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CS 2204 Fall 2007
Experiment 2
Lab 5
Experiment 2 Lab 5 Outline
 Presentation
General Design Rules
 General Design Rules
Semiconductor technology overview
 A Brief Look at Semiconductor Technology
• Gate Features
• Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) overview
• Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) overview
 Individual work
Experiment 2
 Develop a 1-bit Adder (Full Adder) of the Ppm term project
New handout
 General Design Rules
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Experiment 2 Lab 5
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 General Design Rules
How would you approach
 Design
• System design
 Pressure-filled tasks ?
• If you are in control of the task, you have a chance
to complete it successfully on time
► If the task is in control, the chances are slim !
Useful for this course, until graduation and after
 Use them for exams, projects, homework, etc.
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 1 : You have enough pressure in the beginning, do
not increase it further
Do not rush  Think  Help yourself
Prepare a mental/written plan to start and complete the
task which uses the remaining rules
 If it was an exam : you would not rush to solve the first
question !
• You would read all the questions and decide solving from
the easiest towards the most difficult
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 2 : Keep your task simple in the beginning
Deal with simple concepts in the beginning
Give yourself a chance to like the task in case you are not
motivated enough
 Ask yourself :
• Am I familiar with the system I will design ?
• Am I familiar with the design process ?
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 2 : Keep your task simple in the beginning
If no to either one, do all or some of the following :
 Investigate similar systems and design processes, i.e. a
background search and use it if allowed
• If it was an exam, you would look at your notes, homework,
handouts and books to have an idea about the question
 Follow a top-down (block-based) design to deal with simple
concepts in the beginning (blocks and their input/output
 If possible, design a representative piece of the system you
will design
• Design a 1-bit 2-to1 MUX and then gradually expand it to the final
goal of a 16-bit 2-to-1 MUX
• Design a 2-entry digital lock (press two keys) first and then
gradually expand it to the final goal of a 6-entry digital lock (press
6 keys)
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 3 : Base your decisions on design goals : speed,
cost, power, reliability, size, weight, etc.
Such as selecting among alternative components
Be consistent
 Do not make decisions that look arbitrary
Use these even when you partition blocks
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 4 : When you start the design, do not go for the
best design possible
Get a system that works first then, optimize it with respect
to the design goals.
 Thus, relax Rule 3 in the beginning
• Use this rule especially if you are a new designer
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 5 : Your design must be such that one can
upgrade it in the future
Otherwise, to upgrade it would be impossible and so the
system has to be redesigned from scratch !
 The Ppm project is designed so that one can have different
versions of it
• Human vs. machine now
• Human vs. human later
• Machine vs. machine later
 A computer is designed so that in the future one can upgrade
• The memory to large sizes
• Place a new version of the microprocessor
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 6 : Design or at least consider more than one
layer at a time after you become familiar with the
system you are designing and the design process.
This is not top-down design but middle-out !
 This is possible if you are an experienced designer
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 7 : If you are stuck and does not know what to
do, especially does not know what to do next, STOP !
Move up to higher layers and see where you are
 You will see what you have missed
 You will see which (sub)block is next
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Goal : Be in control of the pressure-filled task
 Rule 8 : If you cannot explain something, cannot
explain why it happens as it happens, “zoom in”
Move to the lower layers and focus on few (sub)blocks that
affect the situation
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Xilinx Project Development Steps Today’s work
 Develop the schematic
Design the schematic
 Place the components and wires
Do integrity tests
Test the schematic via logic simulations
What are these
components ?
It maps the components to the CLBs of the chip
 Do timing simulations to test the schematic
It generates the bit file
 Download the bit file to the FPGA and test the
design on the board
It programs the chip
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Developing a digital product
 A new chip
Which gates & FFs and how many is determined by
 Available components of the technology chosen
 Besides the major operations and speed, cost, power, etc.
product goals of the digital product
FPGAs are used to test the new chip
 A new PCB
Which chips and how many is determined by
 Available chips of the technology chosen
 Besides the major operations and speed, cost, power, etc.
product goals of the digital product
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 Gate
 Speed, Cost, Power, Size,…
 Determined
by switch features
 Speed, cost, power, size,…
• Depend on the technology chosen
 They have their own subfamilies
 TTL : H, L, S, LS, AS,…
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Gate Cost
 How much a gate costs : pennies or less today
Determined by
 The technology
 The number of inputs
 The number of gates on the chip
Why are Chips Cheap Today ?
