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The Soul in Islamic
• The Soul
• The human soul was the main focus in islamic
• Belief that soul consists of rational and nonrational parts (same idea as the greeks)
• -Non-rational: Focuses on plant and animal
• -Rational: Practical and theoretical intellects
•Muslims believed that in order to have a happy soul, you had to isolate
yourself from the demands of your body and focus on learning about
the endless aspects of the universe.
Al-Farabi, an Islamic philosopher was unsure if the rational soul could
or could not survive eternally.
Ibn-Sina believed that the rational soul had no beginning or end
Ibn-Rushd believed that the soul and its parts came together and were
eventually destroyed
• So basically the soul is the source of acts
performed by the will
-It is a rational soul because it is aware of it’s
existence, aware of itself. It is separate
from the body…the non-rational soul is
what manages your body, like your
instincts are non rational
Without the body the soul does not exist
Without the soul the body does not exist
You need one to have the other
-The soul is a form for the body, it is the
perfection for that body. It is what makes
one whole. Ex. I am the soul…I am the
*(the body is an image of the soul)
Similar to world of the forms
Also similar to Christian belief one is made
in God’s image
Eternity of the Soul
Philosophers believe the non rational soul is
destroyed at death but the rational soul is
According to Islam, Allah sends the angel of
death Azreal to take the soul of the
There is a judgment day, but the soul rests
until this day comes.
1.what was the main focus of Islam philosophy?
a. plants b. animals c. the human soul d. the angel of death
2. in order to have a happy soul...
a. eat food b. excerice c. isolate yourself from the demands of your body d. go to
six flags :)
3.the body and the soul are
a. my momma b. one whole, without one the other does not exist c. fergilicious d.
4. who is the angel of death?
a. Azreal b. Abercrombie c. Aimee Lopez d. Alleles
5. the rational soul is/are
a. eternal and indestructive b. non-rational c. plants and animals d. is based on
your instincts