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Unit 1 Book 5 Great Scientists
Do you know their names?
Try the quiz below and learn about
some scientists.
He was an ancient
Greek mathematician.
He discovered objects in
water are lifted up by a
force that help them float.
He wrote The Origin of Species.
It explained how animals and plants
developed as the environment changed.
Charles Darwin
He improved the first steam pump built by
Thomas Savery and turned it into a steam
engine for taking water out of mines.
Later James Watt turned it into the first
modern steam engine used on the
Thomas Newcomen
He used peas to show how physical
characteristics are passed from
parents to their children.
Gregory Mendel
She discovered radium in 1898. She
received two Nobel Prizes, one for
physics and the other for chemistry.
Marie Curie
He invented the way of giving
electricity to everybody in large cities.
Thomas Edison
He was a famous artist. He used to
study dead people in order to make
his paintings as accurate as
Leonardo da Vinci
He developed a safety lamp for miners
in 1815. It made working conditions
underground much safer.
Sir Humphry Davy
Zhang Heng
He invented the first seismograph to
indicate the direction of an
Stephen Harking
He put forward a
theory about
black holes.
enthusiastic Co-operative
What personality and quality will
needed as a great scientist?
How do the scientists usually do scientific
The process
Find a problem
Make a question
Think of a method
Collect results
Analyse the results
Find supporting evidence
Draw a conclusion
What infectious diseases do you know
E.coli outbreak
infectious (infect) disease is a
An ____________
caused (cause) by bacterial,
disease ________
virus, fungal ['fʌŋg(ə)l] 真菌的 , or
protozoan [,prəʊtə(ʊ)'zəʊən] 原生动物的 infection.
_________ some infectious diseases don’t
others________ may be transmitted
from animal to person (bird flu and cat
scratch disease) ______
or from person to
person (MRSA, HIV, and other STDs).
How to prevent infectious
• Wash your hands often, especially during
cold and flu season.
• Be aware of what you eat, and be careful
how you prepare it.
• Use antibiotics exactly as prescribed.
• Be cautious around all wild and domestic
animals that are not familiar to you.
• Avoid areas of insect infestation.
What do you know about cholera?
Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium. If
it infects people’s intestines [ɪn'tɛstɪn] (肠), it may
cause diarrhea [,daɪə'riə] (腹泻), vomiting ['vɔmitiŋ]
(呕吐) and leg cramps (抽筋). The most
common cause of cholera is by eating food or
drinking water that has been polluted by the
Cholera can be mild or even without symptoms
(症状), but a severe case can lead to death
without immediate treatment.
• John Snow ( 1813~
Do you know this
• a legendary figure
in the history of
public health,
epidemiology [,epɪdiːmɪ'
ɒlədʒɪ] (流行病学) and
anesthesiology [,ænis,θi:
zi:'ɔlədʒi (麻醉学)
Fast reading
What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. John Snow was a well-known doctor in
B.The cause of Cholera was polluted water.
C. The source of all drinking water should
be examined.
D. How John Snow collected, analyzed data
and found the cause of the disease and
solved it .
Careful reading
Use the seven stages in setting
out a new scientific idea to
describe each paragraph.
Para 1
find a problem
Para 2
make up a question
Para 3
think of a method
Para 4
collect results
Para 5
analyse the results
Para 6
find supporting evidence
Para 7
draw a conclusion
Find a problem
Para. 1 What causes cholera?
Make a question
Para. 2
Which theory is correct?
Think of a method
Collect data on those who were ill
Para. 3
or died and where they got their
Collect results
Para. 4 Plot information on a map to find out
where people died or did not die.
Analyse the results
Para. 5 Analyse the water to see if that is the
cause of the illness.
Find supporting evidence
Para. 6 Find other evidence to support the
Draw a conclusion
Para. 7 The water was to blame. The source of
all drinking water should be examined to
make sure it is safe.
Public house
Many deaths happened here.
No death happened here.
The water from the pump was to blame.
Answer the questions.
 Why couldn’t the cholera be
under control at first?
 What’s the two theories?
 When the cause was found,
what did the people do?
What are John Snow’s
1. Why couldn’t the cholera be
under control at first?
Neither its cause, nor its cure
was understood.
2. What’s the two theories?
Strange cloud in the air that
attacked people.
People absorbed the disease with
their meals.
3. When the cause was found, what
did the people do?
Remove the handle from the water
pump so it could not be used.
4. What are John Snow’s
The source of all water supplies
should be examined.
② The water companies were also
instructed not to expose people to
polluted water anymore.
Number these events in the order they
2 John Snow began to test two theories.
1 An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.
4 John Snow marked the deaths on a map.
7 He announced that the water carried the disease.
3 John Snow investigated two streets where the
outbreak was very severe.
8 King Cholera was defeated.
5 He found that most of the deaths were near a
water pump.
6 He had the handle removed from the water pump.
John Snow was a well-known doctor
____ in London in the
cause of
19th century. He wanted to find the ______
exposed to cholera.
cholera in order to help people ______
In 1854 when a cholera broke
____ out, he began to
gather information. He marked
_____ on a map where all
the dead people had lived and he found that many
people who had drunk the dirty water from the
pump died. So he decided that the polluted
water carried cholera. He suggested that the
examined and new
source of all water supply be _______
methods of dealing with polluted water be found.
Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.
1. Underline the difficult sentences that you
cannot understand.
2. Do the exercise