 Silicon is the most common semiconductor
• Sea sand has silicon
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Gate Power Consumption
 Amount of electrical power consumed by a
single gate
Micro Watts or less today
 Determined by
 The technology
 The number of inputs
 The higher the power consumption, the
higher heat generated
Indirectly determines the density of the chip
 The number of transistors on the chip
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Gate Size
 How large a gate is : in terms of microns on a
side today
Determined by
 Transistor size
• A function of the process : 0.065 micron today
• Reason for Moore’s Law
• It will be 0.045 micron soon
 Technology
 The number of inputs
• The more inputs, the larger the gate is
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 The number of inputs a gate has
This is purely electrical
 Determined by the technology
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The fan-in is three
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 The number of gate inputs that can be connected to
a gate output
This is purely electrical
Determined by the technology
If the fan-out is exceeded
 The output can be physically damaged
 The output value may not be electrically “strong” to be
interpreted as 1 or 0
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 In order to increase the fan-out buffers are used
Regular buffers (not input nor output buffers) are used to
increase the fan-out
 A buffer is an electronic circuit that is used to electrically
“drive” large currents, hence many inputs
► It can also have circuits to filter noise and strengthen the
electrical signal
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Increasing the fan-out
Use a buffer !
But, the input to
output delay is
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Technology of components/chips
 Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
Uses bipolar transistors
Consists of two sets of families
 Commercial : 74xxxx
• Cheaper
• Widely available
 Military : 54xxxx
• Manufactured for more stringent applications
• Expensive
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Commercial TTL families, each with a
different combination of speed, power, cost,..
74 (Standard)
 74L (Low-power)
 74S (Schottky)
We will use it
 74LS (Low-power Schottky)
from time to time
 74H (High speed)
 74AS (Advanced Schottky)
 74ALS (Advanced Low-power Schottky)
 74F (Fast)
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
Unused gate input
1) It can be left unconnected (floating)
Implemented by
an available 3input AND gate
From documentation point of it is confusing
If the designer leaves the company and a new engineer
works on it can get confused
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
Unused gate input
2) It can be tied to a used input
An available 3-input AND
gate used to implement a
2-input AND gate
 The fan-out of the b signal is increased
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
Unused gate input
3) It can be connected to 1 or 0 depending on the gate type,
via a pull-up resistor or pull-down resistor
+5 v
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Gate outputs
Totem-pole outputs
Do not short circuit
totem-pole gate outputs
2-input NAND gate implementation
From ON Semiconductor LS TTL
Data Manual
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Gate outputs
Tri-state outputs
 The output has three values !
• 1, 0 and Hi-Z ≡ High-impedance ≡ Floating ≡ Static voltage
• There is an extra control input, Enable, to enable/disable output
► If disabled, the output value is Hi-Z (high-impedance)
Operation table
Tri-state symbol
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Gate outputs
Tri-state outputs
 A tri-state gate can be envisioned as a totem-pole gate with a
switch at the output
Output y has
three values
Totem-pole gate
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Gate output
Tri-state outputs
 Outputs can be short circuited if only one gate is enabled at a time
You can short circuit
tri-state gate
Tri-state outputs are often
used to implement buses
A bus line
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Gate output
 An external pull-up resistor is needed
Open collector
Open-collector outputs are often used
To drive displays and lights
To implement buses
+5 v
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Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
 Gate output
 Gate outputs can be short circuited
A bus line
You can short circuit
open-collector gate
Open-collector outputs are
often short circuited to
implement buses
+5 v
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+5 v
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Technology of components/chips
 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Uses unipolar transistors
 Slower than Bipolar transistors
 Consume less power than Bipolar transistors
CMOS chips consume very little power
Not straightforward to connect to TTL chips
Better Fan-out than TTL chips
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
 Commercial CMOS families, each with a different
combination of speed, power, cost
 4000 (Oldest)
 74HC (High speed CMOS)
 74HCT (High speed CMOS, TTL Compatible)
 74AC (Advanced CMOS)
 74ACT (Advanced CMOS, TTL Compatible)
 74FCT (Fast CMOS, TTL Compatible)
 74FCT-T (Fast CMOS, TTL Compatible with TTL
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMOS chips are sensitive to static electricity
One should not touch them
Unless properly grounded
• A wire strapped around the wrist is connected to the
• The ground has 0v
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
Unused gate input
Do not leave it unconnected (floating)
The gate will not work properly
Xilinx does not allow this option !
