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Exploring Claim 1,
Assessment Targets and DOK
This material was developed for the Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics project through the University of WisconsinMilwaukee, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER). This material may be used by schools to support
learning of teachers and staff provided appropriate attribution and acknowledgement of its source. You may not use this work for
commercial purposes.
This project was supported through a grant from the Wisconsin ESEA Title II Improving Teacher Quality Program
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Standards for Mathematical Practice
The eight Standards for
Mathematical Practice place
an emphasis on students
doing mathematics and
demonstrating learning.
Equitable achievement will
begin with an understanding
of how the selection of
tasks, the assessment of
tasks, and the student
learning environment can
support or undermine equity
in our schools.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Today’s Learning Targets
Learning Targets:
• Understand how the assessment targets in Claim 1
are related to CCSS and understand the relative
importance of each target.
• Clarify and enhance understanding of the Depth of
Knowledge (DOK) Levels within CCSS and Smarter
Balanced assessment items.
Success Criteria
You will be able to connect the Assessment Targets in
Claim 1 to Content Emphasis by Cluster and Depth of
Knowledge (DOK).
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Understanding Claims and
Assessment Targets
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Smarter Balanced Claims
1. Concepts and
Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts
and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures
with precision and fluency.
2. Problem Solving
Students can solve a range of complex well-posed
problems in pure and applied mathematics, making
productive use of knowledge and problem solving
3. Communicating
Students can clearly and precisely construct viable
arguments to support their own reasoning and to
critique the reasoning of others.
4. Data Analysis and
Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and
can use mathematical models to interpret and solve
SBAC 2011, p.17
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
A Closer Examination of Claim 1
Each claim has Assessment Targets.
The assessment targets connect the Common Core
State Standards to evidence that will be collected
from the assessments.
In mathematics, the assessment targets are
mapped to the Standards for Mathematical Practice
and the Standards for Mathematical Content.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Open your binder to CCSSM.
Use the handout showing Claim 1 and the targets for grades 3-5 and 6-8.
What do you notice about the targets? How are they related to CCSSM?
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Are They All Created Equal?
Each grade level has approximately 10 cluster
statements (assessment targets) in Claim 1.
For each grade level, mark five assessment
targets that you identify as more important
than the others. Mark these with a pencil mark.
What did you consider as you made these
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Time to Color
Use the PARCC Content Emphasis by Cluster
handout to color code every assessment
target for Claim 1 for grades 3-8.
You need a GREEN, a BLUE and a YELLOW
What are the implications of prioritizing the
clusters as major, supporting or additional?
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Cognitive Rigor MatrixDepth of Knowledge (DOK)
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me –
Bloom’s Taxomony
demonstrate compare,
dramatize contrast,
illustrate, differentiate
interpret, discriminate
schedule, examine,
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Cognitive Rigor
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels
The level of complexity of the cognitive demand.
– Level 1: Recall and Reproduction
• Requires eliciting information such as a fact, definition, term,
or a simple procedure, as well as performing a simple algorithm
or applying a formula.
– Level 2: Basic Skills and Concepts
• Requires the engagement of some mental processing beyond
a recall of information.
– Level 3: Strategic Thinking and Reasoning
• Requires reasoning, planning, using evidence, and explanations
of thinking.
– Level 4: Extended Thinking
• Requires complex reasoning, planning, developing, and
thinking most likely over an extended period of time.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Developing the
Cognitive Rigor Matrix
• Smarter Balanced utilizes a cognitive rigor table that
applies DOK levels to the revised Bloom’s taxonomy of
six types of thinking (i.e., Remember, Understanding,
Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create).
Bloom –What type of thinking (verbs) is
needed to complete a task?
• Webb –How deeply do you have to
understand the content to successfully
interact with it? How complex is the content?
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Cognitive Rigor Matrix – Developed by Karin Hess
A framework for increasing the rigor of student tasks.
National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment (NCIEA), 2009
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Dr. Karin Hess
Cognitive Rigor Matrix
A framework for increasing the rigor of student tasks.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Karin Hess’ Differences Between Webb’s Depth
of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Bloom focuses on “type of thinking.” Are you
analyzing, evaluating, etc.?
