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The EU perspective on Climate
BIICL October 2008
Dr. Nicola Notaro, Team Leader International Climate Change,
European Commission, DG Environment C1
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 1
EU on world stage
Cradle of industrialisation, source of both
problems and solutions
Strong belief in multilateral process
“EU model” attracts wide range of countries
Community competence based on the Treaty.
Both the EC and the MS become Parties to
international treaties (shared competence)
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 2
EC Treaty Article 174.1: Objectives
Preserving, protecting, improving the
 Protecting human health
 Prudent and rational utilisation of natural
 Promoting measures at international level
to deal with regional/global problems
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 3
EC Treaty Article 174.2: Principles
High level of protection
 Precaution
 Prevention
 Rectification at source
 Polluter-pays
 Integration in Article 6!
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 4
International context
EC is Party to more than 40 international
conventions such as
UNFCCC (climate change including Kyoto Protocol)
Convention on Biological Diversity (including
Cartagena Protocol on GMOs)
Aarhus Convention on access to information
 Stockholm Convention on POPs (chemicals)
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 5
Post 2012 -EU Building Blocks
. A shared vision : 2°C, 50 % global emissions reductions by 2050
compared to 1990; 20% by 2020 or 30% if not alone
. Developed countries to commit to further significant cuts (30%
as a group)
. Developing countries to substantially deviate from BAU
. Strenghtening the global carbon market
. Framework for Action on Adaptation
. Technologies
. Deforestation
. Emissions from maritime and aviation international transport
. Mobilising finance and investments for climate change
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 6
EU Objectives agreed for 2020
20% GHG reduction compared to 1990
 Independent
30% GHG reduction compared to 1990
In context of international agreement
20% renewables share of final energy consumption
10% biofuels in transport, with
production being sustainable
 second
generation biofuels commercially available
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 7
Where do we stand today?
In 2005:
-6.5% GHG emissions compared to 1990
including outbound aviation
8.5% renewable energy
mainly through large scale hydro and conventional
Targets are ambitious:
-14% GHG compared to 2005
+11.5% renewable energy share
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 8
The Climate Action and Renewable
Energy package (CARE)
Overall Communication
Revision of EU Emissions Trading System (the ETS)
Effort sharing in non ETS sectors
Directive on promotion of renewable energy, report on renewable energy
support schemes
Directive on carbon capture and storage, and Communication on
demonstration plants
Revised environmental state aid guidelines
Accompanying integrated impact assessment
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 9
GHG Target:
-20% compared to 1990
-14% compared to 2005
-21% compared
to 2005
Non ETS sectors
-10% compared to 2005
27 Member State targets, stretching from -20% to +20%
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 10
Fair distribution
Fairness: differentiate efforts according to GDP/capita
 national targets in sectors outside EU ETS
 national renewables targets (partially – half)
 redistribution of auctioning rights (partially – 10%)
Cost-effectiveness: introduce flexibility and use market basedinstruments (EU ETS, access to JI/CDM, etc.)
European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 11
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European Commission: Environment Directorate General Slide: 12