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Bacteria are: Prokaryotes
no membrane
bound organelles
Like nucleus, chloroplasts
or mitochondria
Genetic material floats
around in the cytoplasm
Movement possible
with structures called:
flagella, or cilia
two kingdoms of
Archaebacteria :
harsh environments,
harsh environments,
create endospores
thick walled cell
Oldest organisms,
All the same characteristics
of Archaebacteria except
living in harsh environments
Cell Structure:
3 general shapes: rod-like
, spherical, spiral
Reproduce asexually
by binary fission
Sexual reproduction:
Some can
sexually by
(2 organisms
get together
and exchange
Can be an autotroph or
Play positive role in society:
Fuel production
Food production
Environmental recycling
many infectious
.Can be treated successfully
with antibiotics
Staphylococcus aureus, the most prevalent
pathogen of humans, may cause up to one
third of all bacterial diseases ranging from
boils and pimples to food poisoning
Infectious diseases:
Most STD’s ( sexually
transmitted diseases) are
What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a common (STD)
caused by the bacterium, Chlamydia
which can damage a woman's
reproductive organs.
symptoms of Chlamydia are usually mild
or absent, serious complications that
cause irreversible damage, including
infertility, can occur "silently" before a
woman ever recognizes a problem.
Colorized micrograph of gonorrhea cells
on Head of Sperm
Dead or alive?
Viral structure
Viruses are not cells.
Basic structure:
Protein coat
 Nucleic acid core (RNA or DNA)
 Lipoprotein coat
(second coat – only in enveloped viruses)
Are viruses alive?
Only 1 characteristic of life:
Can only reproduce inside a host
What is human papilloma virus
What is human papilloma virus
Human papilloma virus (HPV)
is one of the most common
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
HPV is estimated to be the most common
sexually transmitted infection in the US
Most sexually active men and women will
probably acquire genital HPV infection at
some point in their lives.
The American Social Health Association
reported estimates that about 75-80% of
sexually active Americans will be infected
with HPV at some point in their lifetime.
can be spread through skin-to-skin
many different types of HPV.
Some types cause genital warts &
are called low-risk,
some types can lead to cervical
cancer and are called high-risk.
There is no known cure for HPV,
there is a vaccine that can protect
against some types of the virus.
condoms may not protect
sexual partners from
contracting genital HPV
Herpes Virus:
Herpes, whether genital herpes or cold
sores (fever blisters) are caused by an
infection with the herpes simplex virus.
Genital herpes, for example, affects more
than one in five adolescents and adults
With genital herpes, tender ulcers will
generally appear around the genitals or
Herpes Cont.
The herpes virus can be spread by
direct contact with the sore or indirect
contact through sharing items such as
utensils, towels, or drinks.
HIV: Human immunodeficiency
Infection occurs by the transfer of blood,
semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or
breast milk, bodily fluids,
HIV is present as both free virus
particles and virus within infected
immune cells.
The 4 routes of transmission are
unprotected sexual intercourse,
contaminated needles, breast milk, and
transmission from an infected mother to
her baby at birth
How does our
body fight these
Immune System
Immune System Terminology:
Pathogen – organism which
causes the disease
Toxin – poison that travels through the
body interfering with normal processes
antibodies – molecules that fit to an
invading foreign body signally WBC’s
for destruction
The Immune System
Purpose: to remove infectious
diseases and other pathogens
from the human body
Immune System
Major Organs and Their Functions
1st line of Defense: Skin – also called
the Integumentary system, acts as a
2nd line of Defense: Mucous and
Chemicals traps or kills the pathogen
3rd line of Defense: White Blood Cells –
recognize disease agents (antigensmarker) and create antibodies ( to tag and
remove these antigens
WBC’s Cont.
Part of your blood
Made of many types
Phagocytes are the WBC type that
actually eats and destroys these
Ex. macrophage
Lymph Nodes
Lymph Nodes – help restore
fluid lost by the blood and
return it to the circulatory