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Learning Target: Student will identify and respond to
hazardous situations that might affect the safety of
children in a field site situation.
Bloodborne Pathogens
• Bloodborne Pathogens
are microorganisms
(such as viruses)
transmitted through
blood, or other potentially
infectious material such
as certain bodily fluids
(semen, breast milk, etc.)
or tissues.
Bloodborne Pathogens
• Bodily fluids, especially those
visibly contaminated with
blood, are capable of causing
• Pathogens can enter your
body through a cut in the skin,
through your eyes or mouth.
• Can also be transmitted
• Main diseases of concern are
Hepatitis B (and C) virus, and
HIV (AIDS virus).
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
• HIV attacks your body’s
ability to protect itself
against disease
• Initially no visible signs of
having the virus
• Most people with HIV
develop AIDS (acquired
immune deficiency syndrome)
• There is no vaccination
for HIV
• Virus lives outside the body only
a few hours
• 4 modes of transfer:
vaginal secretions
breast milk
10-50 virus particles per ml of blood
Aids Statistics from CDC
Aids Statistics from CDC
Aids Statistics from CDC
Hepatitis B Virus
Hepatitis B (and C)
• Up to 100 times
easier to catch
than HIV
• Unlike HIV, can
live outside of
body for several
Concentration of Hepatitis B Virus in
Various Body Fluids
Hepatitis B
• 1,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 virus particles per ml
of blood
• Virus can live outside the body for several days
HIV vs. Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
• 3-4 million carriers
• Disease can
incubate for decades
• By 2010 may affect
more Americans
each year than AIDS
• HCV not related to
the viruses that
cause HBA and HBV
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
• Risk Factors:
Long-term kidney
o Sex with multiple
o Tattooing or body
piercing with shared
needles or unsterilized
o Intranasal cocaine use
with shared straws
Pamela Anderson claims her infection
came from a tattoo needle
Hepatitis B (and C)
• There is no cure for Hepatitis B
or C…
• but unlike HIV, there is a
vaccination for Hepatitis B.
(There is no vaccination for Hepatitis
• Liver is located behind
the lower ribs on the
right side of your
• Weighs about 3
pounds and is roughly
the size of a football.
• If infected with HBV,
the liver often
becomes tender and
Some signs and symptoms of HBV
and HBC include:
Flu-like symptoms
severe pain in joints
lung disease
inflammation of liver
inflammation on and ulcers of the colon
may be asymptomatic (i.e. no symptoms indicated)
Acute: 6-8 weeks, 90%
• 30-40% with acute HBV have no idea how or when they
became infected
• 5-15% of infected carry virus for longer than 6 months
Chronic: Life, 10%
• Hepatitis B carriers are people infected with HBV and
never fully recover. They carry the virus and can infect
others for the rest of their lives
• Approximately one million people in the US carry HBV
Acute Viral Hepatitis by Type
Risk Factors for Acute Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B
• “The risk of contracting Hepatitis B
from a single needlestick
contaminated with blood from a
person with known Hepatitis B
ranges from 6% to 30%.”
• “Approximately 10% of those
infected become chronic carriers
who can infect their families and
friends. They have up to 300 times
greater than normal risk of
developing liver cancer.”
• “Every year, approximately 5,000
Americans, die of HBV or its
Statistics from Milwaukee
• “…1 in 300
infected with HIV”
Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel, July 7,
• “one in 20 people has
or has had Hepatitis”
How Bloodborne Pathogens Spread
on the Job
• When a contaminated object touches inflamed
skin, acne, skin abrasions
• When you
touch a
surface and
then touch your
eyes, nose,
mouth, or open
wounds or
inflamed skin
How to Reduce Your Risk
• A system of infection control which assumes
that all human blood and certain body fluids
are treated as if known to be infectious.
How to Reduce Your Risk
• Wash hands after changing diapers.
• Wear gloves for diaper changing, wiping
noses, cleaning up after cuts, and injuries.
Use Spill Kit for Clean-up
Kit Includes:
Face Mask
Sharps Disposal
• Fluid Control
• Personal Safety
Equipment Cleaning
How to Reduce Your Risk
• Don’t Recap
• Clean up when kids
get sick.
• Wear gloves when
dealing with all body
fluids and wastes.
How to Reduce Your Risk
• Needles and other sharps must be
discarded in rigid, leak-proof, puncture
resistance containers
How to Reduce Your Risk
• Lift and carry the
trash bag away
from your body
How to Reduce Your Risk
• Do not eat, drink,
smoke, apply
cosmetics or handle
contact lenses in
areas where there
is the possibility of
exposure to BBP,
such as in UWM
Personal Protective Equipment
• Gloves, masks, eye protection,
CPR microshields
Body Fluid Cleanup Procedures
• Get Spill Kit from
Janitorial Closet
• Put on gloves.
Body Fluid Cleanup Procedures
• If splashing is anticipated,
wear protective eyewear
and mask
Body Fluid Cleanup Procedures
• Remove
material with
Body Fluid Cleanup Procedures
• Area should be
decontaminated for
10 minutes
• Once the area has
been disinfected,
dry area with
absorbent towels
and dispose of
towels in regular
Body Fluid Cleanup Procedures
• Glove
removal and
Glove Removal and Disposal
• Grip one glove near the cuff and peel it down until it comes
off inside out. Cup it in the palm of your gloved hand.
• Place two fingers of your bare hand inside the cuff of the
remaining glove.
Glove Removal and Disposal
• Peel that
glove down so
that it also
comes off
inside out and
over the first
• Properly
dispose of the
Body Fluid Cleanup Procedures
• Wash hands well.
Very low risk vaccine
Three doses over 6 months
Must receive all three doses
>79% effective
Free to employees
May decline vaccine (but must sign
• May receive vaccine later
Accident/Injury Report
• Complete
report as soon
as possible
after incident
• Turn in to your
• Form is
submitted to
Thank You!
H. 3.1.3 Evaluates environmental risks
associated with certain occupational, residential,
and recreational choices
FCS 1.2.7 Analyze factors that contribute to
maintaining safe and healthy school, work and
community environments.