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European Cooperation in Science and Technology
New COST Action
Brussels, 26-27 May 2009
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
COST Action TD0901 - Hypoxia sensing, signaling
and adaptation
The Action will exploit hypoxia (insufficient tissue
oxygenation) signaling pathways for clinical application
Domains: BMBS & CMST
Pg 8
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 1
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
COST Action TD0902 - Submerged Prehistoric
Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental
This Action will promote
research of the drowned
landscapes of the continental
shelf, created during periods
of lower sea level, which form
a major part of the European
cultural heritage. It will focus
on the archaeology, the
climate and the environment.
Pg 31
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
Domains: ESSEM & ISCH
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 2
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
COST Action TD0903 - Understanding and
manipulating enzymatic and proteomic processes in
biomineralization: towards new biomimetic
strategies, the creation of tailored nano-scale
architectures and environmental monitoring
The Action will promote research on
the biomineralisation processes of
selected land, freshwater and marine
species for both environmental
biomonitoring and as a source of
new biomimetic strategies and
Domains: CMST / ESSEM / MPNS
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 3
Pg 18
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
BMBS New Actions
• BM0901 - SYSGENET - European systems genetics network for the
study of complex genetic human diseases using mouse genetic
reference populations
– SYSGENET will contribute to the discovery of gene networks that are
involved in the development of complex genetic diseases in human
• BM0902- Network of experts in the diagnosis of myeloproliferative
disorders (MPD)
– facilitate and improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of MPD and related
diseases in European countries
• BM0903 - Skin barrier and atopic diseases (SKINBAD)
– bundle research expertise on atopic eczema (AE) and to identify key
genetic and environmental risk factors
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 4
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
FA New Actions
• FA0901 - Putting Halophytes to Work: From Genes to Ecosystems
– collate existing knowledge of halophytes from gene function to
ecosystems that will impact on conservation and management of saline
environments and agricultural productions
• FA0902 – Understanding and Combating Porcine Reproductive and
Respiratory Syndrome in Europe
– improve knowledge on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in
Europe in order to identify effective strategies to combat it
• FA0903 – Harnessing Plant Reproduction For Crop Improvement
– understand the mechanisms of sexual/apomictic plant reproduction and
to facilitate the use of this increased knowledge in the development of
new approaches in biotechnology, agriculture and food industry through
improved crops
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 5
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
FPS New Actions
FP0901 - Analytical Techniques for Biorefineries
– develop and evaluate new and existing sufficient analytical methods related to forest-based and
agroindustrial Biorefineries that eventually will be applied within novel and existing sustainable Biorefining
processes and products
FP0902 – Development and harmonisation of new operational research and assessment
procedures for sustainable forest biomass supply
– build the scientific capacity within forest energy research and support the technology transfer of the
forest biomass procurement chain and sustainable forest management, through the harmonisation of
terminology and methodologies
FP0903 – Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment
– reconcile process-oriented research, long-term monitoring, and applied modelling at comprehensive forest
research sites, while increasing understanding of state and potential of forest mitigation and adaptation to
climate change in a polluted environment
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 6
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
Natural Sciences Cluster
(CMST / ESSEM / MPNS Domains)
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 7
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
CMST New Actions
• CM0901 - Detailed chemical kinetic models for cleaner combustion
– develop cleaner and more efficient combustion processes through the
design and implementation of better defined and more accurate detailed
chemical kinetic models
• CM0902 - Molecular machineries for ion translocation across
– improve the understanding of proton and metal ion translocation across
bio-membranes and the fate of such chemicals following their uptake by
bridging neighbouring scientific fields and fostering applicative outcomes
• CM0903 - Utilisation of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals
– generate a synergistic approach for utilisation of biomass for sustainable
fuels & chemicals through cooperation between scientists from different
member states and different areas and disciplines
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 8
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
• ES0901 - European procedures for flood frequency estimation
– undertake a pan-European comparison and evaluation of methods for
flood frequency estimation under the various climatologic and geographic
conditions found in Europe, and different levels of data availability
ES0902 - Permafrost and gas hydrate related methane release in the Arctic and impact on climate
change: European cooperation for long-term monitoring: PERGAMON
– quantify the methane input from marine and terrestrial sources into the atmosphere in the Arctic region,
and ultimately to evaluate the impact of Arctic methane seepage on global climate
ES0903 - Spectral sampling tools for vegetation Biophysical Parameters and Flux measurements in
– develop common protocols and new instruments within a larger European network for optical
measurements, bringing together scientists from the existing research networks with those from scientific
instruments industries
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 9
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
MPNS New Actions
MP0901 - Designing Novel Materials for Nanodevices: From Theory
to Practice
– objectives are threefold:
• Atomic-scale interface design through controlled chemistry.
