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Cardiac & Nervous System
September 2010 CE
Condell Medical Center EMS System
Prepared by: FF/PMD Michael Mounts
Lake Forest Fire Department
Reviewed/revised by: Dr. Kent Bailey, EMS Medical Director
Identify components of the nervous system
Identify signs and symptoms of a patient with a
Identify assessment & field treatment of patient
with a CVA
Identify anatomy and physiology of the cardiopulmonary system
Identify signs and symptoms of a patient with
Identify field treatment of patient with ACS
Objectives cont.
Discuss situations for using the RAD 57 tool
Identify patient care based on RAD 57
Review documentation components for
discussed conditions
Identify a variety of ECG rhythm strips
Demonstrate 12-lead ECG application
Demonstrate use of RAD 57 device
Components of the CNS
Brain - 3 major structures
largest element of nervous system
occupies most of cranium
highest functional portion of brain
center of conscious thought, personality, speech,
motor control, and visual, auditory, & tactile
fine tunes motor control, allows smooth motion
from one position to another
responsible for balance & maintenance of muscle
Components of the CNS cont.
• central processing center &communication
• midbrain
• hypothalamus
• controls much of endocrine function, vomiting
reflex, hunger, thirst, kidney function, body
Components of the CNS cont.
Brainstem cont.
• pons
• medulla oblongata
• respiratory center (depth, rate, rhythm)
• cardiac center (rate & strength of cardiac
• vasomotor center (control of distribution of blood
and maintenance of blood pressure)
Cross-section of the brain
In order…
1. Skull bone
2. Periosteum of
the skull
3. Dura
4. Arachnoid
5. Subarachnoid
6. Pia mater
CNS Circulation
4 major arterial vessels
Capillaries unique
 walls thicker so they are
less permeable
 protected environment via
the blood-brain barrier
Cerebral perfusion
 changes in ICP are met
with compensatory changes
in blood pressure
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
Intracranial pressure - pressure within cranium
3 major cranial contents
pressures within cranium create a natural resistance to
control the amount of cerebral blood flow
blood flow to the brain remains adequate as long as
pressures within the cranium are appropriate
brain, blood, & cerebrospinal fluid
Any changes in one of the 3 cranial contents is at the
sacrifice to one of the others
When ICP rises, the body increases the BP to maintain
the cerebral perfusion (Cushing reflex)
How the brain works…
Locations of function within the brain
Review from July
Left vs. Right brain thought process
Functional differences
Brain function locations
Frontal Lobe - reasoning,
planning, parts of speech,
movement, emotions, and
problem solving
Parietal Lobe - movement,
orientation, recognition,
perception of stimuli
Occipital Lobe - visual processing
Temporal Lobe - perception and
recognition of auditory stimuli,
memory, and speech
Cerebellum - regulation and
coordination of movement,
posture, and balance
Brain stem - breathing, heartbeat,
and blood pressure
Remember (from July)…
Wernicke’s Area
 Controls speech comprehension
Broca’s Area
 Controls speech production
Both on left side of brain
 If either of the above speech
areas are noted to be affected,
see if right sided weakness
is also present
Speech and motor problems will be reflected
on opposite sides of the body
Left vs. Right
This theory of the structure and functions of the mind
suggests that the two different sides of the brain control
two different “modes” of thinking. It also suggests that
each of us prefers one mode over the other.
Left Brain
Right Brain
Looks at parts
Looks at wholes
Left vs. Right cont.
Note: Notice how Broca & Wernicke’s area are on Left side
Hearing difference: Speech on Left vs. Music on Right
CVA Signs and Symptoms
Trouble with walking, sudden dizziness, loss of
balance or loss of coordination.
Trouble with speaking and/or understanding,
confusion, slurred words or be unable to find the right
words to explain what is happening (aphasia).
Paralysis or numbness on one side of the body or
Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden
blurred or blackened vision, or seeing double.
Headache; a sudden, severe "bolt out of the blue"
headache, which may be accompanied by vomiting,
dizziness or altered consciousness.
What to do…
Initial assessment
AVPU, ABC’s, life threats, etc.
Sample history
Time of onset VERY important!
F.A.S.T. or Cincinnati Stroke Scale
 Remember… you only need to have one of
these signs for positive CVA identification.
