry with carefully
passivated surface
• Significant advantages over SPDT:
– Less “invasive” (thinner coatings)
– Time depends on depth, not area
– History of semiconductor-level QC
Cabot Microelectronics
is supporting this work
with substantial IR&D
“Fabrication techniques for Al and Al alloy
optical coatings for the GIMM”
J. Hollingsworth, J. Pulsifer and M. S. Tillack
<1 nm RMS, 15 nm pits
A new alloy, AlMo was explored as a
high-strength alternative to pure Al
2-gun magnetron sputtered
Improved mechanical properties
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Thick (>5 m) specular coating
obtained with no postprocessing
Reflectivity & conductivity?
Amorphous/nanocrystalline regime
Hall-Petch and
solid solution
hardening regime
Thanks to Tim Renk, SNLA
Velomir Radmilovic, LBNL
Dave Mitlin, U. Alberta
Colin Ophus, U. Alberta
Al-16%Mo and Al-24%Mo were
fabricated and tested
• Beautiful, specular thick film
• Low conductivity and increased
absorption: poor performance
10 nm
100 nm
5 m
Possible solution:
Al capping layer
gradient from AlMo to pure Al
AlMo (16%)
Si substrate
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Candidate substrates were evaluated 11 of 13
in preparation for radiation testing
(1 cm) and prototype (4”) development
• Carbon Based
• Neutronic feasibility
– C-C composite
– Carbon fiber reinforced
Silicon Carbide
 -SiC (polycrystalline)
– Reaction bonded SiC (2-phase, polycrystalline)
 -SiC (CVD, polycrystalline)
 -SiC foam core (CVD/CVI, polycrystalline)
– Silicon foam core (CVD/CVI, polycrystalline)
– Czochralski (single crystal)
Aluminum & Alloys
– AlBeMet® 162
– Al 6061 foam
“Candidate Mirror Technologies for
the Grazing Incidence Metal Mirror”
Bill Goodman (Schafer Corp.)
– Neutron damage resistance
– Purity
– Surface figure
– Roughness
– Coating adhesion
– Cooling capability
Industrial capability
– Available database
– R&D needs (risk)
– Cost
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Neutron irradiations are being planned
• A key issue for substrates is neutron-induced swelling
• We plan to test candidate substrates: SiC, Si, AlBeMet, Al-6061
50 mm
• Include Al coatings to measure neutron-induced roughness
• Measure surface shape and roughness after irradiations
Three 22-day cycles  5.4 FPY dose
8 mm
Test optic
• HFIR flux:
>0.1 MeV:
>1 MeV:
• Power plant:
>0.1 MeV:
>1 MeV:
1015 n/cm2/s
6x1014 n/cm2/s
Handling of activated specimens is a major
concern. We are performing activation and
dose calculations prior to exposure, and
will measure dose rates after exposure
Al-6061 after full exposure
~1013 n/cm2/s
background level
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Next-step goals for GIMM R&D
• Coating-substrate development
– Fabricate and test Al on C/Si and Al/Be composites
– Continue efforts on coating improvements
– Obtain 4” specimens from vendors
– Plan test campaigns at Mercury and Electra
• End-of-life testing
– Complete the facility improvements
– Perform further studies of rep-rate effects
– Acquire data to 108 shots
• Radiation damage testing
– Finish planning
– Obtain specimens