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Chapter 12.
Digital Data Communications
Figure 12-1. Binary transmission.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Binary Data Transmission
Fig. 12-2. Four-level transmission of a binary message,
at (a). the same transmission rate;
(b). one-half the binary transmission rate.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Bandwidth Considerations
 As seen in Figure 12-5, sharp digital pulses require a
tremendous amount of frequency spectrum
 Since transmission channels have a limited bandwidth,
the communication system designer needs to know
(1) the minimum possible bandwidth required for a
given pulse rate and
(2) how pulses can be shaped to minimize the
bandwidth and distortion of the data pulses.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Bandwidth Considerations
Fig. 12-5. Time/frequency description of
rectangular pulse train.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Pulse Shape for Minimizing Bandwidth
and Pulse Distortion
 Figure 12-9 shows pulses and the first “lobe,” and
indicates how power is more concentrated for some
pulse shapes as compared to others.
 As an example, the raised-cosine pulse is seen to have a
faster spectral rolloff than rectangular pulses.
 Thus, for a channel with a bandwidth wide enough to
include the first lobe, transmitting raised-cosine pulses
will result in the reception of more power with less
pulse distortion than for rectangular pulses.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Pulse Shape for Minimizing Bandwidth
and Pulse Distortion
Fig. 12-9. Frequency spectra for three different
digital transmission signal formats.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital Transmission Formats
 Some of the more common digital formats are
illustrated in Figure 12-10. The NRZ signal is the same
as the common TTL format, and NRZ-B is a bipolar
 The advantage of the RZ formats gave the advantage
of a zero dc component, assuming an equal number of
1s and 0s occur during a message.
 The dc component is an important consideration in
noisy systems because dc changes due to short bursts
of continuous 1s or 0s will change the decision
threshold and can result in more errors.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital Transmission Formats
Figure 12-10. A few digital transmission formats.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital Transmission Formats
 An additional advantage of bipolar over polar (on/off)
formats is that, for the same S/N, polar requires twice
the average power (four times the peak power)
compared to bipolar.
 The biphase (Bi-f)format uses a +/- squarewave cycle
for a MARK and a -/+ for a SPACE. Each bit period
contains one full cycle, thereby eliminating dc wander
problems inherent in all the above signal formats.
 A disadvantage of biphase, and RZ is the requirement
for twice the bandwidth of NRZ and NRZ-B.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital Transmission Formats
 The AMI format (Figure 12-10e), called bipolar with a
50% duty cycle by the telephone industry, is similar to
RZ except that alternate 1s are inverted.
 The dc component is less than for RZ, the minimum
bandwidth is less than for RZ and biphase.
 An additional advantage of AMI is that, by detecting
violations of the alternate-one rule, transmission errors
can be detected.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 For equal number of 1s and 0s during a message, the
power can be averaged over the message period and
the signal modeled as a continuous pulse stream.
The generalized pulse stream is shown in Figure 12-11.
 The normalized (R = 1W) average power is derived for
a signal f(t) from
1 T /2
P  lim
T / 2
T 
where T is the period of integration. If v(t) is a periodic
signal with period To, then
v (t ) dt
P 
T0 / 2
T0 / 2
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-11. Pulse streams. (a). Rectangular pulses.
(b). Rectangular pulses with t/T = 0.5 (square wave).
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 If the rectangular pulses of amplitude V in Figure
12-11a start at t = 0, then
v(t) = {
t < t < T.
and, from Equation (12-13b),
1 t
P 
V 2 t |t0
from which
P = (t/T)(V2/R)
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Vrms  V / 2
 Since the rms (effective value) of a periodic wave is
found from P = (Vrms)2/R, it follows that the rms
voltage for rectangular pulses is
Vrms = (t/T)1/2V
because P = (Vrms)2/R = [(t/T)1/2V]2/R = (tV2)/(TR).
In the squarewave case of Figure 12-11b, t/T = 0.5,
so that P = V2/2R (squarewave; that is, NRZ signals).
So the rms voltage for the unipolar squarewave is
Vrms = V/√2 -- just as it is for sinusoids.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 EXAMPLE 12-2:
 Compare the power of an NRZ squarewave to NRZbipolar (NRZ-B) where the peak-to-peak amplitudes are
equal (in order for the two signals to have the same S/N
when received over a noisy channel).
Refer to Figure 12-12.
 Solution: The power in an NRZ signal is PNRZ = V2/2R.