• Webb focuses on “How deeply do you have to know
the content and what mental processes do you need
to engage in to be successful?”
• Webb’s DOK is not about difficulty or the type of
thinking, but about complexity.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK is About Complexity
Every assessment target
has been assigned a DOK level.
• The DOK level is determined by type of
thinking and application of the intended
student learning outcome.
• Instruction and classroom assessments must
reflect the DOK level of the objective or
intended learning outcome.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK is NOT...
a taxonomy (Bloom’s)
about using “verbs”
the same as difficulty
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK is not about difficulty...
Difficulty is a reference to how many students answer a
question correctly.
For example:
“How many of you know the definition of exaggerate?”
DOK 1 – recall
If all of you know the definition, this question is an easy question.
“How many of you know the definition of prescient?”
DOK 1 – recall
If most of you do not know the definition, this question is a difficult
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK is about complexity—
not difficulty!
The intended student learning outcome determines the
DOK level. What mental processing must occur?
While verbs may appear to point to a DOK level, it is
what comes after the verb that is the best indicator of
the rigor/DOK level.
– Describe the physical features of a square.
– Describe how a square and a rectangle are alike and
– Describe a Venn diagram which shows the relationship
between these quadrilaterals: square, rectangle,
parallelogram, rhombus.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK is not about Verbs
Using the same verb (Graph) across DOK levels:
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK Level 1:
Recall and Reproduction
Describe what this means to your shoulder partner.
Requires recall of information, such as a fact, definition,
term, or performance of a simple process or procedure
Answering a Level 1 item can involve following a simple,
well-known procedure or formula
Find three examples of DOK 1 from the envelope of
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK Level 2:
Basic Skills and Concepts
Describe what this means to your shoulder
• Includes the engagement of some mental processing
beyond recalling or reproducing a response
• Items require students to make some decisions as to
how to approach the question or problem
• Actions imply more than one mental or cognitive
Find three examples of DOK 2 from the envelope
of tasks.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK Level 3
Strategic Thinking
Describe what this means to your shoulder partner.
• Requires deep understanding exhibited through planning, using
evidence, and more demanding cognitive reasoning.
• The cognitive demands are complex and abstract.
• An assessment item that has more than one possible answer
and requires students to justify the response would most likely
be a Level 3.
Find three examples of DOK 3 from the envelope of
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
DOK Level 4
Extended Reasoning
Describe what this means to your shoulder partner.
• Requires high cognitive demand and is very complex.
• Students are expected to make connections, relate ideas within
the content or among content areas, and select or devise one
approach among many alternatives on how the situation can be
• Due to the complexity of cognitive demand, DOK 4 often
requires an extended period of time.
Find three examples of DOK 4 from the envelope of tasks.
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Some general rules of thumb…
• If there is only one correct answer, it is probably level
DOK 1 or DOK 2
– DOK 1: you either know it (can recall it, locate it, do it) or
you don’t
– DOK 2 (conceptual): apply one concept, then make a
decision before going on applying a second concept
• If more than one solution/approach, requiring
evidence, it is DOK 3 or 4
– DOK 3: Must provide supporting evidence and reasoning
(not just HOW solved, but WHY – explain reasoning)
– DOK 4: all of “3” + use of multiple sources or texts
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
Revisiting Claim 1:
Assessment Targets
The final piece… The DOK for each assessment
target in Claim 1.
Use pp. 5-20 of the SBAC Preliminary Test
Blueprints to locate the proposed DOK for each
assessment target in Claim 1 for each grade.
Mark these on your Claim 1 Assessment Targets
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014
What? So What? Now What?
• Understand how the assessment targets in Claim 1 are related
to CCSS and understand the relative importance of each
• Clarify and enhance understanding of the Depth of Knowledge
(DOK) Levels within CCSS and SBAC assessment items.
What have you learned? What actions will you take based
on what we have talked about so far in regards to aligning
tasks, DOK, and higher level thinking?
Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2013-2014