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SOL Review - Religions Quiz
1. Monotheism means:
a. Belief in many gods
b. The worship of nature
c. Belief in one god
d. Marriage within one’s social class
2. Which of the following was a monotheistic religion?
a. Hinduism
b. Taoism
c. Judaism
d. Greek Mythology
3. When people explained natural phenomena as being cause by the actions of many god, they are
considered to be
a. Monotheistic
b. Polytheistic
c. Atheistic
d. Nontheistic
4. Who is considered the founder of Judaism?
a. Moses
b. Abraham
c. Jesus
d. Christ
5. Who led the Jews out of Egypt to freedom?
a. Moses
b. Abraham
c. Jesus
d. Christ
6. The first 5 books of the Old Testament in the Bible are called
a. The 10 Commandments
b. The Torah
c. The Qu’ran
d. The Vedas and Upanishads
7. Which religion began in the Persian Empire?
a. Christianity
b. Zoroastrianism
c. Judaism
d. Hinduism
8. Which of the following are the sacred texts or holy books of the Hindu people?
a. Qu’ran
b. Bible
c. Torah
d. Vedas & Upanishads
9. How did Asoka contribute to the spread of Buddhism in Asia?
a. He forced the Chinese to accept Buddhism
b. He supported Siddhartha Gautama with money
c. He forced visitor to convert
d. Sponsored missionaries
10. What do the Hindus call the idea that your actions today affect your future?
a. Karma
b. Dharma
c. Jati
d. Animas
11. The idea that one is reborn again to live another life on earth is called
a. Belief in Reincarnation
b. Belief in god
c. Belief in heaven
d. Belief in a rigid class structure
12. Siddhartha Gautama found which major world religion?
a. Taoism
b. Confucianism
c. Buddhism
d. Christianity
13. Which of the following religions started in India?
a. Taoism
b. Confucianism
c. Buddhism
d. Christianity
14. Which of the following religions started in India?
a. Judaism
b. Confucianism
c. Hinduism
d. Christianity
15. Which of the following religions worshiped many gods and had stories that told of those gods
interacting with humans?
a. Greeks
b. Confucianism
c. Hinduism
d. Christianity