A No Driver warning is given by the Project Manager
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
Unused gate input
It can be tied to a used input
An available 3-input AND gate used
to implement a 2-input AND gate
The fan-out of the b signal is increased
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
Unused gate input
It can be connected to 1 or 0 depending on the gate type, via a
pull-up resistor or pull-down resistor
+5 v
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
 Gate output
Do not short circuit regular gate outputs
Xilinx warning message from
the Project Manager :
Multiple drivers on output y
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
 Gate output
Tri-state outputs
 The output has three values !
• 1, 0 and Hi-Z ≡ High-impedance ≡ Floating ≡ Static voltage
• There is an extra control input, Enable, to enable/disable output
► If disabled, the output value is Hi-Z (high-impedance)
Operation table
Tri-state symbol
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
 Gate output
Tri-state outputs
 A tri-state gate can be envisioned as a totem-pole gate with a switch
at the output
Output y has
three values
Regular gate
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
 Gate output :
Tri-state gate outputs can be short circuited if only one gate is
enabled at a time
You can short circuit
tri-state gate
Tri-state outputs are often
used to implement buses
A bus line
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
 Gate output :
 An external pull-up resistor is needed
Open drain
Open-drain outputs are often used
To drive displays and lights
To implement buses
+5 v
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Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
 Gate output :
 Gate outputs can be short circuited
A bus line
+5 v
You can short
circuit open-drain
gate outputs
+5 v
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Digital Engineering Terminology
Must be
U2 has no Load
U2 output is not used corrected
Must be
U4 input has no driver
U4 input is not
connected to an output.
Its input value is Hi-Z
(High-Impedance) as
there is infinite
impedance (resistance)
into the U4 input so no
current can flow in
CS 2204 Fall 2007
Must be corrected
Multiple drivers on output y
U3 and U4 outputs are short circuited
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Do not leave the lab before your partners finish
► Help your partners complete today’s project
Read slides on the Ppm, Project Manager,
Schematic design and other related topics
Continue reading the Term Project handout
Think about the machine player strategy
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Work
 We will continue to study (analyze) the term project
We will use our knowledge of 1-bit ADDers to modify a
portion of a term project to develop a 1-bit ADDer in the
Points Calculation Block (Block 5)
 The 1-bit ADDer expression is the same as the one obtained in
• We will replace a 1-bit Xilinx ADDer with our own circuits
 Help your partners complete today’s project
 We will continue reading the Term Project handout
Relate each term project (sub)block in the Term Project
handout to the Ppm schematic
 Study Ppm (sub)blocks by performing simulations
 Read slides at the end to learn more about the term
project, Project Manager, schematic design and
other related topics
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
1. Copy the termproject folder and paste it in
the cs2204 folder as the exp2 folder
We will experiment with the Ppm schematics
2. Open the Ppm project in exp2
3. Look at the six Ppm schematics
If you copy a project completely as we did and then open
its schematics, the schematics will be all Non-Project
Therefore, close all these schematics and close the
schematics window
Then, open the schematics one by one on the Project
Manager window, by double clicking on the schematic name
on the upper left side
4. Place your team info on the schematics on
schematic 1 : ppm1.sch
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
5. Save schematic 1
6. Switch to schematic 5
7. Zoom into the upper right area, containing
the Encoded Adjacency Subsubblock
8. There is a Xilinx macro (a Xilinx Design
Block, XDB)
A 4-bit ADDer, ADD4,
It adds two 4-bit numbers
This Xilinx 4-bit ADDer is used as a 1-bit ADDer
 A Full Adder
See ppm5.sch on the next slide
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Ppm Schematic 5
4-bit ADDer
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
9. Analyze the ADDer to determine how it is
used as a 1-bit ADDer
See the correspondence between the Handout 5
circuit inputs and outputs and Xilinx Adder
inputs and outputs
Determine which input is “a”, which input is “b” and
which input is “c”
Determine which output is “cout” and which output is the
“sum” output ?
Do a Hierarchy Push and see that it is
implemented by Xilinx differently from the one
discussed in class
It does not have four cascaded Full Adders !
