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Population Dynamics
Chapter 10
Estimating Patterns of Survival
Survivorship Curves
Age Distribution
Rates of Population Change
 Overlapping Generations
 In Response to Climate Change
 In Response to Changing Food Supply
 In Rivers and Streams
Estimating Patterns of Survival
Three main methods of estimation:
 Cohort life table
 Identify individuals born at same time
and keep records from birth.
 Static life table
 Record age at death of individuals.
 Age distribution
 Calculate difference in proportion of
individuals in each age class.
 Assumes differences from mortality.
High Survival Among the Young
Murie collected Dall Sheep skulls, Ovis dalli.
 Major Assumption: Proportion of skulls in
each age class represented typical
proportion of individuals dying at that age.
 Reasonable given sample size of 608.
 Constructed survivorship curve.
 Discovered bi-modal mortality.
 <1 yr.
 9-13 yrs.
Survivorship Curves
Type I: Majority of mortality occurs among
older individuals.
 Dall Sheep
Type II: Constant rate of survival throughout
 American Robins
Type III: High mortality among young,
followed by high survivorship.
 Sea Turtles
Survivorship Curves
Age Distribution
Age distribution of a population reflects its
history of survival, reproduction, and growth
Miller published data on age distribution of
white oak (Quercus alba).
 Determined relationship between age and
trunk diameter.
 Age distribution biased towards young
 Sufficient reproduction for replacement.
 Stable population
Age Distribution
Age Distribution
Rio Grande Cottonwood populations
(Populus deltoides wislizenii) are declining.
 Old trees not being replaced.
 Reproduction depends on seasonal
 Prepare seed bed.
 Keep nursery areas moist.
 Because floods are absent, there are now
fewer germination areas.
Dynamic Population in a Variable Climate
Grant and Grant studied Galapagos Finches.
 Drought in 1977 resulted in no recruitment.
 Gap in age distribution.
 Additional droughts in 1984 and 1985.
 Reproductive output driven by
exceptional year in 1983.
 Responsiveness of population age
structure to environmental variation.
Rates of Population Change
Birth Rate: Number of young born per
Fecundity Schedule: Tabulation of birth rates
for females of different ages.
Estimating Rates for an Annual Plant
P. drummondii
 Ro = Net reproductive rate; Average number
of seeds produced by an individual in a
population during its lifetime.
 Ro=lxmx
 X= Age interval in days.
 lx = % pop. surviving to each age (x).
 mx= Average number seeds produced by
each individual in each age category.
Estimating Rates for an Annual Plant
Because P. drummondii has non-overlapping
generations, can estimate growth rate.
 Geometric Rate of Increase ():
 =N t+1 / Nt
 N t+1 = Size of population at future time.
 Nt = Size of population at some earlier
Estimating Rates when Generations Overlap
Common Mud Turtle (K. subrubrum)
 About half turtles nest each year.
 Average generation time:
T =  xlxmx / Ro
 X= Age in years
 Per Capita Rate of Increase:
r = ln Ro / T
 ln = Base natural logarithms
Africanized Honeybees
 Honeybees (Apis melifera) evolved in
Africa and Europe and have since
differentiated into many locally adapted
 Africanized honeybees disperse much
faster than European honeybees.
 Within 30 years they occupied most
of South America, Mexico, and all of
Central America.
Africanized Honeybees
Collared Doves
Collared Doves, Streptopelia decaocto,
spread from Turkey into Europe after 1900.
 Dispersal began suddenly.
 Not influenced by humans.
 Took place in small jumps.
 45 km/yr
Collared Doves
Rapid Changes in Response to Climate Change
Organisms began to spread northward about
16,000 years ago following retreat of glaciers
and warming climate.
 Evidence found in preserved pollen in lake
 Movement rate 100 - 400 m/yr.
Rapid Changes in Response to Climate Change
Dispersal in Response to Changing Food Supply
Holling observed numerical responses to
increased prey availability.
 Increased prey density led to increased
density of predators.
 Individuals move into new areas in
response to higher prey densities.
Dispersal in Rivers and Streams
Stream dwellers have mechanisms to allow
them to maintain their stream position.
 Streamlined bodies
 Bottom-dwelling
 Adhesion to surfaces
Tend to get washed downstream in spates.
 Muller hypothesized populations
maintained via dynamic interplay between
downstream and upstream dispersal.
 Colonization cycle
Dispersal in Rivers and Streams
Estimating Patterns of Survival
Survivorship Curves
Age Distribution
Rates of Population Change
 Overlapping Generations
 In Response to Climate Change
 In Response to Changing Food Supply
 In Rivers and Streams