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Musculoskeletal System
1. Bones
2. Muscles
3. Skin
Bones Bones Bones
The skeletal system
Interesting Information
• A fully grown human
skeleton has 206 bones.
• A baby has 275 – How
does that happen?
• The longest bone in your
body is your femur.
• The smallest bone is the
stirrup inside your ear.
• Your hands contains 26
bones each.
• Your feet contain ¼ of all
of the bones in the
human body!
5 Functions of the Skeletal System
Provides shape and support
Enables you to move
Protects your internal organs
Produces blood cells
Stores minerals until your body needs
Shape and Support
• Your skeleton supports and shapes your body like a
steel frame shapes and supports a building.
• The vertebral column (back bone) is the center of the
• You have 26 vertebrae.
• Your backbone is flexible and able to bend – if it could
not, you would not be able to bend or twist.
• Label the skeleton – individual and group
• Each bone should be a different color.
labeled skeleton
Your skeleton allows movement
• Most bones are associated with muscles –
muscles pull on the bones to make the
body move.
• Bones also provide a sort of cage for your
vital organs located in your abdomen.
Produces and Stores….
• The long bones of your body – legs and arms –
are factories that make blood cells.
• Bones store minerals such as calcium and
phosphorus. (these are the minerals that make
bones hard)
• When the body needs these minerals, the bones
release small amounts of them into the blood
Bones are ALIVE
• Bones are strong.
• They can absorb more
force without breaking
that concrete or granite.
• Bones are lightweight.
• Only 20% of the adult’s
body weight.
• Bone Growth
• Bones are made up of
cells and tissue.
• As you grow they form
new bone tissue.
• After you are grown, they
continue to form new
bone tissue to repair
tissue from accidents or
normal wear and tear.
Structure of Bone (draw picture)
• Outer Membrane – where blood vessels enter
and leave the bone
• Compact Bone – hard and dense but not solid –
small canals run through the compact bone that
carry blood vessels and nerves
• Spongy Bone – like a sponge – this structure
spongy bone lightweight but strong
• Marrow – connective tissue contained in the
spaces in the bones center and ends
– Red marrow – makes red blood cells (ends of your
femur, hip bones, sternum)
– Yellow Marrow – stores fat for energy reserve
How bones form
• As an infant – much of your
skeleton was made of
Cartilage ( a connective
tissue much more flexible
than bone)
• By the time you stop growing
cartilage replacement by
bone tissue is mostly
• Cartilage remains in your
nose ears and knees
Joints of the Skeleton – where 2
bones meet
• Immovable joints – allow little or no movement
(example – bones of the skull or ribs to sternum)
• Movable Joints – allow a wide range of
movement – held together by ligaments
– Ball and socket joints – allows movement in a circle
(arm + shoulder, hip+ femur)
– Pivot Joint – allows movement from side to side
– Hinge Joint – allows forward and backward
movement (knee, elbow)
– Gliding Joint – bend and flex with limited side to side
movement (wrist and ankles)
Bone Health
• Get plenty of exercise –
during exercise your bones
support your weight – helps
your bones grow denser and
• Eat a well balanced diet
– Meats, whole grains, leafy green
veggies – phosphorus
– Dairy products – calcium
This helps to prevent
OSTEOPOROSIS later in life –
a condition in which the bodies
bones become weak and break
Help with “it all fits together”
• Periosteum
• The periosteum is a fibrous sheath that covers
bones. It contains the blood vessels and nerves
that provide nourishment and sensation to the
• Tendon
• Tendons are tissues that connect muscles to
bone. When muscles contract, tendons pull on
bones. This causes parts of the body (such as a
finger) to move.
Label the Skeleton
Phalanges x 2
The Muscular System
You have about 600 muscles in
your body!!
• There are 2 types of muscle action:
– Involuntary Muscles – these are not under
your conscious control – responsible for
activities like digesting food, breathing, heart
– Voluntary Muscles – muscles that are under
your control
Three types of muscles
1. Skeletal Muscle – attached to bone by a
tendon (a strong connective tissue that
attaches muscle to bone)
– Skeletal muscles appear banded or striated
– Voluntary muscles
– They will tire quickly
Three Types of Muscles
2. Smooth Muscles – Found
on the inside of many
internal organs (walls of
the stomach and blood
Involuntary muscles – work
automatically to control
movement in your body
(example: digestion)
Under a microscope – these
muscles are not striated but
The react slowly and tire
slowly compared to skeletal
Three Types of Muscles
3. Cardiac Muscle – has characteristics of
both skeletal and smooth muscles
Like smooth muscles – cardiac muscles do
not get tired – it can contract repeatedly =
Like skeletal muscles – it appears striated
How do muscles work?
• Muscle cells contract
when they receive a
message from the
nervous system.
• Muscles cells can only
contract – not extend.
• Because of this –
muscles must work in
pairs. While one muscle
contracts – the other
muscle in the pair
returns to its original
Taking Care of your Skeletal
• Exercise is important for maintaining
strength and flexibility.
• Muscle cells grow wider ---> muscle
thickens stronger muscle
Skin – Integumentary System
If an adult’s skin is stretched flat, it
would cover about 1.5 meters –
about the size of a twin mattress!
The skin’s 6 major functions…
1. Protects the body by forming a barrier
keeping diseases and micro-organisms
outside the body.
2. Keeps important substances inside the
body.......acts like plastic wrap to keep
water in.
The skin’s 6 major functions…
3. Helps the body maintain a steady
Blood vessels run through the skin
Too warm? Blood vessels enlarge to
increase blood flow – allows heat to move
from the body to the outside
Sweat glands respond to excess heat by
producing perspiration.
As perspiration evaporates from your skin,
heat escapes.
The skin’s 6 major functions…
4. Because perspiration contains some dissolved
waste materials – your skin helps to eliminate
5. Gathers information about the environment –
nerves in skin provide information about
pressure, pain, temperature
6. Produce Vitamin D in the presence of the sun.
Vitamin D – helps cells process calcium for
healthy bones
Structure of Skin – 2 main layers
• Epidermis – outer layer of skin
– does not contain nerves or blood vessels
– New epidermal cells form deep in the
epidermis  mature and move upward- the
cells die and become the surface layer of skin
– This process provides protection for the skin
– Some epidermal cells make fingernails
– Some epidermal produce melanin – gives the
skin its color
Structure of Skin – 2 main layers
• Dermis – lower layer of skin – located
between the epidermis and a layer of fat
– Contains nerves, blood vessels, sweat
glands, hairs, and oil glands
– Sweat glands produce perspiration – which
reaches the surface through openings called
– Strands of hair grow within the dermis in
structures called FOLLICLES
Caring for your skin
Four simple habits can help you keep
your skin healthy:
1. Eat Properly - replacing cells requires the
energy you get from a healthy diet
2. Drinking water – replace the water you lost
through perspiration
3. Limit sun exposure – repeated sun exposure
can damage skin cells and cause them to
become cancerous
4. Keeping skin clean and dry – removes dirt
and bacteria … clogged pores – leads to
acne…fungus – athletes foot 
Dry skin – can cause skin
to look prematurely aged
Skin Cancer – Do you
know the 2 careers
where skin cancer is the
most prevalent?
Athlete’s Foot – fungal
infection from walking on
contaminated surfaces –
very contagious and can
grow in your shoes 