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
9. Analyze the ADDer to determine how it is
used as a 1-bit ADDer
Observe the internal structure of the Xilinx 4bit ADDer and compare it with the two gate
networks in Handout 5
The S0 output is Sum(a, b, c) in Handout 5
The S1 output is cout(a, b, c) in Handout 5
S0 = Sum(a, b, c) = a b c + a b c + a b c + abc = a + b + c
S1 = cout(a, b, c) = bc + ab + ac
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
9. Analyze the ADDer to determine how it is
used as a 1-bit ADDer
Close the schematic of the internal circuit of the
Xilinx 4-bit ADDer by means of a Hierarchy Pop
10. Perform functional simulations on this Xilinx
4-bit ADDer to verify it is a 1-bit ADDer
Use the truth table in Handout 5
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
11. Search for the inputs and outputs of the
ADDer by clicking on the Query window
button on top of the schematic sheet
In the Signal/Bus mode of the SC Query/Find
window that will pop up
Determine which components generate the inputs
Determine which components use outputs
 NSD0 and NSD1
12. Delete the Xilinx 4-bit ADDer in schematic
Do not delete the wires
Save schematic 5, ppm5.sch
See modified ppm5.sch on the next slide
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Ppm Schematic 5
CS 2204 Fall 2007
4-bit ADDer
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
13. Scroll down to the mid area of schematic 5 to have
a large working space
14. Draw the schematic of the 1-bit ADDer by using
Handout 5 on the left and right side of the mid
area in schematic 5
You will implement the sum and cout outputs by using 2-level
AND-OR gate networks in Handout 5
You will use the Symbols toolbox button on the leftmost
side (or F3) to get the component list
You will use the Draw wires button on the leftmost side
(or F4) to draw wires
To rotate components right press ctrl-r
To rotate components left, press ctrl-l
Note, wires cannot be rotated
But, by pulling from one end of a wire, it can be rotated !
Label the wires (inputs and outputs) based on your analysis
in part (9)
See modified ppm5.sch on next slide
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
The modified ppm5.sch
1-bit ADDer
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
14. Draw the schematic of the 1-bit ADDer by
using Handout 5
In the Instance mode of the SC Query/Find
window that will pop up
Determine that there is no component labeled U267
and above
Label the components starting at U267
The last component label is U278
Save schematic 5, ppm5.sch
See modified ppm5.sch on next two slides
First, the sum circuit
Then, cout circuit
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
The sum (NSD0) circuit in ppm5.sch
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
The cout (NSD1) circuit in ppm5.sch
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
15. Perform an Integrity Test to check for
Integrity tests do not catch all the errors
That is why after the Integrity tests we have to
• Functional simulations
• Timing simulations
16. Perform functional simulations on this 1-bit
ADDer in schematic 5 to verify that it is
Use the truth table in Handout 5
Make sure the circuit is beautified and the
schematic is saved again
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Make sure there are no errors
Make sure the IMPLEMENTATION options are
changed so that a better IMPLEMENTATION is done
Read the Implementation Log File to confirm
The number of warnings 25
• These warning are OK, we can continue
• Note that there are 25 warnings not 24 as it is the
case with the original term project since a wire in
Block 5 is not used
WARNING:NgdBuild:454 - logical net '$Net00202_' has no load
This wire is the wire that connected the unused
data inputs of the Xilinx 4-bit ADDer to GND in
Block 5
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
Read the Implementation Log File to see that
The FPGA chip utilization is 97%
The Xilinx IMPLEMENTATION maps the design to 190
to 191 CLBs after an IMPLEMENTATION, a feature
peculiar to FPGA testing
 The conversion of the schematic to the bit file is
“randomized” to have a better mapping of the logic to
CLBs, but it leads to this situation
 That is why we fabricate the prototype chip before we mass
produce it to test the design one more time to make sure
the design is correct
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
The Project Manager window looks like this after the
IMPLEMENTATION is completed successfully :
Make sure the options
are “High Effort” “50”
and “5”
The checkmark for
can be delayed a few
minutes sometimes
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
18. Download the Ppm project to the FPGA chip
and play the game and to verify that the
schematic works correctly
If it does not work, inspect your circuit in Block
5 and correct your circuit
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Today’s Individual Xilinx Lab Work
19. Help your partners complete today’s project
