* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment COST Action FP0903 DC Monitoring statement 2010 The DC appreciates the Chair’s enthusiasm and asks the Action to pay close attention to ensuring that all decision making is consensual. The Action’s website is well structured and informative and the financing of 4 STSMs during the first Grant Period is commended by the DC. The Action’s efforts to interact with other relevant Actions, including from outside the FPS Domain (FP0603, FP0803, ES0804, ES0903) were appreciated by the DC. The DC hopes that the Action will collaborate with FP0703 regarding the organisation of a workshop on climate change in COST, subject to the availability of funding from COST. The DC asks the Action to pay close attention to ensuring that: Action funds are clearly seen to be spent on Action activities and on avoiding any possibility that it might be perceived that COST funds are being used to subsidise external events (eg IUFRO meetings), and meeting reimbursement places are allocated evenly across the countries having accepted the MoU of the Action. COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through a European Commission contract