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An adverb is a word that modifies, or
describes, a verb, an adjective, or another
You make an adverb out of an adjective
by adding –ly in most cases (but not all)
Intensifiers are adverbs like very and
extremely that give more power to what
you are saying.
Today, we are going
to take that and
extend it into our next
We are going to talk
Comparative Adverbs
Superlative Adverbs
How to use Adjectives
and Adverbs correctly.
Just like adjectives
Adverbs have three forms.
I bet you even know how many each
Positive Adverbs
A positive adverb
doesn’t compare any
It stands alone with
the verb, adjective, or
Example: Josh waited
sadly for the bus to
Comparative Adverbs
Compare two ACTIONS!
Short adverbs are going to use –er
in the Comparative form.
Ex: Did the drummer play louder
than the bassist?
Long adverbs require the word more in from of
the verb.
Ex. The audience was more enthusiastic than
the band was!
Superlative Adverbs
The superlative form of an adverb compares
more than two actions.
Short adverbs need –est; longer adverbs
need more or most.
Ex. Did the guitarist play loudest of all?
Ex. No, but he played most enthusiastically.
Irregular Adverbs
Some adverbs are irregular, meaning the
spelling and sound changes with the form.
Well – better - best
Badly – worse – worst
Little (amount) – less
- least
Exercise A: Comparatives and
Complete the chart on the next slide.
Comparatives and Superlatives
More tenderly
Least easily
More violently
Comparative Adverbs compare two
Superlative Adverbs compare more than
two actions.
Some comparatives and superlatives are
Now…as a bonus…
Let’s make sure we understand how to
use adjectives and adverbs correctly.
Dazed and Confused…
Adverbs and
adjectives are often
confused, especially
when they appear
after verbs.
Predicate Adjectives versus Adverbs
A predicate adjective follows a linking
Example: The musicians
aren’t professional.
In the sentence above, the predicate
adjective professional describes musicians.
Now…check this…
In the sentence
below, the adverb
describes the action
verb behaved.
The musicians
People are Crazy!
People also sometimes confuse the words
bad, badly, good, and well.
Bad and good are both adjectives. They are
used after a linking verb.
Badly is an adverb. It is used after an action
Well is mean. It can be either.
When it describes a person,
it is an adjective. Otherwise,
it is an adverb!
Distinguishing Adjectives from
The sound is bad.
The band sounds good.
The soloist seems well.
The actor sang badly.
The band played well.
People are also confused…
People also confuse
real, really, sure,
surely, and most,
Real, sure, and most
are adjectives
Really, surely, and
almost are adverbs.
Let’s go to the charts…
Distinguishing adjectives from adverbs
Music is a real art.
A pianist needs sure
Most pianos have eightyeight keys.
Music is really popular.
Piano music is surely
Piano strings almost
never break.
Exercise B
In the following slide identify the correct
adjective or adverb given in parentheses.
Exercise B.
The big bands did very (good, well) during
the 1930’s and 1940’s.
As (good, well) as they were, they needed
national radio to succeed.
Even (bad, badly) bands took advantage
of the interest in this music.
The big bands’ era is over, but their
records still sell (good, well)
If you listen really (good, well) you’ll still
hear bands with that sound.
A comparative adverb compares two actions.
A superlative adverb compares more than two
Some comparatives and superlatives are
Adverbs and adjectives are often confused,
especially when they appear after verbs.
People also sometimes confuse the words bad,
badly, good, and well.
Let’s add it to our list…
An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a
noun or a pronoun.
An adjective describes a person, place, thing, or idea.
It gives more info about the noun or pronoun.
A predicate adjective follows a linking verb and modifies
the subject of the sentence.
A and an are called indefinite articles because they refer
to one of a general group of people, places, things, or
The is called a definite article because it identifies
specific people, places, things, or ideas.
The comparative form of an adjective compares two
things or people.
The superlative form of an adjective compares more
than two things or people.
Demonstrative adjectives point out something and
describe nouns by answering the questions which one or
which ones.
An adverb is a word that modifies, or describes, a verb,
an adjective, or another adverb.
An adverb can answer one of these questions: where,
when, how, how often, how much, or how long.
Most adverbs are formed by adding –ly to the adjective,
if you see an –ly word, it’s usually an adverb.
Some adverbs answer the question to what extent a
quality exists.
These adverbs are called
A comparative adverb compares two actions.
A superlative adverb compares more than two actions.
Some comparatives and superlatives are irregular.
Adverbs and adjectives are often confused, especially
when they appear after verbs.
People also sometimes confuse the words bad, badly,
good, and well.
I smell a test coming up!