* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
APPLICATION OF DATA STRUCTURE INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURE • A data structure is a way of storing data in a computer & the associated method for retrieving the data. • A carefully chosen data structure will allow a more efficient algorithm to be used. • A well design data structure allows a variety of critical operation to be performed using a few resources, both execution time & memory space. • Data structures are implemented using the data types, reference & operation on them provided by a programming language. • Different data structure are suited to different kinds of application & are highly specialized to certain task. Ex- B-trees are particularly well suited for implementation of databases. • Since data structures are so crucial to professional programs, many of them enjoy extensive support in standard libraries of modern programming languages & environment such as C++, java API etc. • Some of the common data structure used are stacks, linked list, trees & graph. SOME COMMON DATASTRUCTURE STACKS• A stack is a temporary abstract data type & data structures based on the principle of LIFO (last in first out). • The modern PCs uses stacks at the architecture levels; which are in a basic design of an operating system for the interrupt handling & operating system function calls. QUEUES- • It is a abstract data structure where various entities such as data, object, persons or events are stored & held to be processed later. • The most well known operation of a queue is the FIFO (first in first out). LINKED LIST- • • • • 1. 2. 3. A linked list is one of the fundamental data structures used in computer programming. It consist of sequence of nodes, each containing arbitrary data fields & one or two references pointing to the next or previous nodes. It permits insertion & removal of node at any point in the list in constant time, but don’t allow random access. There are three types of linked list; Single linked list Double linked list Circular linked list. TREES• A tree is a widely used data structure that emulates a tree structure with a set of linked nodes. • Node may contain a value or condition or represent a separate data structure or tree of its own. Each node in a tree has zero or more child nodes, which are below it in a tree, a node that has a child is called as a child’s parent node. • The top most node in a tree is called the root n0des. • Nodes at the bottom most level of the trees are called leaf nodes. • An internal node is any node of the tree that has child nodes & is not thus a leaf node. • The portion of the tree data structure that can be viewed as a complete tree itself is called as sub tree. GRAPHS• A graph is a kind of data structure, specifically an abstract data type (ADT) that consist of a set of nodes and a set of edges that establish relationships between the node. • The graph ADT follows directly from the graph, a graph G defined as follows G=(V,E), where V is a finite, non-empty set of vertices & E is a set of edge (link between pair of vertices). when the edge in the graph has no direction, the graphic is called uni-directed. GRAPH THEORY- • Graph theory is a study of graphs, mathematical structures use to model pair wise relations between object from a certain collection. • Graph in this context refers to an collection of vertices & collection of edges that connects pair of vertices. • A graph can be uni-directed, meaning that there is no distinction between the two vertices associated with each edge. APPLICATION OF DATA STRUCTURES 1. APPLICATION OF STACKS- • Expression, evaluation & syntax parsingcalculators employing reverse polish notation use a stack structure to hold values. Expression can be represented in prefix & infix notation. Conversion from one form of the expression to another form needs a stack. Many compilers use a stack for parsing the syntax of expression program, blocks etc before translating into low level code. Most of the programming language is context free language allowing them to be parsed with stack based machine. • Runtime memory managementA number of programming languages are stack oriented. Many virtual machines are also stack oriented, including the p-code machine & java virtual machines. Almost all computer runtime memory environment uses a special stack to hold information about procedure or function calling & nesting in order to switch to the context of the called function & restore to the callers function when the calling finishes. They follow a runtime protocol between a caller & the callee to save argument & return value on the stacks. Stacks are an important way of supporting nested or recursive function calls. • Solving search problemsSolving a search program, regardless of whether the approach is exhaustive or optimal, needs stack space. Example of exhaustive search methods is brute force & backtracking. Example of optimal search exploring method is branch & bound & heuristic solution. All of this algorithm use stacks to remember the search nodes that had been noticed but not explored now. 2. • • 1. 2. 3. APPLICATION OF THE QUEUES Simulation of traffic control system. CPU scheduling in multiprogramming & time sharing environment. Multilevel queue scheduling. Multilevel feedback queue scheduling. Round robin scheduling algorithm. 3. APPICATION OF LINKED LIST • Linked list are used as building block for many other data structure such as stacks, queues and their variations, the data field of the node can be another linked list. • By this device, one can construct many linked data structure with lists, this practice originated in the lisp programming language. • Linked list are used to implement associative arrays, and are in this context called association list. • Linked list are usually outperformed by the other data structures such as self balancing binary search trees even in a small data set. However sometimes a linked list is dynamically created out of a subset of nodes in such a tree & used to more efficiently traverse that set. 4. APPLICATION OF TREES • To manipulate hierarchical data. • Make information easy to search. • Manipulate sorted list of data. 5. APPICATION OF GRAPHS • Graph data structure are not hierarchical & therefore suitable for data sets where the individual elements are interconnected in complex ways. for ex. computer network can be stimulated by a graph. • Graph algorithm are significant field of interest for computer scientists. Typical operations associated with graphs are: _finding a path between two nodes like depth first search & breadth first search. _& finding the shortest path from one node to another like Dijkstra’s algorithm. • Structures can be represented as graphs, many problem of practical interest can be represented by a graph. The linked structure of the website can be represented by a directed graph; a similar approach can be taken to the problems in travel, biology, computer chip design & in many other field. • It helps in determination of the structural properties of a network, such as the distribution in the vertex degrees & the diameter of the graph. • It helps in the analysis to find a measurable quantity within a network. ex. fora transportation network. • The three dimensional structure of the complicated simulated atomic structure can be studied quantitatively by gathering statistics on graph theoretic properties related to the topology of the atom.