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Jan Swasthya Sahyog
Leprosy Project
JSS Health Centre
Ganiyari, Bilaspur District
Background on JSS
• Jan Swasthya Sahyog (JSS) is a long term partner of AID and has
been working on healthcare in the Bilaspur District since 2000
• They run a community health program in 50 villages, provide a clinic 3
days a week for more complicated cases and have an in-patient ward
and operation theater
• They are also working on sharing their findings from rural India
including highlighting issues of access, chronic hunger levels, cost of
drugs and the link between poverty and disease.
• Dr Jonathan Fine recently visited their site and gave us an update at
GBM 2010
• ( if time permits)
Leprosy – Prevalence in India
Leprosy is endemic in the state of Chhattisgarh.
The current official prevalence level is about 2 per 10,000 population.
Leprosy was eliminated as a public health problem by WHO in 2000
( less than 1 case per 10,000 persons)
Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by a bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae
(Mycobacterium leprae). M. leprae multiplies very slowly and the
incubation period of the disease is about 5 years.
Leprosy is transmitted by air through droplets from the nose and mouth,
during close and frequent contacts with untreated cases. Leprosy is one
of the least infectious diseases, because:
• Over 99% of the population has adequate natural immunity;
• Over 85% of the clinical cases are non-infectious, and
• An infectious case is rendered non-infectious within one week, most
often after the very first dose of treatment.
Leprosy mainly affects the skin and peripheral nerves.
If left untreated, it can lead to progressive and permanent damage of
nerves, leading to loss of sensation and sweating in the extremities and
paralysis of muscles in the hands, feet and face.
The disease is classified as paucibacillary (PB) or multibacillary (MB),
depending on the bacillary load.
Treatment / Cure
MDT : Multi Drug Therapy- provided by WHO and Novartis for free to all patients in the world
(agreement uptill 2010)
Current recommendations :
Pauci-bacillary leprosy(1-5 skin lesions):
Treat with rifampicin and dapsone for 6 months
Multi-bacillary leprosy (>5 skin lesions):
Treat with rifampicin, clofazimine and dapsone for 12 months
Leprosy Care at JSS
Although the JSS Health Centre at Ganiyari is not a leprosy hospital or treatment centre,
it has attracted and continues to attract a large number of leprosy patients, most of them
completely new cases. Some of the other kinds of leprosy patients are:
• Referred (but new) cases from other doctors in Bilaspur and beyond.
• Cases who have taken treatment partially from other private doctors,
with or without complications.
• Cases who have taken partial or complete treatment from the
Government public health system, with or without complications and /
or side effects.
Number of new cases of leprosy seen at JSS for the last few years:
2007.........121 cases
2008.........149 cases
2009.........180 cases
Proposed Budget
AID Bay Area – Rs 3,00,000 for JSS Leprosy Project
I propose we give atleast $4000-6000. Can we take a vote ?