For the NRZ-B signal, V  V/2 and, since there are
pulses in each half-period (instead of a large pulse
followed by a zero amplitude pulse),
PNRZ-B = 2(V/2)2/2R
= V2/4R
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-12. Comparison of NRZ and NRZ-bipolar.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 It is seen that the on/off NRZ signal has twice the
power of the NRZ-B signal.
 The instantaneous (peak) power for NRZ is V2/R,
whereas the peak power for NRZ-B is (V/2)2/R =
V2/4R, for a 4:1 difference in peak power.
 A final comment on these two important digital
formats is that the dc power for rectangular RZ and
NRZ signals is found from (tV/T)2/R, whereas for the
bipolar signal it is zero.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 The PCM system consists of analog and digital source,
concentrated into a few digital channels or multiplexed into
a single digital stream for transmission between DCEs.
 Figure 12-13 shows the transmit/multiplex part of a
PCM system in which each channel of information is
digitally encoded, multiplexed with other similarly
coded channels, and then transmitted after a framing
bit is added.
 The analog voice signal is transformer-coupled and
band-limited to < 4kHz by the LPF.
 The telephone signal samples at fs > 2fA(max) = 8kHz. The
samples must be held long enough to be encoded but short
enough to multiplex the other 24 channels and one framing
bit – all within 1/8000 = 125 ms.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-13. Multiplexed PCM transmitter system.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Resolution and Dynamic Range
 Dynamic range is the ratio of largest-to-smallest analog
signal that can be transmitted.
 The resolution, or quantization (step) size q, is the
smallest analog input voltage change that can be
distinguished by the A/D converter.
 From the linear ADC transfer characteristic of Figure
12-15, it can be seen that q = Vmax/M = VFS/M, that is,
q = VFS/2n
where q = resolution (smallest analog voltage change
that can be distinguished);
n = number of bits in the digital code word;
VFS = full-scale voltage range for the analog signal.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Resolution and Dynamic Range
Figure 12-15. Linear ADC.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Resolution and Dynamic Range
 The analog dynamic range capability of a PCM system
Vmax/Vmin is the same as the ADC parameters VFS/q.
 Since M = 2n = VFS/q, the dynamic range (DR) is
expressed mathematically as
DR = Vmax/Vmin = VFS/q = 2n
or, in decibels,
DR (dB) = 20.log(Vmax/Vmin)
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Resolution and Dynamic Range
 Note that 20.log2n = 20n.log2 = 6.02n, so we can write
Equ. (12-20) into
DR (dB) ≒ 6n
 which means that there are approximately 6 dB/bit of
dynamic range capability for a linearly encoded PCM
 Table 12-2 summarizes resolution, dynamic range, and
accuracy for up to 16 bits,
 where accuracy is the system resolution in percent of
full-scale, or the maximum possible accuracy of the
demodulated analog signal.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Resolution and Dynamic Range
Table 12-2. Linear ADC.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Quantization Noise
 As seen in Figure 12-15b, a digitally encoded analog
sample will have an exact-amplitude uncertainty of +q/2.
 Demodulated PCM can be thought of as the analog
input with quantization noise added.
 The quantization noise voltage Vqn is sawtoothed with a
peak value of q/2 and can be calculated from the average
normalized power of Equ. (12-13b).
 On a time basis over a period To of the quantization
noise voltage waveform (Figure 12-15b), vq(t) = -(q/To)t,
 q 
Nq 
T / 2  t  dt
 3
 T0 
T0 / 2t dt  12
T0 / 2
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Quantization Noise
 Hence, the effective voltage is from Vqn = √Nq,
Vqn = q/2√3
in volts rms.
The noise power will be
Nq = q2/12R
for a linear ADC characteristic.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Signal-to-Quantization Noise Ratio
 As seen in Figure 12-15, the maximum peak-to-peak
sinusoid voltage will be equivalent to qM;
that is, Vs(pk-pk) = qM
Vs(pk) = qM/2 volts peak.
 The rms value is
Vrms = Vs(pk)/√2
= qM/2√2 volts rms.
The average power of a sinusoidal signal is
S = Vrms2/R = q2M2/8R
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Signal-to-Quantization Noise Ratio
 Combining Eqs. (12-23) and (12-25) yields the
maximum signal-to-quantization noise for a sinusoid
quantized into M levels,
S/Nq = (q2M2/8R)/(q2/12R)
= (3/2)M2
This is the maximum S/N for a linear ADC.
For analog input signals of voltage Vs that are less than
the maximum, substitute S = Vs2(pk-pk) for q2M2 in
Equ. (12-26).
