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Electronic Proper2es of La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 for Next Genera2on Electronic Devices Robert Devlin La 1/3 Sr 2/3 FeO 3 thin films Objec2ve: grown by molecular epitaxy ExploraQon and understanding of the electronic undergo metal-­‐insulator properQes of La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 in order to effecQvely uQlize transiQon. this material in electronic devices. This electronic material has Approach: promise for low-­‐power, high FabricaQon of high-­‐quality thin films using molecular speed transistors. beam epitaxy. QuanQficaQon of the electronic properQes by measuring resisQvity as a funcQon of temperature, magnetoresistance, Hall effect and fit resisQvity to conducQon models to understand how the carriers are localized above and below the phase transiQon. Impact: Low Power Transistors: Normal silicon transistors are based on electrostaQc doping and have considerable losses in the off-­‐state due to leakage current. La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 as the acQve material in a transistor would have a fully insulaQng channel in the off-­‐state and metallic channels in the on-­‐state, leading to lower power consumpQon and higher on/off raQo. High Speed Transistors: Since La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 undergoes a phase transiQon to switch the channel resistance which occurs on picosecond Qme scales, it has the promise for high speed transistors. Contact: Dr. Steven J. May Materials Science & Engineering Oxide Films and Interfaces Group E-­‐mail: [email protected] Phone: (215) 571-­‐3650