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Nuclear Symbols
Nuclear Symbol - used to represent atoms and their isotopes
Isotopes – atoms with the same atomic number but different atomic masses due to
different number of neutrons
Nuclear symbols tell us:
mass number →
 The element (ex. uranium)
 top number is the mass number
# protons + # neutrons
atomic number →
 bottom number is the atomic number
# protons
 You can determine the number of neutrons by subtraction
238 (mass #) - 92 (atomic #) = 146 (# of neutrons)
Atomic Mass & Isotopes
**The Atomic masses in the Periodic Table are not mass numbers.**
 They are an average of all the isotopes of that element, weighted by
Rounding the ave. atomic mass in the P.T. usually gives you the most common
isotope. For iron (mass 55.847 amu in P.T.) the most common isotope is iron-
 Ions – atoms that have lost or gained electrons
 Positive ions have lost electrons.
Positive ions are called cations.
 Examples:
 Na+ lost one electron
 Mg2+ lost two electrons
 Al3+ lost three electrons
 Negative ions have gained electrons
Negative ions are called anions.
 Examples:
 Cl- gained one electron
 O2- gained two electrons
 N3– gained three electrons
Orbits vs. Orbitals
► Bohr model: energy levels are “orbits”
► Modern Model: energy levels are broken into
There are 4 orbitals:
- “s” orbital – holds 1 pair of electrons – 2 total
- “p” orbital – holds 3 pairs of electrons – 6 total
- “d” orbital – holds 5 pairs of electrons – 10 total
- “f” orbital – holds 7 pairs of electrons - 14 total
1st principal energy level has only one orbital: s
2nd principal energy level has two orbitals: s and p
3rd has three: s, p and d
4th has four: s, p, d and f
5th has four: s, p, d and f
6th has three: s, p, and d
7th has two: s and p
The Electron Hotel
Electron configuration: The arrangement of electrons of an atom in its ground
state into various orbitals around the nucleus.
 “Electron Hotel”
 Electrons fill orbitals like people filling rooms in a hotel
Like a hotel, there are rules:
1. Electrons fill the lowest energy level available first. (Aufbau
Electrons fill in the 1st hotel level first, before filling up the 2nd level
2. Single electrons with same spin must occupy each sub-orbital before
additional electrons with opposite spins can occupy the same
orbitals.(Hund’s Rule)
• Only one electron per room until all the rooms in that orbital have at least one
3. No more than 2 electrons may occupy a single suborbital, and they
must have opposite spins. (Pauli’s Exclusion Principle)
• No more than 2 electrons in a room, and they must have opposite spins
Electron Configuration
•Determining Electron Configuration:
 Step 1: Determine how many electrons the atom has
 Step 2: Fill the lowest energy level first.
 Step 3: Use superscripts to show how many
electrons are in the orbital.
- Example: Helium has an atomic number of 2. This
means it also has 2 electrons.
- The lowest energy level is 1s
- Helium's 2 electrons fit into the 1s orbital like so:
- Therefore, the electron configuration for Helium is:
Carbon has ___
6 electrons:
1s2 2s2 2p2
Add up the superscripts, you get 6!
Once you run out of electrons, stop.
Iron has ___
26 electrons:
1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s2 3d6
Add up the superscripts, you get 26!
Ground State Electron Configuration
Helium –
2 e-
Ground State
Excited State
Boron –
5 e-
Aluminum – 13 e- 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p
Copper –
- Electron configurations for the ground state always
put electrons in the lowest possible energy level.
- Excited state E.C.’s will have 1 or more electrons
moved to a higher energy level.