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Juan Guerrero
In order to become more familiar with the
Trinity examination, we will be explaining the
following topics related to Language
◦ Adjectives and Adverbials of quantity
◦ Subject areas for the conversation in the Interview
◦ Subject areas for the portfolio and the Controlled
Written examination.
Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person
or thing in the sentence. Adjectives of quantity answer the
question 'how much?'.
◦ Examples: some, any, much, enough, sufficient, all, etc.
In grammar an adverbial is a word (an adverb) or a group of
words (an adverbial phrase or an adverbial clause) that
modifies or tells us something about the sentence or the
verb. Adverbs of quantity express the idea of how much or in
what degree.
◦ Examples: Very, much, too much, a little, a bit, nothing,
somewhat, rather, so, etc.
We need to buy some coffee.
I have little faith in the system.
She didn’t each much breakfast.
We haven’t got enough time.
All his life he worked for the poor.
Have you got any rice?
You have done nothing wrong.
The townhouse is much bigger.
He is quite strong.
She is very beautiful.
My work is almost finished.
He was rather busy.
The student must also be able to speak
properly about the following subjects:
Society and living standards
Personal values and ideals
The world of work
Unexplained phenomena and events
National environmental concerns
Public figures past and present
In addition to the subject areas listed for the
Conversation phase of the Interview, we must
also prepare ourselves in the following
National customs
Village and city life
National and local produce and products
Early memories
Pollution and recycling
Adjectives of quantity answer the question “how was it
“Have you got rice?” is a perfect example of the use of
adjectives of quantity.
In the sentence “My father is quite strong”, quite is an
adverbial of quantity.
Queen Victoria’s legacy could be used for the
conversation phase in the interview.
In the controlled written examination the candidate may
be asked to write about his country’s national customs.