Cincinnati Stroke Scale or FAST
F – look for facial drooping
 Have patient smile large enough to see
 A – check for arm drift
 Patient holds hands out in front for 10
seconds with eyes closed, palms up
 S – check for slurred speech
 T – teach patients to call 911 – time is
Facial Drooping
Ask the patient to smile real big and show you their
Best way to see if a droop is present
Arm Drift
Demonstrate first and then have patient hold their
hands out in front, palms up, for 10 seconds
Clarity of Speech
Most likely you’ll know by now if there is a
speech problem
 Can have the patient repeat after you any
words or a sentence you give them
“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”
7 D’S Of Stroke Care
Detection – of signs and symptoms
 Dispatch – call 911
 Delivery – to the appropriate facility
 Door – emergent triage in the ED
 Data – appropriate tests
 Decision – to administer a fibrinolytic or not
 Drug – must administer the fibrinolytic within
3 hours of onset of symptoms
Intracranial Hemorrhages
Epidural – rapid onset, traumatic
Arterial bleed
Focal neurologic deficits (aphasia,
weakness, numbness)
Subdural – slower onset, traumatic
Venous bleed
Symptoms are often vague
Usually altered mental status
Seen more often in elderly; brain
atrophy stretches the veins, making
them more likely to tear in trauma
*Note - White area is bleeding
Intracranial Hemorrhages
Subarachnoid – sudden onset
Usually from berry aneurysm rupture
from the base of the brain; bleeding
around the brain (mixed with the
Usual spontaneous, non-traumatic
Sudden severe headache
Light sensitivity
Often altered mental status
Intraparenchymal (inside brain tissue)
Traumatic bleed or spontaneous
rupture of AVM (arteriovenous
Region X Protocol
Cardio-Pulmonary A&P
We need to know what is being
affected and how that is shown as
sign and/or symptoms
Knowing the following general
A&P will assist in assessment
 Veins
 Arteries
 Other tissues
Cardiac A&P review
Coronary Circulation
Coronary arteries and veins
 Myocardium extracts the largest amount of
oxygen as blood moves into general
 Oxygen uptake by the myocardium can only
improve by increasing blood flow through the
coronary arteries
 If the coronary arteries are blocked, they must
be reopened if circulation is going to be
restored to that area of tissue supplied
The Electrical Conduction
SA Node
AV Node
Bundle of HIS
Purkinje Fibers
The Electrical Conduction
System cont.
SA node: Fastest rate of automaticity automaticity.
“Primary” pacemaker of the heart. Rate: 60 to 100
 AV node: Has a delay which allows for atrial
contraction and a more filling of the ventricles.
Rate: 40-60 bpm (if not driven by the rate above)
 Bundle of His: Has the ability to self-initiate
electrical activity Rate: 40-60 bpm
 Purkinje Fibers: Network of fibers that carry
electrical impulses directly to ventricular muscle.
Rate: 20-40 bpm (if not driven by the rate above)
The Electrical Conduction System
in motion
 Its
name is made of 3 different parts:
electro, because it is related to
electrical activity
 cardio, Greek for heart
gram, a Greek root meaning "to write"
12-Lead Electrodes
A lead is a tracing of the electrical activity
between 2 electrodes
Leads view the heart from the front of the body
 Top, bottom, right, and left side of heart
Leads view the heart as if it were sliced in half
 Front, back, right, and left sides of heart
Each lead has a positive and a negative electrode
12-lead ECG
A 12-lead ECG is made up of a tracing of the electrical
activity of the heart from 12 different points of view.
The point of view comes from the location of the
positive electrode of each lead. The positioning of
these electrodes is broken down into 3 categories;
The limb leads (lead I, II & III)
 The augmented leads (aVR, aVL & aVF)
 The precordial/chest leads (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5,V6)
Standard 12-Lead EKG
 Six
Leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF
 Six
limb leads
chest leads (precordial leads)
V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
 Information
from 12 leads obtained from
the attachment of only 10 electrodes
Contiguous ECG Leads
EKG changes are
significant when they
are seen in at least two
contiguous leads
Two leads are
contiguous if they look
at the same area of the
heart or they are
consecutive chest leads
12-Lead Electrode Placement
Lateral Wall MI: I, aVL, V5, V6
Source: The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes, MosbyJems, 2006.
Complications of Lateral Wall MI
I, aVL, V5,V6
Complications arise due to the conduction
components that are in the septum
 Conduction dysrhythmias most common
Second degree Type II – classical
3rd degree – complete heart block
Bundle branch blocks
Monitor patient closely for these blocks
2nd degree Type II and 3rd degree are serious
dysrhythmias that need to be treated aggressively with
Inferior Wall MI: II, III, aVF
Source: The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes, MosbyJems, 2006.
Complications of Inferior Wall MI
40% of patients with inferior MI’s have right ventricular
 In the presence of a right ventricular infarct, there is a
high likeliness of both ventricles being damaged
Contraction capabilities will be negatively affected
Patients may present hypotensive
 Nitrates and Morphine alone will dilate blood vessels
worsening hypotension
 Under Medical Control direction patients are often
treated with a fluid challenge with the nitrates
 1st degree heart block and Second degree Type I
Wenckebach most common heart blocks
Septal MI: V1 and V2
Source: The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes, MosbyJems, 2006.
Complications of Septal Wall MI
V1 and V2
 Significant amount of conduction components
are in the septal area
 Patient predisposed to dysrhythmia
Second degree Type II – classical
 3rd degree heart block
 Bundle branch block
Lethal heart blocks treated aggressively - TCP
 Rare to have a septal MI alone
Common to have anterior or lateral involvement
along with septal area
Anterior Wall MI: V3, V4
Source: The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes, MosbyJems, 2006.
Complications of Anterior Wall MI
V3, V4
Known as the “widowmaker” due to the potential
for a massive area of infarction from blockage of
the large amount of myocardium supplied by the
LAD (left anterior descending artery)
Often the septal or lateral walls are also involved
Watch for lethal ventricular dysrhythmias and
cardiogenic shock
Second degree Type II and 3rd degree heart block
are more common than other blocks
Anterior Wall MI cont.
Early death within a few days often from CHF
 Massive area of ventricular tissue infarcted if
LAD totally occluded
Important to obtain history of recent MI diagnosis
and hospital discharge
Increased incidence of ventricular
tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation
(VF) up to 1 -2 weeks post acute anterior
Posterior MI: Reciprocal Changes ST
Depression V1, V2, V3, poss V4
Source: The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes, MosbyJems, 2006.
Atypical Presentation in the Elderly
Most frequent symptoms of acute MI:
Shortness of breath
Fatigue and weakness (“I just don’t feel well”)
Abdominal or epigastric discomfort
Often have preexisting conditions making this
an already vulnerable population
Previous AMI
Likely to delay seeking treatment
Atypical Presentation in Women
Discomfort described as:
Frequent acute symptoms:
Shortness of breath
Unusual fatigue
Cold sweats
Often have no actual chest pain to offer as a complaint.
Often the pain is in the back, shoulders, or neck
Atypical Presentation in the Patient
With Diabetes
Atypical presentation due to autonomic
Common signs/symptoms:
Generalized weakness
 Generalized feeling of not being well
 Syncope
 Lightheadedness
 Change in mental status
 Watch
out for the “triple threat”
How many Elderly women with diabetes
are in your response area?
Use of Cardiac SOP’s
Care is initiated for all patients based on
your assessment
 A pediatric patient is considered under the
age of 16 (15 and less)
 Do not delay care to contact Medical
 But, prompt communication is encouraged
Use of Cardiac SOP’s cont.
Obtaining a history and performing an
assessment can often provide valuable
 Consider underlying causes for all situations
 In the cardiac SOP’s, think of the 6 H’s and
5 T’s as possible causes of the problem as
you progress through assessment &
treatment for the patient
6 H’s
Hydrogen ion
(high/low potassium
Give fluids (20 ml/kg)
Provide supplemental O2
Ventilate to blow off CO2
Difficult to determine in
the field; consider in
diabetic ketoacidosis &
renal dialysis
Attempt rewarming
Check blood glucose on all
altered mental status pts
5 T’s
Toxins (overdose)
Tamponade, cardiac
Tension pneumothorax
Thrombosis, coronary
(ACS) or Thrombosis,
pulmonary (embolism)
Think “out of the box”
Check for JVD,  B/P
Check for JVD,  B/P,
absent/decreased breath
sounds, difficulty bagging
Obtain 12 lead when
applicable; good history
taking to lead to
suspicions (travel,
surgery, immobility)
What is history of current
Region X Protocol
ACS – Acute Coronary Syndrome (pg. 12)
Assessment for CO Exposure
EMS summoned to monitor the air quality for
the presence of carbon monoxide
Airborne CO meters are used and documentation
made whether there is a patient transport or not
A more immediate concern is the level of CO
in the patient’s blood
RAD 57 monitors are a non-invasive tool that
allows results in less than 30 seconds
 Rapid diagnosis leads to rapid and appropriate
Signs and Symptoms CO Poisoning
 Carboxyhemoglobin
Mild severity
 Nausea and vomiting
 Dizziness
 Blurred vision
levels of <15 – 20%
Signs and Symptoms CO Poisoning
 Carboxyhemoglobin
Moderate severity
 Syncope
 Chest pain
 Dyspnea
 Tachycardia
 Tachypnea
 Weakness
levels of 21 – 40%
Signs and Symptoms CO Poisoning
 Carboxyhemoglobin
 Hypotension
 Cardiac ischemia
 Palpitations
 Respiratory arrest
 Pulmonary edema
 Seizures
 Coma
 Cardiac arrest
levels of 41 - 59%
Signs and Symptoms CO Poisoning
 Carboxyhemoglobin
 Cherry
levels of >60%
red skin is not listed as a sign
An unreliable finding
Increased Risks
Health and activity levels can increase the risk of signs
and symptoms at lower concentrations of CO
Women who are pregnant
Physical conditions that limit the body’s ability to use
Fetus at greatest risk because fetal hemoglobin has a greater affinity
for oxygen and CO compared to adult hemoglobin
Emphysema, asthma
Heart disease
Physical conditions with decreased O2 carrying capacity
Anemia – iron-deficiency & sickle cell
Patient Assessment
Continuously monitor SpO2 and SpCO levels
Remember that SpO2 may be falsely normal
 If you have a CO-oximeter, report the findings to
the ED staff
Generally, results >3% indicate suspicion for
CO exposure in non-smoker
Cardiac monitor
 12 lead EKG obtained and transmitted to ED
Pulse Oximetry
Device to analyze infrared signals
 Measures the percentage of oxygenated
hemoglobin (saturated Hgb)
 Can mistake carboxyhemoglobin for
oxyhemoglobin and give a false normal
level of oxyhemoglobin
 Never rely just on the pulse oximetry
reading; always correlate with clinical
Pulse CO-oximeter Device
Hand-held device
Attaches to a finger tip similar to pulse ox
Most commonly measured gases in
commercial devices include
Carbon monoxide (SpCO)
 Oxygen (SpO2)
 Methemoglobin (SpMet)
Other combustible gases
Without the device, need to draw a venous
sample of blood to test for CO levels
Pulse CO-oximeter Tool
Firefighters have an increased exposure risk
Active firefighting
 Inhaled products of combustion in structure fire
 Inhaled exhaust from vehicles and power tools
Rehab operations more efficient when
firefighter can be screened for release back to
Pulse rate, oxygen saturation, carboxyhemoglobin
Treatment CO Poisoning
Increasing the concentration of inhaled
oxygen can help minimize the binding of CO
to hemoglobin
 Some CO may be displaced from hemoglobin
when the patient increases their inhaled
oxygen concentrations
 Treatment begins with high index of
suspicion and removal to a safer environment
 Immediately begin 100% O2 delivery
Treatment CO Poisoning
Some guidelines indicate to initiate treatment
when SpCO levels exceed 10%; some at 12%
Treatment levels vary significantly
 If you do not have a CO-oximeter to use,
maintain a heightened level of suspicion and base
treatment on symptoms
Monitor for complications
 Cardiac dysrhythmias
 Cardiac ischemia
CO Poisoning and CPAP
could assist in fully oxygenating
 If considered, call Medical Control for
permission to use CPAP
Region X Protocol
CO Poisoning (pg. 41)
Case #1
45 year-old patient who complains of chest
heaviness & lightheadedness
 VS: 90/56; P – 86; R - 22
 Is there ST elevation:
 If so, where?
What are you going to do for this patient?
Case #1
Case #2
Patient’s spouse called EMS
Patient dropping silverware at lunch, unable to sit
up straight, unable to complete sentences
Vital signs: 170/110; P – 64; R – 16; GCS -14
EKG monitor below
Case #2
What is your impression?
 What is the cardiac rhythm?
Atrial fibrillation
 How does this rhythm relate to any impressions?
What assessments need to be done?
Blood sugar level for all patients with altered level
of consciousness
 Cincinnati stroke scale
Case #2
Cincinnati stroke scale
Ask the patient to smile real big showing you
their teeth
 Ask the patient to put their hands out in front,
palms up, and close their eyes
Hold the position for 10 seconds
Ask the patient to repeat a saying
“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”
Case #2
What’s the most important question to ask
the patient?
 When
did the symptoms begin?
Case #3
58 year-old male patient who complains of
chest pain radiating down the left arm after
working out in the gym
 VS: 110/72; P – 100; R - 18
 Is there ST elevation:
 If so, where?
What are you going to do for this patient?
Case #3
Case #4
36 year-old patient who passed out standing
in line at a bank
 VS: 128/78; P – 80; R - 20
 Is there ST elevation:
 If so, where?
What are you going to do for this patient?
Case #4
Case #5
Received call from a 10 year-old child that he could
not wake up his mother. On arrival the 34 year-old
female was unconscious with signs of seizure
activity. 2 other children are in the home.
What are your general
 What is included in your assessment?
 What is your treatment?
Case #5
Upon scene arrival, a faint odor of exhaust was
Evaluate the patient for normal reasons of altered
level of consciousness including history of seizure
disorder and suicide attempt
After 5 minutes on scene, rescue personnel began
complaining of headache
A car was found running in the garage directly
under the bedroom/bathroom
Remember why we’re here…
Various on-line photos
Previous CE packets
2006 Condell CE Module
February 2009 Condell CE
February LFFD CE add-on (Jon Bardi)
CMC SOP pages