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process by which existing
rock is changed by heat and
pressure is called
sedimentary or
igneous rock is known as parent
is the parent rock of
 Shale
transforms to many different rock
forms because of heat and pressure.
 Shale turns to slate then to phyllite. Then
after high temperatures phyllite changes
to schist. Deep within the crust schist
finally changes to gneiss.
 Heat
and pressure can break down the
bonds that join atoms in minerals. Then
the atoms join together differently as new
bonds form, this
is crystallization.
 Recrystallization
occurs when shale is
formed from silt and clay.
 Metamorphic rock
can occur over large
areas were both
heat and pressure
are high
 The
metamorphic rock slate is used for
tiles and some roof materials.
 Slate is useful for tiles because it displays
 Foliation is an arrangement of minerals in
flat or wavy parallel line.
 With
high pressure and heat minerals can
develop such as mica to make the rocks
look shiny.
 Nonfoilated
rocks are rocks that don’t
show foliation are mainly made up of one
mineral. This type of rock such as marble
doesn’t split into layers.
 Another reason
nonfoilated rock
lacks foliation is
it lacks pressure.