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Volcanism and volcanic rocks
rocks and sediments produced
by volcanic processes
Volcanism – plate tectonics
relationship of
volcanism to
movements of
the earth’s
plates (fig 7.1)
convergent boundaries
• seduction zones –
often violent
eruptions, due to
high silica
• pyroclastic
thrown from the
divergent margins – rifting
divergent margins – rifting
• under oceans –
• basaltic lava – pillow lava
• non violent eruptions,
– composition of gabbro,
– low silica content,
– created by partial
melting of the lowtemperature
constituents of the
• on land –
• plateau basalts –
• non violent eruptions of
– basalt flows from
fissures (Iceland)
– mantel material
divergent margins – rifting
• under oceans –
• basaltic lava – pillow lava
• on land –
• plateau basalts –
hot spots
• stationary heat plumes in the mantle, hot spots in
the mantle produce volcanoes in a chain as the
crust moves over the hot spot (Hawaiian Islands)
Eruptive Phenomena include
lava flows
ash falls
hot-ash flows
glowing avalanches
elevation changes
gas discharges
lava flows
ash falls
hot-ash flows
glowing avalanches
elevation changes
gas discharges
types of lava
• basic lava – produce non explosive
eruptions or effusive eruptions, with lava
fountains and lava flows, less viscous and
thus does not trap gasses as much as the
lava below
• intermediate and acidic lava – produce
explosive eruptions – sudden release of
trapped CO2 and SO2 and steam in the
highly viscous lava
types of lava
• basic lava
types of lava
• intermediate /
acidic lava
Warnings of an eruption
Fig 7.5- 7.7 mt. st. helens
• begins with upward
movement of magma from
50 km depth in the crust
• earthquake swarms – up to
hundreds per day due to
the rise of magma
• earthquakes at 1 km depth
when the eruption is nearer
at hand
• temperature rise in hot
springs and steam in
volcanic crater
• gas released causes
• snow on the volcano will
• bulge of the surface
• explosion – casting
pyroclastic debris up into
the atmosphere (known up
to 80 km)
• Fall of pyroclastic debris
(hot material)
• base surge outward
expanding ash-laden cloud
which sometimes also
contains poisonous acid or
On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens had a
massive explosion that forever changed the
picturesque alpine landscape, killed almost 60
people and sent ash for hundreds of miles.
The force of the eruption coated eastern
Washington with a thick layer of light gray ash.
When wet the ash became as dense as cement
making it hard to remove from lawns, roofs and
roads. The ash can still be seen along I-90 and
elsewhere in the area. Parts of Idaho and
Montana had deposits as the ash was caught up
in the jetstream winds.
The blast removed 1000 feet off the top of the
mountain, leveled 200 square miles of forest to
the north, moved Spirit Lake and formed new
lakes. The sound of the explosion could be heard
as far away as Canada. Giant mudflows raced
down the mountain into local rivers destroying
bridges, vehicles and houses. The sound of the
explosion could be heard as far away as Canada.
Mount St. Helens is one of the Cascade
Volcanoes that reach from Washington to
• glowing avalanches or nueé ardente is a
hot (700-1000 degree C) ash-laden gas
• moves at extremely fast speed (average of
160 km/hr) down the volcano slope
• rock formed by this is called ignimbrite or
welded tuff
• lava flows – type of flow depends on
viscosity which is related to silica content
• stiff, highly viscous silica rich lava – flows
in blocks and forms a blocky surface on the
lava called aa texture
• fluid, less viscous, lower silica lava – flows
in rope like surface called pahoehoe
• Hawaiian names
• Volcanic mudflows (lahars)
• pyroclastic material mixed with water
that flows rapidly (10 m/s)
great sea waves caused by the
displacement of water due to a sub
oceanic volcanic eruption or
great velocities up to 5 000 km / hr
as they reach the shore they rise up
into giant waves that flow in over
the land
Volcanic rocks
• Pyroclastic rocks - molten
material is ejected and
solidifies in the air
• classified as sedimentary rocks
particles in volcanic rocks
• preexisting rock particles are:
blocks >64 mm, or lapilli 2-64 mm,
• molten lava which cools are:
bombs > 64 mm, ash-silt size
pyroclastic rock names
• Ash tuff - rock predominated by ash; sometimes simply
referred to as tuff.
