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Chapter 3
Whole Numbers
Section 3.4
Properties of Whole-Number
Why Learn Whole-Number Properties?
Understanding whole number properties are important for two main reasons:
1. At the early childhood level it helps reduce the number of arithmetic facts
and make computations easier. For example, you only need to learn 6+8=14
you also know 8+6=14.
2. At the middle childhood level they support the learning for algebra
concepts. They are what really form the “rules” of algebra. For example you
know that when dealing with the expression x+6 it is the same as 6+x.
The Associative Property
An association is a group. The associative property has to do with how numbers
or expressions are grouped.
Associative Property of Addition: For any whole numbers x, y, z: (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
Associative Property of Multiplication:
For any whole numbers x, y, z:
(xy)z = x(yz)
For example:
(2 + 3) + 4 = 5 + 4 = 9
2 + (3 + 4) = 2 + 7 = 9
2(34) = 212 = 24
(23)4 = 64 = 24
How does the associative property apply to the curriculum? Is the basis for doing
certain types of algebra problems. Simplify the following algebraic expressions:
(x + 13) + 26
apply the associative property for addition we get
x + (13 + 26)
we can use the addition fact 13 + 26 = 39
x + 39
apply the associative property of multiplication we get
we can use the basic multiplication fact 47 = 28
This enables us to combine the various parts of the expression for which the
numbers are known.
The Commutative Property
To commute means to move. The commutative property allows you to move
different terms in an expression. Both addition and multiplication operations have
the commutative property.
Commutative Property of Addition: For any whole numbers x and y: x + y = y + x
Commutative property of Multiplication: For any whole numbers x and y: xy = yx
Examples include the following:
4 + 9 = 13
9 + 4 = 13
35 = 15
We use this property in simplifying the following algebraic expressions:
(2 + x) + 17
apply the commutative property of addition
(x + 2) + 17
apply the associative property of addition
x + (2 + 17)
x + 19
we can use the addition fact 2 + 17 = 19
53 = 15
The commutative property can be applied in simplifying this algebra expression:
apply the commutative property of multiplication
apply the associative property of multiplication
we can use the basic multiplication fact 78 = 56
apply the commutative property of multiplication
Identity Property
Both addition and multiplication have a special number that when the operation is
applied changes nothing. For addition it is 0 and for multiplication it is 1. The
number 0 is called the identity element for addition and the number 1 is called the
identity element for multiplication
Identity Property for addition: For any whole number x: 0 + x = x and x + 0 = x
Identity Property for multiplication: For any whole number x: 1x = x and x1 = x
The identity properties are particularly useful when solving algebraic equations:
x + 7 = 12
subtract 7 from both sides
(x + 7) – 7 = 12 – 7
apply the associative property
x + (7 – 7) = 12 – 7
use the subtraction facts 7 – 7 = 0 and 12 – 7 = 5
apply the identity property
The Distributive Property
The distributive property allows you to switch the order you do addition and
subtraction with multiplication. We said before we use the parenthesis to show
when you want to add or subtract first. This shows how they can be removed.
The Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition:
For all whole numbers x, y, z: x(y + z) = xy + xz
The Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Subtraction:
For all whole numbers x, y, z: x(y - z) = xy - xz
(In the reverse direction this is sometimes called factoring)
The distributive property is one of the properties that is used to simplify algebraic
expressions quite often. It is also one that gives many students difficulty. What
properties are being applied in simplifying the algebra expression below:
3(5 + 4x) + 13
apply the distributive property of mult over addition
(35 + 3(4x)) + 13
use the basic multiplication fact 35 = 15
(15 + 3(4x)) + 13
apply the associative property of multiplication
(15 + (34)x) + 13
use the basic multiplication fact 34 = 12
(15 + 12x) + 13
apply the commutative property of addition
(12x + 15) + 13
apply the associative property of addition
12x + (15 + 13)
use the addition fact 15 + 13 = 28
12x + 28