20. Continue reading the Term Project handout
Relate each term project (sub)block in the Term Project
handout to the Ppm schematic
Study Ppm (sub)blocks by performing simulations
Play the other two versions of the term project to
refresh your memory
Ppm human vs. human : ppmhvsh
Ppm machine vs. machine : ppmmvsm
21. Read slides at the end to learn more about the
term project, Project Manager, schematic design
and other related topics
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Understand Critical Wires
RD : 4 bits
 The random digit
P1RD : 4 bits
Next random digit
P2RD : 4 bits
The random digit after next random digit
DISP : 16 bits
 They represent the four position displays
 In Hex
 DISP15-DISP12 : the leftmost position display, PD3
 DISP11-DISP8 : position display PD2, etc
TDISP : 16 bits
Next display bits after the current random digit is played
SELTPD : 4 bits
Selects between DISP and TDISP to add the current or next
random digit
If it is 0, it selects DISP, otherwise TDISP
TADDDISP : 16 bits
The result of selection between DISP and TDISP
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Understand Critical Wires
NPDISP : 16 bits
 TADDDISP digits plus RD
NDISP : 16 bits
 New DISP bits
 In Hex
BRWD : 4 bits
 Basic reward
 In Hex
 The digit played and also minimum points earned
Brwdeqz : 1 bit
 BRWD is zero when it is 1
PDPRD : 4 bits
 Display overflow bits after addition
Pdprd : 1 bit
The display overflow bit of the position played
Selplyr : 1 bit
 The current player
 If it is 0, it is the human player, otherwise, it is the machine player
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Understand Critical Wires
P1SEL : 4 bits
 The position played by the human player
P2SEL : 4 bits
 The position played by the machine player
PSEL : 4 bits
 Position Select bits of current player
ENCPSEL : 2 bits
 The number of the position played
EQ : 4 bits
 The equality of the four displays to the digit played
NSD : 2 bits
 The number of similar digits, i.e. the adjacency information
of the position played
RWD : 8 bits
 The reward points calculated based on adjacencies
 In Unsigned Binary
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Understand Critical Wires
P1PT : 8 bits
 Player 1 points
 In Hex
P2PT : 8 bits
 Player 2 points
 In Hex
PT : 8 bits
 The points of the current player
 In Hex
NPT : 8 bits
 New player points for the current player
 In Hex
Ptovf : 1 bit
The points overflow
 if it is 1, the new player points is above (255)10
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Understand Critical Wires
P1add : 1 bit
 Player 1 adds when it is 1
P2add : 1 bit
 Player 2 adds when it is 1
Add : 1 bit
 The current player adds when it is 1
P1skip : 1 bit
 Player 1 skips when it is 1
P2skip : 1 bit
 Player 2 skips when it is 1
P1played : 1 bit
 Player 1 played when it is 1
P2played : 1 bit
 Player 2 played when it is 1
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Understand Critical Wires
Clear : 1 bit
 Clear FFs, registers, counters, etc. during reset in Block 2 and Block 4 so
that it can play again
Clearp2ffs : 1 bit
 Clears Player 2 FFs, counters and registers
Shp1rds : 1 bit
Shows next two digits to Player 1 in state 1
Add : 1 bit
Shows that the current player has selected to add
Stp1pt : 1 bit
 Store Player 1 points
Stp2pt : 1 bit
 Store Player 2 points
Grd : 1 bit
 Signals to generate a new random digit
 The random digit counter output is stored as P2RD while P2RD and P1RD are
shifted to generate the new P1RD and RD
Bpds : 1 bit
Blink one or all displays slowly
Bpdf : 1 bit
Blocks a display fast after a display overflow
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Understand Critical Wires
Clff : 1 bit
 Clears FFs in Block 2 so that the next player can play if
there is no overflow
S1 : 1 bit
 State 1 where when it is 1, the Ppm is in state 1
P2sturn : 1 bit
 Signals that Player 2 has the turn
 It is 1 when the Ppm is in state 4
Sysclk : 1 bit
 System clock of the operation diagram at 6 Hz to the digit
 P2clk : 1 bit
 The clock signal of Player 2 at 48 Hz
 Rdclk : 1 bit
The random digit counter clock at 192 Hz
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Project Manager Actions and Reminders
 Make sure there is a CS2204 folder
 Make sure there is an experiment folder for
the current experiment
You can check the folder the current project is in
by selecting File -> Project Info
 Make sure the FPGA chip and its model are
correct when a new Xilinx project is created
You can check the FPGA chip and its model by
selecting File -> Project Type…
 The selections must be as follows
• The chip : Spartan
• The model : S10PC84
• Speed : 3
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Project Manager Actions and Reminders
 If you copy a project completely and paste it as a
new project, its schematic files cannot be worked on
right away
After you open the schematics, they are all Non-Project
Close all the schematics