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Linear qunatizing in PCM has two major drawbacks:
 First, the uniform step size means that weak analog
signals have a much poorer S/Nq than the strong signals.
 Second, systems of wide dynamic range require many
encoding bits and consequently wide system bandwidth.
 A technique to improve S/Nq for weak signals is to
decrease the step size q for weak signals and increase it
for strong signals, as illustrated in Figure 12-16.
 This nonlinear companding tends to equalize the S/Nq
(or signal-to-digitizing distortion) over the expected
range of analog amplitudes and requires rather complex
digital hardware.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-16. Nonlinear step-size qunatizing.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 Another technique to accomplish the same result is to
use a linear encoder preceded by an analog voltage
compressor, which also helps to prevent high-level
signals from saturating the system.
 After decoding, a complementary expander restores
the original dynamic range.
 A companding curve is sketched in Figure 12-17.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-17. Companding curve.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 North America employs AT&T’s m-255 companding
shape, known as the “m” law, whereas in Europe, the
CCITT specifies the “A” law.
 The North American “m” law has 16 linear segments,
8 for positive and 8 for negative voltages. There are
16 steps of equal size in each chord (the short linear
segment). A simplified sketch is shown in Figure 12-18.
 As a practical matter, companding laws are quite
similar, and despite the complex circuitry, LSI codecs
are companding with digital techniques and make
provisions for the use of either law.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-18. sketch of m-255 transfer characteristic.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
 The 24-channel (D1) AT&T T1 PCM carrier telephone
system band-limits input voice frequencies in each
channel to 4 kHz.
 The ratio of maximum-to-minimum voice level gives
a dynamic range of 72dB.
 Following the multiplexing of the 24 digitized voice
signals, a framing bit is inserted to synchronize the
system and to identify each channel’s data.
 Reference to Figure 12-19 should aid in visualizing
this analysis.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-19. 24-channel PCM T1 system with individual
codec per-channel multiplexing.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
1. The minimum sampling rate is
fs > fA(max) = 2x4 kHz = 8000 samples/second.
2. The voice dynamic range for long (toll-grade) lines is
72 dB, so the ratio of maximum to minimum analog
signal levels to be resolved is found from Equ. (12-20):
72 dB = 20.log(Vmax/Vmin), and by the definition of
logarithms, Vmax/Vmin = 1072/20 = 103.6 =3981 = M.
3. The number of bits required to quantize 3981 equal
levels (linear ADC) is, from M =2n, using Equ. (12-3b),
n = 3.32.log3981 = 3.32(3.6) = 11.95 or 12 bits
This is also determined as: 6 dB/bit requires 72 dB/(6
dB/bit) = 12 bits.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
4. By compressing the voice signal, the m-255 companding
codec provides the same dynamic range with 256
discrete levels using 8 bits.
Eight bits are nearly worldwide practice for digital
voice transmission.
5. If only one channel (telephone conversation) is
transmitted, the bit (and baud) rate would be 8000
samples/second x 8 bits/sample = 64 kbps.
Thus, a 4-kHz voice channel digitized to 8 bits would
require an absolute minimum bandwidth of
BW = (1/2)fb = 64-kbps/2-bits/cycle
= 32 kHz.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Figure 12-20. T1 PCM frame, 50% RZ polar format.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
6. Twenty-four 8-bit samples plus one framing bit are
multiplexed at 8000 frames/second. The T1 bit (and baud)
rate is (24 channels x 8 bits/channel) + 1 framing bit = 193
bits/frame. 193 bits/frame x 8000 frames/s = 1.544 Mbps.
So the T1 line carries 1.544 Mbps, which requires a baseband bandwidth of at least BW = fb/2 = (1.544Mbps)/2 =
772 kHz. AT&T typically uses closer to 1.5MHz for T1 line
7. Figure 12-20 illustrates in a unipolar-RZ format the 8-bit
samples for one 24-channel frame and the frame bit.
Notice that each frame takes 1/8000 sec = 125 ms and that
each bit gets a slot of time equal to 125 ms/193 bits = 648 ns.
The transmission format used for a T1 line is AMI with a
50% duty cycle (not illustrated in Figure 12-20),
consequently, each pulse is only 324 ns wide.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
8. As indicated in Figure 12-20, during every 6th frame,
the 8th bit (LSB) of each channel is borrowed by the
mP-controlled CPU, allowing numerous loop
supervision signals, including off-hook conditions,
rotary-dial pulses, call charging information, and so
The signaling rate can be determined as follows:
6 frames x 125 ms/frame = 750 ms
for a signaling rate of 1/750 ms = 4/3 kbps.
