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AIM: How did Islamic
Fundamentalist terrorism develop?
Do Now: Analyze the quote
“If there is a single power the West underestimates, it is the
power of collective hatred.” Ralph Peters, 1999.
Is there anything
in the world you
love so much that
you would be
willing to die for
Terrorism is Not Irrational
• Terrorist use logic that links
• Goals
• Objectives
• Strategy
Types of Terrorism
• What types of terrorism can you think of?
• Political
• Economic
• Environmental
• Nuclear terrorism
• Religious
Holy Terror vs. Secular Terror
• Secular terrorists would rather make allies
than indiscriminately kill their enemies
• Holy terrorists see killing as a sacramental
act. Examples can be found in:
• The Koran
• Christian Old Testament
• Hebrew Bible
Holy Warriors
• The call to violence is a call to purify the world
from the nonbeliever and the incorrect interpreters
of tradition in a holy war
• Those who do not stand with the holy warrior are
• If the holy warrior falls, the warrior becomes a
martyr for hope; if the holy warrior is successful, it
is a victory for the deity
Western World vs. Islam
• Rivalry• Islamic invasion of Spain
• the western Crusades,
• the Ottoman invasion of eastern and central
• European defeat of the Ottomans after WW1.
• “The Muslim has suffered successive stages of
defeat….It was too much to endure, and the
outbreak of rage against these alien, infidel and
incomprehensible forces that subverted his
dominance….was inevitable.”
Islamic extremists too believe in
a clash of civilization
• The West and Islam will “constantly be
enemies…Islam must win and westerners
will be destroyed. But we don’t have to
make then enemies if they allow Islam to
continue to grow so that in the end they will
probably agree to be under Islam. If they
refuse to be under Islam there will be chaos.
If they want to have peace, they have to
accept to be governed by Islam.”
• Abu-Bakr Bashir, head of Jemaah Islamiyah in
Know Your Enemy
“If you know yourself but do not know your enemy,
you will sometimes meet with victory, sometimes with defeat.
If you know your enemy but do not know yourself,
you will sometimes meet with victory, sometimes with defeat.
But if you know yourself and you know your enemy,
you will be victorious on a hundred occasions.”
(The Art of War)
“Muslims look forward to death
the way Americans look forward
to life.”
Osama bin Laden
(Islamic Terrorist)
Al Qa’eda
• No state, no uniform, lives among the population
• Believes religion is under attack and calls upon Muslims to defend Islam
• Even support by 1% of the Muslim population would equate to over 12
million “enemies”
• Jewish Conspiracy
• Banking
• Influence/Pulling the strings
• US World Position
• Leader and therefore responsible regardless of
• Support of Israel
• The Final Proof
• Forcing a secular western culture on a
traditional Islamic culture
• Extolling: music, morals, sex, values and
• Importing to them low paying jobs.
Understanding Islam
Role of
for the
Christian West
The defining
An expression of
doctrine regulating private personal
all aspects of
personal behavior,
family, political
and economic life.
Understanding Islam
View of
The world consists
government of one true faith
divided into nations.
There is no
difference between
political and
Christian West
Dualism -- The
world is split into
two spheres,
political (secular)
and religious. Since
the Enlightenment:
religion should not
be too prominent in
Understanding Islam
View of
Christian West
The Qur’an is a single book
written by one man. There are
no rituals, sacraments or
ordinations that can only be
performed by priests -- no
mediation between man an
The Bible is the work of
numerous men over a
considerable time. There
is a religious caste
(priests) who either
mediate for believers or
perform certain holy rites.
The Church is an
institution that preserves
the dogma of the faith.
Understanding Islam
View of
Christian West
There is a polity that carries
out the necessary functions of
civic life, but it is also founded
on principles derived from the
Qur’an. This mirrors the
practice of Muhammad, who
was both a prophet and a
political leader, merging “two
traditions, the one authoritarian
and quietest, the other radical
and activist.”
Society is a broad
community of people in
voluntary association who
pursue common interests,
preserve common ways of
life and belief. Religion is
only one of many factors
that bind people together;
numerous social substructures also support and
nourish civic life.
Understanding Islam
View of
Christian West
The individual is bound by a
strict duty to observe
religious law, participate in
the great evangelistic work of
the faith, and defend the
honor of Muhammad, the
Muslim faith and all those
who profess them.
Individuals may choose to
bind themselves to a
religious faith, or to no
religion at all. Individuals
should respect each
other’s rights.
“…most Muslim countries are still profoundly Muslim in
a way and in a sense that most Christian countries are no
longer Christian.”
What do radical Islamists
actually believe in?
• video