Close the schematics window
Open the schematics one by one on the Project Manager
 Double click on the schematic name on the upper left side for
each schematic file
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Project Manager Actions and Reminders
 When you do the first Xilinx
IMPLEMENTATION or after clearing the
implementation data, you need to change
implementation options before clicking on
“Run” in the Implement Design Window
You can change the options by selecting Options…
in the same window and then
 Increase the Place & Route Level to the Highest Effort
on the “Options” window
 Click on the Edit Options… button for Implementation: in
the Program Options area of the “Options” window
 Click on Place and Route on the “Spartan Implementation
Options: Default” window
 Increase Router Options to 50 and 5 for both Routing
Passes and Delay-Based Cleanup Passes
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Project Manager Actions and Reminders
 After a successful IMPLEMENTATION
The schematic files have a check mark next to them
The Design Entry button will have a check mark
The IMPLEMENTATION button has a check mark (after a
delay of minutes sometimes)
The PROGRAMMING button is highlighted
 If not, just click in anywhere in the Flow tab area of the
Project Manager window, it will be highlighted
 If the IMPLEMENTATION is not successful due to
errors, the IMPLEMENTATION button will have an
“X” mark
The error can be because of wrong chip selection or
schematic design errors
 Correct them then !
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Project Manager Actions and Reminders
 After a Xilinx IMPLEMENTATION, read the
Implementation Log File for errors, warnings and
FPGA chip utilization
You can read the Implementation Log File by selecting
Reports -> Implementation Log File
 All No driver warnings must be corrected
• No Driver means, the wire is not connected to any
component output
 All Multiple drivers warnings must be corrected
• Multiple Drivers means, a wire is connected to multiple
component outputs
 Most No Load warnings can be ignored
• Because, the software warns that a component output is
not used, because you do not need the output
• But, if a component output is needed, and not connected,
then it is an error, the output must be connected to the
input of a component
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Project Manager Actions and Reminders
 After performing several Xilinx IMPLEMENTATIONs, clear the
implementation data, by selecting Project -> Clear
Implementation Data
Back to back Xilinx IMPLEMENTATIONs use previous
implementation data that is unchanged to save time
 Over time, this implementation data becomes corrupt and the bit file
has errors
• Correct designs do not perform correctly on the FPGA board
Clearing the implementation data changes the implementation
options to the default ones
The schematic files will keep their check marks
The Design Entry button will keep its check mark
But, the IMPLEMENTATION button will have a question mark
The PROGRAMMING button will not be highlighted
The implementation options must be changed to the required ones again
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Place team info on schematics
You can enter the team info by selecting File -> Table
 Place your name & a partner name on Line1:
 Place names of the other two partners on Line 2:
 On Line3: place CS2204 – Section A/B/C/D/E/F – Spring 2007
 Press F2 to enter the Select & Drag Mode
Only, in this mode components can be deleted, rotated,
copied and pasted
 You can press ESC to enter the Select & Drag Mode
 Press F3 to get component library on screen
VCC is logic 1
GND is logic 0
To quickly locate a component, enter the first few letters of
the component in the bottom area of the SC Symbols window
 To locate XOR gates, just enter letter “X” and “O”
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Press F4 to draw wires
 Press F5 to draw buses
 Press F7 to search for wires and components
To search for wires, select the Signal/Bus mode
 If the wire does not have a name, the software assigns one
that starts with a “$” symbol and ends with a “_” symbol
• Use the whole name to search for a wire
To search for a component, select the Instance mode
 If a component does not have a name, the software assigns one
that starts with “$I” symbols followed by a number
• Use the whole name to search for the component
 Press F8 to start simulation quickly
 Press F10 to refresh the screen
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Press ctrl-c to copy a wire or a component selected
When components are copied, their labels are not copied !
You can copy from a schematic that belongs to another
 To open the schematic of another project, click on
in the upper left corner, then select the schematic file which
will be in another folder
 Press ctrl-v to paste a wire or a component
 Press ctrl-r/ctrl-l to rotate components right/left
Wires cannot be rotated !
