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Adding Integers
By: Indiya Jackson
What Is Adding Integers?
• To add integers with the same sign, as their
absolute values.Give the result the same
sign as the integer.
What You Need to Know to Add
• Positive integers are all the whole numbers greater
than zero 1,2,3,4,5 {examples}.
• Negative integers are the opposite of these whole
numbers. -1-2 -3 -4 –5.
• If an integer is greater than zero, we say that the
sign is positive.
• If the integer is less than zero,it would be a
negative sign.
Step 1:
• Find the absolute value of each integer.
•  +7 =7  -4 =4.
Step 3
• The result from step 2 takes the sign of the
integer with the greatest absolute value. The
number 3 will take a positive sign since +7
is farther from zero than –4.
• Solution 1: +7 + -4 = +3
• Solution 2: if you start with $7 and you owe
$4, then you end up with $3.
Step 2
• Subtract the smaller number from the larger
number you get step 1. 7-4=3