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What to Know:
Learning Objectives
What are some basic facts about viruses?
What are the shapes?
What is the lytic & lysogenic pathways?
How do they get into cells and then get reproduced?
Describe a few common or well-known virus.
AIDS, the common cold, hepatitis, influenza
What are viroids & prions?
Infectious particles (not cells)
Contain Genetic information and protein
coat (capsid)
Some may contain RNA
 Grouping is determined by the type of
nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
Typically named after the disease they
cause or the tissues they infect
Virus Structure
Simple virus structure
Genetics… this is the direction to make more virus
 Surrounded by proteins (capsid)
 May or may not have an additional covering
Each have their own form but can be categorized:
 Helical
 Polyhedral
 Enveloped
 Other.
Viruses: Living or Not?
Considered to be non-living (debated)
Does not meet all of the characteristics of life
-Contains genetic
material (RNA/DNA)
-Reproduce (in host)
-Has organization
-Do not have cells
-Do not respond to stimuli
-Do not use energy
-Do not grow & develop
-Cannot reproduce on their
Viral Reproduction
Viruses must have a living host cell to
Example: Bacteriophages infect bacteria
Insert their genetic information inside
the host cell and use the host cell to make
more virus particles
Viral Replication
Lytic cycle
Viral DNA is injected into host cell
Contains instructions needed to make more
Host cell replicates viral DNA and makes the
viral capsids (protein coats)
 New viruses are assembled inside host cell
 Cell bursts open releasing new viruses
Lytic Cycle
Viral Replication
Lysogenic cycle
Viral DNA is injected into the host cell
 Viral DNA inserts itself into the host’s DNA
 Remains inactive for days, months, or years
 As the cell reproduces, more cells are
produced that have the viral DNA in them
 Eventually, when the conditions are
favorable (like when your immune system is
weakened) the virus will enter the lytic cycle
Lysogenic Cycle
E Lysis of host cell
lets new virus particles
A Virus particle binds,
injects genetic material.
A1 Viral DNA is
A2 Chromosome and
inserted into host
integrated viral DNA
chromosome by
are replicated.
viral enzyme action.
Lytic Pathway
D Accessory parts are attached
to viral coat.
C Viral proteins selfassemble into a coat
around viral DNA.
Lysogenic Pathway
B Host replicates viral
genetic material, builds
viral proteins.
A4 Viral enzyme
excises viral DNA
A3 Cell
DNA in each
daughter cell.
Transmission of Viral Disease
Virus are pathogenic
and carcinogenic.
They cannot
reproduce unless
they attack another
Once in the cell the
have a tendency to
cause irreparable
damage that can lead
to cancer.
HPV & Cervical cancer
Possible ways to
become infected are
Physical contact
Body fluid
Mother to child
Contact in the air
Sexual contact
Video clip
Write 5 facts from the video
Get into groups, divide the chapter up
into sections, read through and gather
information, answer the questions.
Here's a better, longer answer than the one in
the video. First, some new viruses get caught in
mucus and other fluids inside your body and
are destroyed. Other viruses get expelled in
coughs and sneezes. Second, lots of those new
viruses are lemons. They don't work that well.
Some don't have the right "keys" to invade
healthy cells so they can't spread the infection.
And third, as the animation shows, your
immune system is busy attacking the viruses
whenever and wherever possible.