During the 6th frame, the LSB is borrowed from each
channel, resulting in more quantization distortion;
but this only occurs 17% (≒ 1/6) of the time.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
PCM Telephone Circuitry
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
 The receiving end of a PCM system accepts a digitally
encoded serial data stream. Framing bits help to
separate the encoded samples into their respective
 then the receive side of each codec clocks the encoded
samples into a register for short-term storage
(buffering) and serial-to-parallel conversion.
 A DAC circuit will convert the parallel digital bits (d1d4 in Figure 12-21) to an analog voltage equal to the
original sample with some quantization error.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
Figure 12-21. Serial-to-parallel and digital-toanalog conversion.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
Binary-Weighed Resistor Converter
 A binary-weighted resistor type DAC is illustrated in
Figure 12-22a. Here, Q1-Q4 are MOS transistors used
as switches activated by the parallel data word.
 Each closed switch sets up an amount of current
determined by the reference voltage and series
resistance 2(n-i)R.
 A high-gain IC is used in a current-summing op-amp
configuration, and the currents from each of the high
data bits are summed in feedback resistor Rf to
produce an output voltage VA.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Binary-Weighed Resistor Converter
Figure 12-22. Binary-weighted resistor D/A converter.
(a). Weighted resistor DAC; (b). Weighted current source
implementation of binary-weighted resistor DAC.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Binary-Weighed Resistor Converter
 Figure 12-22b shows an LSI implementation of the
weighted-resistor DAC.
 The bipolar transistors are current sources for
each weighted bit and are switched on or off by
means of the control diodes connected to each
 The base of each transistor remains biased to
+1.2V, so that when an input bit is high, the
transistor current source is on.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
R-2R Ladder-Type D/A Converter.
 The DAC shown in Figure 12-23 maintains constant
impedance level R at any node 1 through n and
constant IR (except during switching transitions).
 Note that each switch, actuated by a parallel-data
input bit, is connected to ground or to “virtual
ground” V-. Consequently IR = VR/R is a constant.
 However, IR divides into 1/2n binary weighted
currents at each node.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
R-2R Ladder-Type D/A Converter
Figure 12-23. R-2R ladder-type D/A converter circuit.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
R-2R Ladder-Type D/A Converter
 These binary weighted currents are either shunted
to ground or summed into Iout to determine the
output analog VA, depending on the digital word
status of d1-d4.
That is,
Iout = (VR/R).[dn/2 + dn-1/4 + dn-2/8 +… + d1/2n]
for the inverting op-amp,
VA = Rf.Iout
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
R-2R Ladder-Type D/A Converter
 The advantages of the R-2R ladder DAC are that only
two resistor values (laser-trimmed) are used.
 Impedance levels are constant at all nodes for
constant switching speed.
 Except for IMSB, the weighted currents are determined
by resistor ratios (rather than absolute resistor values)
for improved temperature tracking.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
 The most used A/D converters are the counter/ramp,
tracking or servo, integrating (single- and dual-slope),
successive approximation (SAR), the parallel (flash)
converter, charge-balancing (voltage-to-frequency),
and the more recent switched-capacitor-converter.
 Counter/Ramp ADC.
The analog signal sample is applied to a comparator
while a staircase voltage or ramp builds up to the
analog voltage values, at which point the ramp (and
conversion process) stops and resets for the next
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Counter/Ramp ADCs
 A circuit configuration for a continuous 4-bit counter/
ramp ADC is shown in Figure 12-24. In this circuit, the
DAC converts the binary counter output to a staircase
 The ramp voltage VD starts at Vmin and is compared in
the comparator to the analog input voltage VA.
 As long as VA > VD, the comparator output is positive,
thus enabling the AND gate to clock the binary counter.
 The 4-bit binary counter counts up from 0000,
corresponding to VD = Vmin, until VD > VA, whereupon
the comparator output goes low, thus disabling the
AND gate which, in turn, stops the counter (and ramp).
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Counter/Ramp ADCs
Figure 12-24. Counter/ramp analog-to-digital converter.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Counter/Ramp ADCs
 The expanded region on the left of Figure 12-24
indicates an example in which the counter output
contains the digital code (0101), which is proportional
to VA at the sampling instant ts.
 If a parallel input data register (or latch) is connected
as shown, the encoded sample is quickly entered at ts,
and after a short delay, the counter is reset to zero,
which returns VD to Vmin.
