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Electricity Test (Lessons1-6)
Feb __
1. Match the term with the best definition:
1) circuit - E
A. a device that controls the flow of electric current
through a circuit.
2) electrolyte - H
B. breaks a circuit when the current is too strong..
3) charge - I
C. the part of the cell the carries the current in or out of the
cell (2 metals).
4) generator - J
D. electricity produced when 2 certain materials are
rubbed together.
5) electrode - C
E. the path (or circle) along which energy travels.
6) breaker - B
F. Greek word for ‘amber”
7) current - G
G. electricity that moves through a circuit.
8) elektron F
H. a liquid or paste in a battery.
9) switch - A
I. the amount of electricity in a substance (2 kinds+ & -)
10) static electricity D J. a device that turns motion into electricity.
2. Draw a diagram of BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER a balloon is rubbed
in your hair. Please show electrons and protons on the materials and
whether the objects are: charged (- or +) OR neutral.
3. Answer the following statements as True or False.
a) Ben Franklin was an Italian scientist in the 1700’s. False
b) Ben Franklin used a kite and a key in his experiment. True
c) Luigi Volta invented the first battery. False
d) Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb. True
e) Galvani worked with twitching frog legs & 2 different metals. True
f) Thales, from Greece, rubbed amber with fur. True
g) JJ Thomson that electricity and magnetism were connected. False
4. Draw a picture of a dry cell, labelling all parts. Use the following in your
labelling: electrode, electrolyte, + , -
- PAGE 2 Feb__
5) A conductor is a material that allows electricity through it.
An insulator is a material that does NOT allow electricity through it.
Identify the materials below as either a Conductor - C or Insulator - I
a) wood - I
b) rubber - I
c) copper wire - C
d) water - C
e) plastic comb - I
f) aluminum foil - C
6a) What 3 things are needed for a circuit? battery (source of electrons),
path (wire), and a light or something to use the electricity.
6b) Draw two labelled diagrams showing the difference between a series
circuit and a parallel circuit. Include the correct direction of the current.
Insert a “switch” in one of your drawings, and identify if the light bulbs are
on or off.
Series  On or Off
Parallel  On or Off
6c) What is the advantage of using a parallel circuit instead of a series
circuit? In a parallel circuit, if one light goes out, the other lights will
still be okay. What is a disadvantage? It takes more wires and
connectors to make a parallel circuit, so it costs more.
7) Fill in the blanks:
a) To measure the amount of voltage in a lemon battery, we use a
machine called a volt meter.
b) 2 positively charged objects will repel; A negatively charged object and
a neutral object will attract.
c) The element in your toaster that “toasts” or heats your bread is not an
insulator, nor a conductor. It is called a resistor.
8) List 3 ways to be safe when working with or using electricity.
1) Don’t mix water and electricity.
2) Unplug an electrical device before cleaning it.
3) Do not plug a lot of things into one outlet.