 You can see how a Xilinx macro is designed (the
internal structure), do a Hierarchy Push, by selecting
Hierarchy -> Hierarchy Push
 You can close the macro internal design screen, by
selecting Hierarchy -> Hierarchy Pop
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts & Reminders
 Unless otherwise stated, use Xilinx macros instead of designing
them to save time
 Use buffers to rename wires
 Do not use unnecessary input/output buffers
 Do not use unnecessary input/output pads
 If you copy and paste components, their labels are not copied
and pasted by the software
You will need to “source” the schematic file to copy and paste
component labels as explained in the Advanced Xilinx and Digilent
Features handout
 Xilinx does not have high density ROM memory components
16x1-bit and 32x1-bit
 They may not be used at all
• If needed, its usage is described on page 9 of the Advanced
Xilinx and Digilent Features handout
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Drawing buses by using Draw Buses button on the left
side :
Ppm buses are type None
Individual wires of a bus must have names the same as the
bus name
 The indices of individual wires start at 0 and are up to the
number of bus wires minus 1
• Bus NPT has 8 wires : NPT7, NPT6, NPT5,…, NPT1, NPT0
If a component generates a bus, there is no need to draw
the individual wires of the bus, unless a components needs
those individual wires
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Beautify the schematic for documentation purposes
Place components of different sub/blocks separate from
each other to recognize them
 Write Comments, draw lines and rectangles and label
sub/blocks to identify them on the schematic for
documentation purposes
• Use the Graphics Toolbox button on the left :
Label components appropriately
 Wire names follow application and block partitioning naming
• Except for wires that are connected IBUFs, OBUFs, IPADs and
 Component names start with a U
• Except if it is a BUF, IBUF, OBUF, IPAD or OPAD
 To label a component, right click on the component and select
Symbol Properties…
• Give the name in the Reference: section of the Symbol Properties
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Beautify the schematic for documentation purposes
Do not leave components unused
Draw short wires and label them with the same name
 To label wires double click on the wire and enter the name in
the Net Name: area of the pop up window
Draw wires without unnecessary turn
Draw wires without tangling
Draw wires around components/labels/names
Do not short circuit input lines
Do not short circuit output lines
Do not have labels/attributes/components overlap
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform integrity tests to catch simple
You can do an integrity test of the current
schematic sheet, by selecting Options -> Integrity
Test for Current Sheet
 After the completion, a window may tell you to look at
the Project Manager window to read about warnings
detected, even if it says the test passed successfully
• Look at the Project Manager window, you will see warnings
in blue
• If the last line has the Schematic Contents OK line, there
is no need to correct anything
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
Press F8 to start simulation quickly
 You will see the SC Probes window
 To select the input wires to be simulated, click on the
Stimulator tool button of the SC Probes windows
 Then click on the input wires by precisely clicking on their
names to select them
• There will be a square gray box shown on the left side of the
input wire name
• Wires that have no name cannot be simulated, therefore, they
must be given names for simulation
• When selecting input bus wires, click on the bus wires in the
increasing index order : ABUS0, ABUS1, ABUS2,…
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
Press F8 to start simulation quickly
 You will see the SC Probes window :
 To select the output wires to be simulated, click on the Probe
tool button of the SC Probes windows :
 Then click on the output wires by precisely clicking on
their names to select them
• There will be a square gray box shown on the left side of
the output wire name
• Wires that have no name cannot be simulated, therefore,
they must be given names for simulation
• When selecting output bus wires, click on the bus wires in
the increasing index order : OBUS0, OBUS1, OBUS2,…
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
Press F8 to start simulation quickly
 You will see the SC Probes window :
To start the simulation, click on the Simulator button of the
SC Probes window :
Once you have the simulation window on the screen
 You will see the input wires listed and then the output wires on
the left side of the Logic Simulator window
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
Separate the input rows from the output rows by placing a
blank row between the input and output wires sets
 Click on the top output wire
 Make selections Signal -> Empty Rows -> Insert
Combine bus bits to reduce the number of rows
 Click on the top bus wire which has the lowest index (ABUS0)
 Press shift and simultaneously click on the highest order bus
wire (ABUS7) to select all the wires of the bus
• A turquoise rectangle covers the bus wires
 Right click on the turquoise rectangle and make the following
selections Bus -> Combine
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
In order to simulate the circuit, the input wires must be
first given new names
 Click on the Select Stimulators button :
