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AJCC Staging Moments
AJCC TNM Staging 7th Edition
Supraglottic Larynx Case #2
Jatin P. Shah, MD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York
Carol R. Bradford, MD University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan
James Brierley, MB Princess Margaret Hospital/University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
Larynx Case # 2
Presentation of New Case
• Newly diagnosed larynx cancer patient
• Presentation at Cancer Conference for treatment
recommendations and clinical staging
Larynx Case # 2
History & Physical
• 73 yr old male who presented with chronic
hoarseness, SOB, dysphagia
• No smoking hx
• No family history of ca
Larynx Case # 2
Imaging & Endoscopy Results
• CT neck
– Right laryngeal region mass with
– Extension to paraglottic space
– Prominent 1.4cm level III right neck
• CT chest and CT brain
Used with permission. Becker, M, Moulin G, Kurt A,
et al. Atypical Sqamous Cell Carcinoma of the
Larynx and Hypopharynx: Radiologic Features.
European Radiology. 1998; 8:1544.
– Negative
• Laryngoscopy & bx
– Large tumor involving right false vocal cord extending to true
vocal cord and medial wall of pyriform sinus on the same side
– Vocal cord is mobile
– No contralateral spread
Larynx Case # 2
Diagnostic Procedure
• Procedure
– Biopsy right false vocal cord during laryngoscopy
• Pathology Report
– Squamous cell ca
– Poorly differentiated, Grade 3
• Human papillomavirus (HPV) - neg
Larynx Case # 2
Clinical Staging
• Clinical staging
– Uses information from the physical exam, imaging,
and diagnostic laryngoscopy
• Purpose
– Select appropriate treatment
– Estimate prognosis
Larynx Case # 2
Clinical Staging
• Synopsis- patient with supraglottic lesion
extending to glottis, medial wall of pyriform sinus
with normal vocal cord mobility, clinically
involved nodes
• What is the clinical stage?
Stage Group______
Larynx Case # 2
Clinical Staging
• Clinical Stage correct answer
Stage Group III
• Based on stage, treatment is selected
• Review NCCN treatment guidelines for this
Larynx Case # 2
Clinical Staging
• Rationale for staging choices
– cT2
Invades more than one adjacent subsite
Invades region outside supraglottis (pyriform sinus)
Vocal cord is mobile
No cartilage invasion
– cN1 because a single ipsilateral lymph node <3 cm was
clinically positive on imaging studies
– cM0 because there was nothing to suggest distant
metastases; if there was, appropriate tests would be
performed before developing a treatment plan
Prognostic Factors
Clinically Significant
• Applicable to this case
– Head & Neck nodes Level: III
– Clinical location of cervical nodes: above level of cricoid and
medial to lateral border of SCM
– Extracapsular spread (ECS) clinical: neg
– Human papillomavirus (HPV) status: neg
• There are no prognostic factors required for staging
Larynx Case # 2
Pathologic Staging
• This patient was recommended for radiation rx &
chemotherapy, no surgery
• Pathologic staging is not completed since there
was no resection meeting the pathologic
classification requirements
Prognostic Factors
Clinically Significant
• Applicable to this case
– Size of lymph nodes: <3cm clinically
– Extracapsular extension from lymph nodes: none seen clinically
or radiologically
– Lymph node levels involved: III
– Extracapsular spread (ECS) pathologic: n/a
– Human papillomavirus (HPV) status: neg
• There are no prognostic factors required for staging
AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas
T2 Invasion of more than one
adjacent subsite or outside supraglottis
Larynx Case # 2
Recap of Staging
• Summary of correct answers
– Clinical stage cT2 N1 M0 Stage Group III
– Pathologic stage unknown
• The staging classifications have a different purpose
and therefore can be different. Do not go back and
change the clinical staging based on pathologic
staging information.
Staging Moments Summary
• Review site-specific information if needed
• Clinical Staging
– Based on information before treatment
– Used to select treatment options
• Pathologic Staging
– Based on clinical data PLUS surgery and pathology
report information
– Used for selection of adjuvant treatment and prognosis
– Used to evaluate end-results (survival)