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By: Valentina, Leslie, John,
Tyler, and Stephanie
How was our Religions
 Buddhism was originated by the birth of Buddha. It is one of the
oldest religions practiced today.
 Christianity was originated by Jesus in Nazareth, a Jewish prophet
and teacher who probably came to believe he is the son and God and
 Islam was originated by Muhammad the God. They only believe in
one God. They followed the Quran.
 Judaism was originated by Abraham is the founder of Judaism.
 Hinduism was originated in India. According to Hinduism, three
gods rule the worlds.
What are the populations of the
 Buddhism –The highest population is 102,000,000
which is in china and the lowest which is in India which
is 7,000,000.
Islam-The highest population is 203 million which is
found in Indonesia. The lowest population is 16 million
is Russia.
Christianity-The population for Christianity is 2.4
billion worldwide.
Judaism- The population for Judaism is 17 million
Hinduism- The population for Hinduism worldwide is
837 million.
 Judaism- A famous artwork for Judaism is the picture
when Moses is being found by his aunt in the Nile river.
Islam- Most of the Islamic artwork and acutectiure comes
from the way Islam practices religion and
Buddhism- One of the many popular artworks is Buddha.
There are many different versions and many statues of
Hinduism-The Hinduism artwork shows the human figure
curved , voluptuous and filled with potential motion.
Christianity – the popular artwork for Pieta it is found in
the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Italy.
Famous Artwork
Food Practices
Christianity- They practice not eating meat on Friday.
 Hinduism- They practice that eating vegetables could contribute, to
the indirect killing of living because animal life is destroyed by tilling
the soil for pesticides.
 Judaism- They do not eat meat products mixed together with dairy
products. And they cannot eat pork but eat many kosher foods.
 Buddhism- They practice that eating vegetables could contribute, to
the indirect killing of living because animal life is destroyed by tilling
the soil for the use of pesticides.
 Islam- Eating is a matter of faith in Islam. Muslims eat for good
health and overindulgence is discouraged. Fasting is considered an
opportunity to earn the approval of Allah, to wipe out previous sins,
and to understand the suffering of the poor.
Connections : )
1. These religions have a religious book.
2. These religions follow gods.
3. Buddhism and Hinduism are based on
4. Buddhism and Hinduism have the same
food practices.
 Hinduism was found in India.
 Christianity was found in Bethlem.
 Islam was found in Mecca, Arabia.
 Buddhism was found in India.
 Judaism was found in Isreal.
Famous People
 Buddhism- A famous person in Buddhism is Buddha.
Buddha was from 563-483 BC.
Christianity- two of the famous people were Mother
Islam- some of the famous people are there poets,
Muhammad, Jesus , and Abraham.
Judaism- this is a famous person because he was a
German photosphere he also worked with Jewish
people this person is Friedrich Nietzsche
Hinduism- Sri Shankaracharya is when the world was
going away from Hinduism he worked for bringing
back the glory of Hinduism.