• Development of new theoretical and experimental tools capable of
detailed analysis of low dimensional nanostructures’ interface
• Development of suitable experimental and theoretical test case in
order to explore specific aspect of such interfaces
MP0902 - Composites of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers
– to develop new composite materials from inorganic nanotubes and polymers and to
establish appropriate links and transfer of knowledge needed for application and
commercialisation of this kind of composite media by European industry, through a highly
interdisciplinary network
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 10
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
Natural Sciences Cluster – Impact of new Actions
The set of new proposed Actions within the NS Cluster will have an impact
on the ERA and the European society in terms of:
 Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
 New Energy technologies
 Monitoring and understanding climate change
 Harmonisation of data and processes
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 11
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
Science in Society Cluster
(ICT/ISCH/TUD Domains)
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 12
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
ISCH New Actions
IS0901 - Women Writers in History: Toward a New Understanding of European
Literary Culture
– create
(1) a strong collaborative international Research Network, and to produce
(2) a Road Map (Proposal for Research Programme) outlining future systematic
collaborative research in European women’s literary history
IS0902 - Systemic Risks, Financial Crisis and Credit: the roots, dynamics and
consequences of the Subprime Crisis
– provide comprehensive documentation and state of the art analysis of the current
Subprime Crisis and its consequences
IS0903 - Enhancing the Role of Medicine in the Management of European Health Systems: Implications for
Control, Innovation and User Voice
– increase empirical, theoretical and policy relevant knowledge about the changing role of medical professionals
in the management of healthcare
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 13
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
ICT New Actions
IC0901 - Rich-Model Toolkit: An Infrastructure
for Reliable Computer Systems
– make automated reasoning techniques and
tools applicable to a wider range of
problems, as well as making them easier to
use by researchers, software developers,
hardware designers, and information
system users and developers
IC0903 - Knowledge Discovery from Moving
Objects (MOVE)
– develop improved methods for knowledge
extraction from massive amounts of data
regarding moving objects
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
IC0902 - Cognitive Radio and Networking for
Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks
– integrate the cognitive concept across all
layers of communication systems, resulting
in the definition of a European platform for
cognitive radio and networks
IC0904 - TOwards the IntegRation of
TransecTOrial IT DeSign and Evaluation
– harmonise research and practice on design
and evaluation methodologies for
computing artefacts, across sectors and
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 14
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
TUD New Actions
TU0901 - Integrating and Harmonizing
Sound Insulation Aspects in
Sustainable Urban Housing
– harmonise the descriptors for
airborne and impact sound insulation
between dwellings and for airborne
sound insulation of facades as well
as to prepare a European
classification scheme with a number
of quality classes
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
TU0902 - Integrated assessment technologies to
support the sustainable development of urban
– develop better representations of the urban
systems interactions and dynamics as well as new
configurations of urban areas so that they
consume fewer resources, emit less pollution, are
more resilient to the impacts of climate change
and are more sustainable in general
TU0903 - Methods and tools for supporting the use,
calibration and validation of traffic simulation
– develop, implement and promote the use of
methods and procedures for supporting the use of
traffic simulation models, especially on the topics
of model calibration and validation
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 15
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
Science in Society Cluster – Impact of new Actions
The set of new proposed Actions within the SiS Cluster will benefit the ERA and
the European society at large in terms of:
 Creating knowledge from the data deluge
 Enhanced user experience and intuitive interaction with computers
 Sustainable management of urban systems
 Addressing historical gender issues
 Recovering cultural heritage
 Analytical data of complex social systems
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 16
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract
OC-2008-2 Actions – Conclusion
COST is supported by
the EU RTD Framework Programme
174th CSO meeting – new COST Action proposals - 17
Care, harmonise,
and advance
ESF provides the
COST Office through an EC contract