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Section 1.2
Random Samples
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Sampling techniques
• Simple Random
• Stratified Sampling
• Systematic Sampling
• Cluster Sampling
• Convenience
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• Simple Random Sample of n measurements
from a population is a subset of the
population selected in a manner such that
• Every sample of size n from the population has
an equal chance of being selected.
• Every item in the population has an equal
chance of being included.
Not random sampling:
Ask for volunteers to respond to a survey.
Choose the next five customers entering a store.
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Random sampling:
• Draw names “from a hat.”
• Use a random number table to select a
• Use a random number generator.
How to draw a random sample:
Number all members of the population Sequentially
Use a table, calculator or computer to select random
numbers from the numbers assigned to population
Create the sample using population members with
numbers corresponding to selected numbers. 1.2 / 4
• Provide mathematical imitations of “real”
• May use a random number table to simulate a
• (Good in nuclear reactors, cloud formation,
cardiology etc.)
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Example of Simulation
Use the random-number table to simulate the outcomes
of tossing a balanced (that is, fair) quarter 10 times.
(a) Possible outcomes: 2, heads or tails
(b) Assign an even digit or heads and odd digit for tails.
Then starting at block 3 of row 2 of table 1 in the
appendix, list the 10 single digits 7 1 5 4 9 4 4 8 4 3
(c) The outcomes associated with the
10 digits
(d) If you start with different block and row will you get
the same sequence of outcomes? It is possible, but
not very likely
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Sampling Techniques
Sampling with Replacement
• When a number is selected for a sample, it is not removed
from the population.
Stratified Sampling
• Population is divided into groups.
• Random samples are drawn from each group.
Systematic Sampling
• Population is arranged in sequential order.
• Select a random starting point.
• Select every “kth” item.
Cluster Sampling
• Population is divided into sections.
• Some sections are randomly selected.
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• Every item in selected sections is included in sample.
Sampling Techniques
Convenience Sampling
• Use whatever data is readily available.
• Risk severe bias.
Summary of Sampling techniques
Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Convenience Sampling
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Which sampling technique is
College students are waiting in line for
registration. Every eighth person in line is
Systematic sampling
1.2 / 9
Which sampling technique is
College students are waiting in line for
registration. Students are asked to
volunteer to respond to a survey.
Convenience sampling
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Which sampling technique is
In a large high school, students from every
homeroom are randomly selected to
participate in a survey
Stratified sampling
1.2 / 11
Which sampling technique is
An accountant uses a random number
generator to select ten accounts for audit.
Simple random sampling
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Which sampling technique is
To determine students’ opinions of a
new registration method, a college
randomly selects five majors. All
students in the selected majors are
Cluster sampling
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