• A keypad window will be shown
 Select an input wire by clicking on it (it will be covered by a
turquoise rectangle) and then click on any letter key on the
keypad, such as “q”
• To the right of the input wire, the new name “q” is shown
• To the right of “q”, the current value of the wire is shown
If it is a single wire, the value is Hi-Z
◊ This has to be changed to have correct simulations
► If it is a bus, the value is shown as capital letter “Z”
◊ This has to be changed as well for correct simulations
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts & Reminders
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
To change the values of wires on the simulator window
 If it is a single wire, the value is Hi-Z :
• Just click on the Hi-Z line to make the value 0
►The value is shown to the right of name “q” as 0
• Click on the 0 value line again to make the value 1
►The value is shown to the right of name “q” as 1
 If it is a bus, the value is shown as capital letter “Z”
• Click on Logical States to give a value to the bus :
►The Stimulator State Selection window will be shown
• Click on the bus name, such as ABUS
• Enter an appropriate Hex value in the Bus State area, such as “FA”
► Appropriate means the Hex value must fit the width of the
bus : “FA” implies, the bus has at least eight wires
• Click on the Bus button of the Stimulator State Selection window :
►The value assigned is shown to the right of name “q” as “FA”
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts & Reminders
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
To change the values of wires on the simulator window
 To have a clock signal as an input follow the steps below :
• Make sure the input signal is not renamed as “q”, “w” etc.
• Click on the input signal to select it
• Click on the Select Stimulators button :
• Click on Formula…
• Double click on C1: under Clocks
• Enter the following in the Edit Formula area :
• 100ns=H 100ns=L
► This means a periodic signal which is 100 ns 1 and 100 ns 0 is generated
► The periodic signal has a period of 200ns or a frequency of 5MHz
• Click Accept
• Click Close
• You will see the C1 button on the Select Stimulators window
• Click on C1 so that the input signal is renamed C1
• Click on the Simulation Step button several times :
• You will see the periodic signal automatically generated and the
output values in response to that
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
 Perform logic simulations to catch logic errors
Start simulating the circuit for different input combinations
 If the circuit has 4 or less inputs, then simulate the circuit for
all input combinations (test vectors)
• 16 or less number of input combinations (test vectors)
 If the circuit has more than 4 inputs, select a number of input
combinations (test vectors) then simulate the circuit for these
test vectors
• Which test vectors to choose is a very important task !
To simulate the circuit, click on the Simulation Step button
several times :
Observe the outputs
 If they are correct, try another input combination
 If wrong, return to the schematic and try to figure out why it
is wrong !
 If an output value is Hi-Z or Unknown, there is an error,
correct it
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Schematic Design Actions, Shortcuts &
Printing schematics
1) Double click on the Printer227 icon on your desktop and
wait about a minute to allow it to affect the printing
2) Zoom into an area of the schematic to print the area
3) Select File -> Print on the schematic window
4) Change the option to Current View Only on the Print
5) Click on Setup on the Print Window
6) Change the printer to HP Printer 8150 in Room 227
7) Click on Options to select Landscape printing if
8) Click OK as many times as needed to print the page
9) Print one copy of each area and then make copies of the
printed schematics for your partners
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What to do if the testing on the board gives wrong
results even thought the design is correct ?
If the design is absolutely correct, here are the steps to
follow in sequence :
The FPGA board is turned on ?
SW9 is in the PROG position ?
The Bitronics Data Switch selects your PC ?
The FPGA type and model are correct ?
The implementation options are changed ?
There are not too many levels of folders to reach the project on
the PC ?
Clear the implementation data, close the software, restart the
software and do a new Xilinx IMPLEMENTATION
Does it work now ?
Delete the project, recreate the project, copy the schematic design
from the saved schematic file
Save the schematic file worked on in a separate folder
Does it work ?
Does it work ?
Download the zipped project from the course web site, unzip it, copy
the schematic design from the saved schematic file
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What to do if the testing on the board gives
wrong results even thought the design is
correct ?
9) Repeat step 7, by using your partner’s working
10) Login to another PC and try steps 5 - 8
11) Ask from the TA to help you
a) The TA will login to your original PC and try steps 5 – 8
by using your schematic design and his/her S drive
b) The TA will login to another PC and try steps 5 – 8 by
using your schematic design and his/her S drive on the
new PC
c) The TA will inform the professor
12)If the project works on the second PC, inform
the lab supervisor, Mr. Keni Yip that the original
PC has a problem
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