 The comparator output then goes high, enabling the
AND gate to allow the sampling process to start up
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
Successive-Approximation A/D Converter.
This very popular ADC has a block diagram similar to
the counter ADC, but the binary counter has been
replaced in the feedback loop by a digital programmer
circuit called a successive-approximation register (SAR).
(See Figure 12-27.)
 With the programmer (SAR) controlling the DAC,
a 1 is applied to the most significant bit (MSB) and
VD  (1/2)full-scale (FS).
 If the analog signal is > (1/2)FS, the comparator
output is still high, so the SAR applies a 1 to the next
significant bit.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Successive-Approximation ADCs
Figure 12-27. Successive-approximation A/D converter.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Successive-Approximation ADCs
 If the analog input is < (1/2)FS (Fig. 12-28), the comparator
output will go low and, in the next click period, the SAR will
remove the MSB 1 (MSB  0) and apply a 1 to the next most
significant bit.
 The SAR, getting feedback from the comparator, continues
its routine of applying successive 1s to lower bit positions of
the DAC.
 After all bits have been tried, the digital output of the SAR
indicates the closest approximation to the analog signal.
 The good conversion efficiency of this technique means that
high-resolution conversions can be made in very short times.
 An additional advantage for the SAR over the counter/ramp
converter is that each analog sample is completed in the same
amount of time; that is, conversion time remains constant.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Successive-Approximation ADCs
Figure 12-28. One sample taken with a 4-bit SAR.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Coder/Decoder (Codec)
 An example of a per-channel PCM coder/decoder
(codec) for voice is Motorola’s MC14407/4 24-pin
CMOS device shown in Figure 12-29.
 As seen in the block diagram, the analog voice input
goes to a sample-and-hold circuit, followed by A/D
conversion by the successive approximation technique.
 You can get m- or A-law companding by specifying the
14407 or the 14404 device.
 As is typical for codecs, the DAC is part of the A/D
conversion loop, and handles the D/A conversion for
decoding input PCM, as will.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Coder/Decoder (Codec)
Figure 12-29. Codec block diagram. Derived from
Motorla’s MC 14407/4 full-duplex.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Telephone Dialing Tones –
Synthesizing and Decoding
 A simple synthesis technique is still used in the process of
converting signals from 10-Hz dc interrupt pulses to dualtone pairs in the telephone system.
 Typically, an off-chip 3.5795-MHz (TV chroma oscillator)
crystal is used for generating the reference. The reference is
divided on two separate counters controlled by the telephone
touch-tone keyboard logic.
 The output sinewaves are digitally synthesized in ROMs
(or a programmable logic array) and converted to the
low-distortion sinewaves in separate DACs.
 The two tones, one from the high-frequency (1209-1447 Hz)
group and the other from the low-frequency (697-941 Hz)
group, are linearly summed in an op-amp and lowimpedance line driver.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Telephone Dialing Tones –
Synthesizing and Decoding
 Each number touched for dialing causes two tones to
be transmitted over the telephone line. As an example
(see Figure 12-30), when |1| is touched, 697 Hz and
1209 Hz are simultaneously transmitted. Various
decoding techniques are available for receivers.
 One technique for touch-tone decoding consists of
seven phase-locked loops, each of which can lock to
one of the dual tones; if the appropriate sequence of
numbers is decoded, your phone rings.
 An example of an IC with a single touch-tone decoder
PLL is the 567 circuit of Figure 12-31. The VCO is set
by R1 and C1 to the tone frequency to be decoded.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Telephone Dialing Tones –
Synthesizing and Decoding
Figure 12-30. Two-tone frequency grid for multifrequency “touch-tone” dialing.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Telephone Dialing Tones –
Synthesizing and Decoding
Figure 12-31. 567 IC touch-tone decoder.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Telephone Dialing Tones –
Synthesizing and Decoding
 The PLL consisting of PD(A), loop compensation filter
R2C2C3, op-amp, and VCO will lock to the input tone
and provide a coherent reference to the quadrature
detector PD(B).
 Because PD(B) operates in quadrature (90o) to the PLL
detector, it becomes a coherent half-wave rectifier at
the inverting comparator low to indicate “lock-up”.
Figure 12-32 shows the phase relationships for these
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Telephone Dialing Tones –
Synthesizing and Decoding
Figure 12-32. Phase relationships for quadrature
phase detectors of the 567 IC.
Prof. J.F. Huang, Fiber-Optic Communication Lab.
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan