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Winter PPC Meeting Discussion Notes
Steven Howell
Public Policy Committee Meeting
5 January 2010
Agenda Item 2c
AIAA Task Force on Earth Observations
• AIAA 2009-13 strategic plan approved in January 2009
Identifies 3 Strategic Imperatives
Other two imperatives focus on workforce and aerospace energy
Advance technologies to monitor and reduce environmental impacts;
provide venues and programs around key advancements needed to
measure global climate change
• Impacts across the Institute
Tech Activities- no less than two new technical forums in strategic
Agenda Item 2c
AIAA Task Force on Earth Observations
• Impacts across the Institute (cont.)
Public Policy- at least 10 annual policy events; majority focused on imperatives
• Recent and upcoming EO-related events
Climate Change Data Calibration (21 SEP)
Infotech@Aerospace (20-22 APR)- Hyperspectral Processing/Analysis
Inside Aerospace (11-12 MAY)
Global pace Development Summit (12-13 NOV) co-organized with CSIS,
CSA, and SF.
Agenda Item 2c
AIAA Task Force on Earth Observations
• Task Force met on 12 DEC
Agreed in principle to a draft AIAA Information Paper.
Is being released this week.
Paper was submitted for approval through the executive
 Includes a blast fax to Capitol Hill.
Agenda Item 5
Public Service Award
• Guidelines
Annual award is general presented at the Aerospace spotlight Awards Gala
The Public Service Award honors a person outside the aerospace community
who has shown consistent and visible support fort national aviation and
space goals.
• Previous Recipients (since 2000)
Amanda Wright Lane
Rep. David Hobson
Harold Gehman
Rep. Bob Walker
Eilene Galloway
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner
William Perry
Agenda Item 5
Public Service Award
• Suggested Candidates
Miles O’Brien- Aerospace Journalist (formerly with CNN)
• Looking Ahead
Bart Gordon- Chairman, House Committee on Science
 Former Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics
 Retiring in 2010.
• Nominating Process
Members make nominations electronically online at
Agenda Item 6a
i, ii, v
Upcoming Activities- Conference Sessions
• Aerospace Sciences Meeting- January2010
Tuesday session- Patent Law and Researchers-1500-1700 hrs
Volunteer Lead- Richard Jaworski
Staff Lead- Steve Howell
Wednesday Luncheon- Aerospace R&D Policy in the Obama Administration
Keynote- Representative Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24)- Member, House Committee on
Science and Technology & Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics
In conjunction with the New Horizons Forum
Volunteer Lead- Phil Hattis & Michael Francis
Staff Lead- Steve Howell
Sponsored by LMCO
Thursday workshop- OSTP/NSTC Biannual National Aerospace R&D Policy Update
Rollout- 1300-1430 hrs
Session Lead- William Davis, OSTP Aerospace Technology Policy
Staff Lead- Steve Howell
Agenda Item 6c
Upcoming Activities- Policy Forums
• Earth Observations- TBD
Follow up to the recently released AIAA Information Paper
In conjunction with the AIAA Task Force for Earth Observations
Volunteer Lead- Phil Hattis
Staff Lead- Ross Bell/Craig Day
Agenda Item 6c
Recent Activities- Policy Forums
• Space Access Policy Post-Augustine- 2 November 2009
Volunteer Lead- Phil Hattis
Staff Lead- Ross Bell
• Global Space Development Summit- 12-13 November 2009
In conjunction with the Center for Strategic & International Studies, the Space
Foundation, and the Chinese Society for Astronautics
Volunteer LeadStaff Lead- Craig Day
Agenda Item 6c
Recent Activities- Others
• Dave Thompson Testimony- 10 December 2009
Testified before the House Committee on Science and Technology
His statement and testimony focused especially on what program decisions would
mean for the workforce, and included a short video presentation of several AIAA
members discussing what initially inspired them to pursue a career in aerospace.
Agenda Item 7
Public Policy Committee- Future Meetings
• The committee is currently scheduled to meet for the Spring
meeting would be from 10 May 2010 preceding the Inside
Aerospace 2010 Forum in Crystal City, VA.
• Proposed Dates for Summer meeting· 25-28 July in conjunction with the Joint Propulsion
· 31 August – 2 September with Space 2010