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Unit 2
Human Geography
World Population
Population Growth
The increase in the world’s population
Growth Rate
How fast the population of a country is growing.
Birth Rate
How many people are born in a country each year.
Death Rate
How many people die in a country each year.
Natural Increase
When population grows at such a rate that resources can keep up.
Doubling Time
How long it takes for the population of a region to double.
Population Distribution
Population Distribution is uneven.
Many things affect this including environmental issues and human issues.
Factors that in distribution
• Natural resources (oil, arable land, water)
• Climate (hot/cold; wet/dry)
• Economic development
• Government policy
• Rural/urban settlement
• Capital resources (transportation, technology)
• Conflicts (refugees)
The movement of people
Push Factors
Things that make people want to leave an area such as conflict, lack of jobs,
persecution, etc. . .
Pull Factors
Opposite of Push Factors. Things that make people want to go to an area such as lack
of conflict, economic opportunity, freedoms, family ties, etc . . .
People leaving rural (country) areas to go to urban (city) areas.
Global Cultures
Culture: The way of life of a
group of people
Elements of Culture
Latin America
Spanish and Portuguese
speaking world
Francophone world
French Speaking
Muslim World
Found mostly in North Africa and the Middle
East (SW Asia).
Also found in parts of SE Asia.
Cultural Change
Culture Hearths
A place of great cultural significance to a particular area.
Cultural Contact (Cultural Diffusion)
The spreading of culture from one area to another.
Industrial and Information Revolutions
Great changes in the way that people work and communicate
that have influenced the world.
Types of Religion
• Ethnic Religions
o Usually involves one ethnic group and usually does not spread to other
o Examples: Hinduism (India), Confucianism and Taoism (China), Shintoism
(Japan), and Judaism (Israel)
• Animist Religions
o Belief in the presence of spirits and the forces of nature
o Polytheism: Belief in many gods
o Examples: Native American Religions, Hinduism
• Universalizing Religions
o Seek followers all over the world by using missionaries
o Monotheism: Belief in one God
o Examples: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism
Originated in India, but no is found mostly in East
and SE Asia
Found mostly in India
Began in the Holy Land. Now is
dominant religion of Europe, Latin
America, and some other areas.
The Jews have been scattered throughout
the world because of the Diaspora.
There are large concentrations in the United
States and Israel.
Levels of Economic Activity
Economic activities that deal directly with natural resources.
Mining, forestry, drilling for oil, agriculture, etc. . .
Service industries
Economic Systems
Traditional Economy
Things are done the way they have always been done.
Market Economy (Capitalism):
Producers and consumers decide what is made.
Producers: Make goods or provide services
Consumers: Consume goods and services
Supply and Demand:
The balance between what is available and what people want.
Mixed Economy: A blending of different economic systems.
Command Economy
The Government decides what is produced
Socialism: Everything is jointly owned by everyone
Communism: The government owns everything. There is no private property.
Resources, Trade, and the Environment
Resources: What nations have to produce the things they
Natural Resources: Resources that come from the earth
Renewable: Natural resources we can get more of.
Ex: Soil, Forests
Non-Renewable: Natural resources we can not get more of
Ex: Fossil Fuels
Capital Resources
Plants and Equipment: Infrastructure
Money for Investment
Human Resources
Things that people can provide
Education: The higher the education of an individual, the
more they can usually contribute to the economy.
Entrepreneurial Ability: The ability to start a new
Developed Countries
Developed countries have a higher standard of
They make most of their income from
Secondary and Tertiary economic activities.
They have a low birth rate
They have a low death rate
They have a long life expectancy
They have a small percentage of the population
under 15
They have a high literacy rate
Low infant mortality
High per capita GDP
Developing Countries
These are countries with a lower standard of living.
They make most income from primary economic activities
They have low per capita GDP
They have high birthrate
Low literacy rates
High infant mortality
Low life expectancy
High percentage of the population under the age of 15
High death rate
██ High human development
██ Medium human development
██ Low human development
██ Unavailable
Political and Economic Systems
Levels of Government
Unitary System
All power is held by the central government
Federal System
Power is divided between the State and National Government.
Types of Government
Autocracy (Totalitarianism)
Single ruler holds all power
Absolute Monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy
Rule by a small group
Rule by rich land-owners
Government where people vote and elect leaders
Direct: People vote directly on issues
Representative: People elect others to make decisions for them.
World Trade
Uneven Distribution of Resources
Not every country has everything it needs to survive and
continue to develop.
Comparative Advantage
Countries will make what they can sell for profit and import
what they can not make themselves.
Countries need to trade with each other
Multinational Corporations
Businesses that operate in more than one nation.
Ex: McDonalds, Nike, etc . . .
Trade Organizations/Economic Organizations
EU: European Union
NAFTA: North American Free-Trade Agreement
ASEAN: Association of SE Asian Nations
OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Barriers to Trade
Tariff: A tax against imports
Embargo: To block an import completely
Quota: To limit the amount of an import