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Electric Charge
Charged part of atom: proton &
Proton = +
Electron = Like charges repel; opposite
charges attract
Electric Fields
Electric charge exerts a force
through the electric field that
surrounds the charge
Electric field extends outward
from every charged particle
Static Charge
Objects become charged by gaining
or losing electrons.
 Gain electrons = negative charge
 Lose electrons = positive charge
The buildup of charges on an object
is called static electricity.
Static Electricity
Behaves differently than electric
In electric currents, charges
move continuously.
In static electricity, charges
build up, but DO NOT FLOW.
Static Electricity
 3 methods by which charges are transferred
 Friction
object rubbing against another
 Conduction
Direct contact
 Induction
Movement of electrons to one part of an
object caused by the electric field of
Static Discharge
Negatively charged object &
positively charged object are
brought together….electrons
move until both objects have the
same charge.
The loss of static electricity is
called static discharge.
Static Discharge
 Lightening
within a
2 clouds,
Static Discharge
Electroscope: used
to detect static
A static charge is different from
current electricity in that a static charge
A. never moves.
B. can either move or not move.
C. moves only when resistance is
low enough.
D. moves only when voltage is high
Electric Current
The flow of electric charges
Measured in amperes (A) or amps
Always flow from a region of higher
potential energy to region of lower
potential energy
 Difference in potential energy
between 2 locations is called potential
Potential Difference
Also called voltage
Measured in volts (V)
Provides the force that pushes the
charge through a circuit
 Battery (6 volts)
Potential energy difference is
created by the positive and negative
terminals on the battery
Potential Difference
Electrons will flow as long as
there is a potential difference,
or voltage between 2 parts of a
Voltage causes current to flow!
Increase voltage….increase flow of
electric current
 Current
depends on resistance offered by
the material through which it travels
 The greater the resistance…the less
current there is for a given voltage
 Current takes the path of least resistance!
Why aren’t the birds on the wire
hurt by the electric current that is flowing
through the wire?
Ohm’s Law
Resistance = voltage/current
Ohms = volts/amps
A path through which
electricity can flow.
Only flow when there is
potential difference (voltage)
Most have 3 parts
 Energy
Needs this to push a charge thru a circuit;
 One or more loads
Light bulbs, bells, radios, motors
 Conductor
that allows electrical energy to
easily flow thru it; metals
 An
object added to a circuit that restricts
the flow of electrical energy.
Produce a voltage drop
Used to produce the desired potential
difference (voltage)
Limit current; cause some electrical
energy to be given off as heat
 Device
used to control the flow of
current thru a circuit
Separates (open) or brings
together (closed) 2 conductors
attached to a switch
Open…NO electricity can flow
Closed…electricity flows
Series Circuits
Provides only ONE path for the flow of
Loads are set up in a series, or line.
A failure or break in any part of the
circuit results in the stopping of the flow
of electricity thru the entire circuit.
All loads share the same energy source.
 Current
lowers as more loads are
Parallel Circuits
 Offers more than one path for the flow of
 Each load has its own circuit pathway to the
energy source…each has its own path for
 If one part fails, it does not affect the rest of the
 Loads do NOT share current; have full voltage
of energy source
Adding more loads does not affect the current
flowing to other loads…lights will not dim