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Chapters 32 and 33
Circulation and Circulatory Systems
atria: receive blood
ventricles: pump blood
vessels that transport blood back to heart
all veins carry deoxygenated blood (CO2-rich) , except those leaving the lungs
connective tissue  thin layer of smooth muscle  elastin  epithelial tissue
contain one-way valves  prevent backflow
smallest veins in body  leave capillaries  join larger veins
vessels that transport blood away from heart
all arteries carry oxygenated blood (O2-rich) , except those bringing blood to lungs
connective tissue  thick layer of smooth muscle  elastin  epithelial tissue
smallest arteries in body  merge into capillaries
smallest blood vessels in body
thin layer of epithelial tissue
gas and nutrient exchange
capillary beds
blockages can be a problem in
all vessels
especially arteries
Fig. 32.3
Arteries, capillaries, and veins
Page 605 Coronary arteries and plaque
II. Some Animals Lack a Circulatory System
utilize diffusion, osmosis, or cell-to-cell transport
III. Invertebrate Circulatory Systems
A. open circulatory systems
1. blood enters and then leaves the vessels
2. after leaving, blood fills hemocoels (“blood cavities”)
saturates body tissues in blood  muscular contractions 
blood returns to heart
B. closed circulatory systems
1. more efficient
2. blood remains in vessels
3. blood flows much more rapidly
Fig. 32.2 Open vs. closed circulatory systems
IV. Vertebrate Circulatory Systems
A. all vertebrates have closed systems
B. blood
1. a connective tissue; 0.9% saline
2. formed elements (cell types) – 45%
a. erythrocytes (rbc’s)
i. transport O2 t0 body (hemoglobin)
ii. concave shape and no nucleus
iii. spleen
removes old rbc’s and stores wbc’s
leukocytes (wbc’s)
many different types  function in the immune system
thrombocytes (platelets)
cellular fragments that play a major role in blood clotting
d. all derive from hemocytoblasts in red bone marrow
3. plasma (a watery substance) – 55%
1. 92% H2O, 7% proteins, 1% other solids, gases, wastes
2. plasma proteins
albumins, globulins, fibrinogen, prothrombin, etc.
salts, fats, glucose, amino acids, hormones, vitamins, ions, etc.
gases: extra O2, CO2
nitrogenous wastes: urea, uric acid
Fig. 31.4
Fig. 32.13 Composition of blood
C. blood clotting
7-10 steps; about 15 substances involved
some substances prevent accidental clotting
three major reactions
a. platelets form a “plug” at wound site  release thromboplastin
b. thromboplastin and Ca+ ions convert prothrombin to thrombin
c. thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin fibers  seal wound
d. the damaged cells, collagen, and other substances also help seal wound
Fig. 32.14 Blood clotting
D. fish
1. two-chambered heart
• 1 atrium, 1 ventricle
2. gas exchange across gill capillaries
E. amphibians and most reptiles
1. three-chambered heart
• 2 atria, 1 ventricle
2. systemic vs. pulmonary circuit
a. pulmonary: blood flow to and from lungs
b. systemic: blood flow to and from rest of body
c. the two are not completely separate
3. deoxygenated vs. oxygenated blood
• some mixing occurs in the single ventricle
F. birds, crocodilians, mammals, humans
a. four-chambered heart
• 2 atria, 2 ventricles
b. systemic and pulmonary circuits completely separate
c. normally no mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood
Fig. 32.5 Comparison of circulatory systems in vertebrates
Human Circulatory System
A. path of blood flow through body
1. deoxy. blood in body capillaries  body venules  body veins 
superior/inferior vena cavas  right atrium  right AV valve  right
ventricle  pulmonary semilunar valve  pulmonary artery  lung
arterioles  lung capillaries (gas exchange; blood now oxy.)  lung
venules  pulmonary veins  left atrium  left AV valve  left ventricle
 aortic semilunar valve  aorta  body arteries  body arterioles 
body capillary beds (gas & nutrient exch.; blood now deoxy.)  REPEAT
2. blood makes a complete circuit with every beat
Fig. 32.6 External view of the heart
Fig. 32.7 Internal view of the heart
Fig. 32.8 Heart valves
Fig. 32.10
Path of blood
B. control of heart contractions
unique nature of heart (cardiac) muscle
branching of muscle fibers
2. extrinsic control
a. external control outside of heart
b. nervous system and hormones (esp., epinephrine)
c. speeds up or slows down heart rate
3. intrinsic control
a. control within heart itself
b. sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes
specialized regions of cells that can generate and carry electrical impulses
c. ventricular septum and Purkinje fibers
d. SA node creates impulse  walls of atria  atria contract  signal travels
to AV node  signal routed down ventricular septum in two paths 
Purkinje fibers  walls of ventricles  ventricles contract
e. SA node initiates heartbeat; AV signals ventricles to contract
Fig. 32.9 Contraction system of the heart
C. the working heart
1. heart beat and activity
a. 1st sound: right and left AV valves closing
b. 2nd sound: aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves closing
c. all valves prevent backflow of blood
d. can be monitored with an EKG (electrocardiogram)
2. systole vs. diastole
3. stroke volume vs. cardiac volume
4. heart rate (pulse) – average = 72 beats/minute
5. blood pressure
a. sphygmomanometer
b. systolic vs. diastolic pressure (mm Hg)
c. normal measurements (120/80)
6. arterioles
a. vasoconstriction  muscle walls thicken  increases blood pressure
b. vasodilation  muscle walls thin  decreases blood pressure
7. all gas and nutrient exchange takes place across capillaries
8. blood pressure lowest in veins (venous blood)
• movement assisted by valves and smooth/skeletal muscle contraction
Fig. 32.12
Cross section of
a valve in a vein
D. human circulatory circuits
circuit: a major pathway of blood flow and return
hepatic portal
nutrients absorbed by small intestine  travel in hepatic portal vein to liver  liver
monitors blood content and stores extra nutrients  blood enters general circulation
coronary arteries and veins
numerous ones in head and brain
VI. Lymphatic System
A. series of small vessels that parallel circulatory system
B. transports lymph instead of blood
1. colorless, interstitial fluid that is derived from tissues
• may be in tissue cells or between tissue layers
2. may be blood plasma that seeps into tissues
3. fluid moves in same fashion as venous blood  merges with circ. system
C. four essential functions
1. maintain fluid and ion balances in body
2. transports certain fatty acids
3. part of the immune system and cooperates with it
4. route by which interstitial fluids can return to the circ. system
D. structures
1. lymph capillaries  larger lymph vessels
2. lymph nodes
a. mass of lymphoid tissue located along the course of a lymph vessel
b. highly involved with immune system
3. lymph organs
a. other organs strongly associated with lymph
b. spleen, bone marrow, tonsils, thymus gland, etc.
Fig. 33.1 Lymphatic system
Fig. 33.2 Some lymphoid organs