• Lapilli tuff - rock predominated by lapilli.
• Tuff breccia - rock containing 25% to 75% blocks and/or
• Pyroclastic breccia - rock containing at least 75% blocks
and bombs.
• Agglomerate - rock containing at least 75% bombs.
• Agglutinate - rock composed of fused, largely
unrecognizable, basalt spatter fragments.
pyroclastic rock names
• pumice or scoria has numerous gas holes
• obsidian is volcanic glass which cooled
• bentonite – pure montmorillonite clay
formed from weathered ash
volcanic flow rock names
in order of increasing silica
(downwards) and increasing
1. basalt
2. andesite
1. dacite
2. latite
3. rhyolite
volcanic flow rock names
in order of increasing silica
(downwards) and increasing
1. basalt
2. andesite
1. dacite
2. latite
3. rhyolite
volcanic flow rock names
in order of increasing silica
(downwards) and increasing
1. basalt
2. andesite
1. dacite
2. latite
3. rhyolite
volcanic flow rock names
in order of increasing silica
(downwards) and increasing
1. basalt
2. andesite
1. dacite
2. latite
3. rhyolite
Volcanic rock terms
aphanitic – fine grains that are not visible to the eye
phenocrysts – large crystals in the aphenitic matrix
traprock – light colour aphanitic volcanic rock
felsite – dark colour aphanitic volcanic rock
vesicles – holes in the rock formed by gas bubbles
vesicular – rocks with numerous vesicles
scoriaceous – vesicular and extremely porous
amygdule – mineral that fills the vesicle
amygdaloida – a rock with numerous vesicles filled with
Volcanic rock terms
aphanitic – fine grains that are not visible to the eye
phenocrysts – large crystals in the aphenitic matrix
traprock – light colour aphanitic volcanic rock
felsite – dark colour aphanitic volcanic rock
vesicles – holes in the rock formed by gas bubbles
vesicular – rocks with numerous vesicles
scoriaceous – vesicular and extremely porous
amygdule – mineral that fills the vesicle
amygdaloida – a rock with numerous vesicles filled with
Volcanic rock terms
aphanitic – fine grains that are not visible to the eye
phenocrysts – large crystals in the aphenitic matrix
traprock – light colour aphanitic volcanic rock
felsite – dark colour aphanitic volcanic rock
vesicles – holes in the rock formed by gas bubbles
vesicular – rocks with numerous vesicles
scoriaceous – vesicular and extremely porous
amygdule – mineral that fills the vesicle
amygdaloidal – a rock with numerous vesicles filled with
Volcanic rock terms
aphanitic – fine grains that are not visible to the eye
phenocrysts – large crystals in the aphenitic matrix
traprock – light colour aphanitic volcanic rock
felsite – dark colour aphanitic volcanic rock
vesicles – holes in the rock formed by gas bubbles
vesicular – rocks with numerous vesicles
scoriaceous – vesicular and extremely porous
amygdule – mineral that fills the vesicle
amygdaloidal – a rock with numerous vesicles filled with
Volcanic rock terms
aphanitic – fine grains that are not visible to the eye
phenocrysts – large crystals in the aphenitic matrix
traprock – light colour aphanitic volcanic rock
felsite – dark colour aphanitic volcanic rock
vesicles – holes in the rock formed by gas bubbles
vesicular – rocks with numerous vesicles
scoriaceous – vesicular and extremely porous
amygdule – mineral that fills the vesicle
amygdaloidal – a rock with numerous vesicles filled with
Volcanic rock-mass
• complex in composition, flows, pyroclastic
debris etc. and interbeds of non volcanics
• flows follow lows in the topography
• resistant to weathering – after a long
period of physical weathering the deposits
which once were in the bottoms of valleys
form tops of mountains, table mountains
• irregular lateral extents
Volcanic rock-mass
• complex in composition, flows, pyroclastic
debris etc. and interbeds of non volcanics
• flows follow lows in the topography
• resistant to weathering – after a long
period of physical weathering the deposits
which once were in the bottoms of valleys
form tops of mountains, table mountains
• irregular lateral extents
Volcanic rock-mass
• complex in composition, flows, pyroclastic
debris etc. and interbeds of non volcanics
• flows follow lows in the topography
• resistant to weathering – after a long
period of physical weathering the deposits
which once were in the bottoms of valleys
form tops of mountains, table mountains
• irregular lateral extents
Volcanic rock-mass
• complex in composition, flows, pyroclastic
debris etc. and interbeds of non volcanics
• flows follow lows in the topography
• resistant to weathering – after a long
period of physical weathering the deposits
which once were in the bottoms of valleys
form tops of mountains, table mountains
• irregular lateral extents
fractures and permeability
Weathering products
• contrasting potential for weathering - basalt is
more basic than granite and thus more inclined to
decay due to chemical weathering
• on one hand the rocks are often impermeable in
themselves which would deter chemical weathering
• on the other there are often numerous joint which
make the rock mass on a whole very permeable,
enhancing chemical weathering
• young basalt often is not weathered, but old basalt
is deeply decomposed to a clay soil, expansive
Engineering problems with
volcanism and volcanic rocks
Enormous damage potential!!
