Download Eco304L, University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2007

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A Different Perspective
Mohammad Morovati, Nov 2007
[email protected]
• This presentation is prepared to be presented in 30
minutes for Introduction to Macroeconomics class
Eco304L, University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2007.
• This is not necessarily a usual approach to the
topic but more customized to what course
instructor, professor Norman requested to be
covered and compared with some other Islamic
countries. This presentation does not necessarily
reflect the composer’s opinions.
The wrong picture…
The wrong picture…
Outline of this presentation
Some pictures of Iran
Location, climate and demographics
Political system
Islam and other religions
Some pictures: Historical sites
Pre-Islam palaces
Some pictures: Historical sites
After-Islam palaces
AaliGhapoo palace
40sotoun palace
Some pictures: Historical and religous sites
Yazd Jame mosque
Imam Reza Shrine
Some Pictures: My old classmates!
Some pictures: Where I was born, Tehran
Some pictures: Tehran (a rare clean day!)
Not always you can see the mountains which are covered with snow.
Ski resorts near Tehran
Tehran: Azadi Square
Tehran at night
Tehran: Traffic jam
Tehran: Highways
Iran: Nature
Iran: Geographical Location
Climate and Demographics
• Population:
70’000’000 (2006)
• Median age:
26 years
• GDP per capita (PPP):
• Major government income:
Oil and Gas
• Labor force :
agriculture: 30%
industry: 25%
services: 45%
Political System: Islamic republic
Assembly of
(86 Islamic clerics)
Supreme Leader
Judiciary system
Political System (detailed)
Political parties:
• Reformists
• Conservatives
• Former President: Khatami
• New President: Ahmadinejad
Islam and other religions
Religions in Iran
– Muslim 98%
• Shi'a 89%
• Sunni 9%
– other (includes Zoroastrian, Jewish,
Christian,…) 2%
The old religion of Iran before Islam
Iranians converted to Islam 14 centuries ago
20’000 Zoroastrians live in Iran now
They are free to have their temples and
• My Father was born in a Zoroastrian
Historical Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrian Temple in Yazd
Islam and Christianity
• Muslims believe in Jesus, prophet Mohammad as
his successor
• 19th chapter of Quran is named “Mary”
• Christians are free to have their religious activities
and ceremonies
• They have their own schools and churches
Islam and Jews
• Muslims believe in Moses
• 17th chapter of Quran is named “Bani
Israel” (The Jews)
• Around 30’000 Jews live in Iran (Second in
middle east after Israel)
• They can have their school and temples
• There is no conflict with Jewish people.
Khatami meets a jewish center
in Tehran
Iran and Israel conflict:
Political rather than religious
Minorities in Government
• Each of the main minorities (mentioned
above) have one guaranteed seat in
• Minorities can vote for muslims or their
• 1 out of 270: Much more than their
population ratio
• Dress Code
• Sports
• Right to Vote
• Government
• Universities
• Driving, etc…
Dress Code
• compliance with Islamic Dress Code is
enforced in law
• However, The interpretation of Islamic
Dress Code is not unique
• Let’s see some pictures….
Typical youth group
Typical youth group
More religious women in streets
More religious women: Islamic Dress show
Typical women: Islamic Dress show
Typical women in streets
Less religious women in streets
Less religious women in streets
Shirin Ebadi,
Peace Nobel Prize, 2003
• Khatami and his daughter
• Ebtekar, Khatami’s vicepresident
Women dress code
• More or less cultural rather than political
• Rageh Inside Iran, documentary from BBC4, watch 33:15
• Free for any kind of sport but NOT in
presence of men: separate sport facilities
• Thus, No photos of women swimming pools
• Women should wear Islamic sports dress in
presence of men
Islamic Sports dress (for public)
Islamic sports dress (for public)
Islamic Sports dress (for public)
• Right to vote:
According to constitution women and men have
the same political rights.
• Government: a few women in cabinet
a few women in parliament
relatively more in other positions
• Education:
• Same 12 level education before college.
• Since 2004, more than 60% of university entrants
were female!
• Parliament insisted in 2004 that there can not be any
gender limitation in admission to universities.
• Universities are not separate and classes are mixed
• Driving
Law is the same for men and women
regarding driving.
• Labor participation:
50 (as % of male rate) 75% increase since 1990
81% for USA
source: Human Development Report, UNDP
On-going Struggle to ensure equal rights
• Despite all above, the law is not completely fair in
some cases and women activists struggle continues.
• There have been some improvements but there are
more issues in law to be resolved related to:
Judge position
• To have a better understanding of Iran, I
would recommend the following sources:
Recommended Videos about Iran
Rageh Inside Iran, (90 min, BBC 4 documentary)
The Jews of Iran (8 min, Australian SBS)
Daily Life (4 min, video clip)
Skiing in Iran (13 min, documentary about skiing by a foreigner tourist)
Beautiful Iran (4 min, Video clip)
Nature (9 min, Iran nature)
• Iran, historical Treasure (10 min, Iran history)
• Maz Jobrani (5 min, Comedy standup about Iran!)
Recommended Pictures from Iran:
Iran (Great Gallery of life, art and nature)
Daily Life
Recommended Websites:
CIA World Factbook
Wikipedia, Iran
Wikipedia, History of Iran
About Iran, A flash file
Iran Tourism
Thank you!
• Comments or questions?
[email protected]