ash fall risks
clogs drains
causes fires
•weight can damage
structures (like water
logged snow)
Engineering problems with
volcanism and volcanic rocks
Enormous damage potential!!
lava flow risks
flow relative slow
possible; trenches,
barriers and
spraying with cold
water can be used
to deter the flow
•predict flow path
Engineering problems with
volcanism and volcanic rocks
Enormous damage potential!!
mudflow risks
huge quantity
high velocities
path predictable far in advance but
the velocity and size of the flow makes
it difficult to contain, dams are easily
broken, barriers jumped
preparatory measures can be taken,
lower the level of water reservoirs
Exploration and volcanic
• complexity of the deposits makes it
difficult to predict their vertical and
lateral extent
• stratigraphy can vary greatly laterally
• marker layers are needed
• need to find the extent of the
material with lower strength and high
Surface excavation
• excavation often requires blasting
• blocks often displaced on slopes;
float in soft materials (fig 7.18)
Underground excavations
Difficulty can be represented by two
1) it took 6 years to tunnel 17 km
2) two years to tunnel 263 m
Underground excavations
large water inflow is common due to
• open fractures and joint
• highly permeable layers
• permeable interbeds
• folded beds can entrap water in
Underground excavations
• hard and dense if unweathered – too hard
for a tunnel machine
• large extent of jointing results in high
potential for rock fall – shortcrete
• horizontal stress  zero, vertical stress =
weight of the overlying rocks thus there is
a high potential for the roof to collapse
Underground excavations
• active areas – poisonous gas can occur
• young areas – non cemented rock
• warm water flows can occur
Dams and canals
• leakage is a great problem – grouting
is required
• compressibility high – bearing
capacity poor
• shear strength low – slides probable
Dams and canals
• Hoover dam Fig 7.22, height 222 m
• founded on volcanic breccia
• grout curtain depth originally to be 40 m ended up 130 m
deep and horizontally 90 m
Dam in Sardinia
• rock fill dam
• concrete face
• founded on a series of lava flows with columnar jointing and
tuff beds
• serious differential settling
• fault under dam
Engineering materials
• volcanic rocks are used in all aspects of
• aggregates
– concrete
– asphalt
• rock fill
– dams
– breakwaters
– coarse grade
• dimension stone
Note: there are some things to look out for
Problems as
engineering material
• volcanic glass reacts with alkalies in Portland cement =
cracking of the structure
• amygdules that are often filled with the following minerals:
opal, zeolite, gypsum – these are not good in concrete,
• pillow lava has often an unstable rind which is reactive with
Portland cement
• weathering can be rapid for some rocks – X ten years = sand
and gravel
• disintegration tests should be made to test the life
expectancy of the rock (top p.286)
Case studies
Protection of an Icelandic port from
volcanism – barriers were erected and
seawater pumped onto the flow to
cool it
Case studies
Round Butte Dam, Oregon
Case studies
Round Butte Dam, Oregon
• 133m high dam in lava flows with
interbeds of non-volcanics. Fig 7.25
• Several layers required grouting
• In all 42 km of grout holes were filled
with 4000 m3 of Portland cement
grout and took two years to carryout