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The Spread of Islam
The Afterlife
The Koran (Encourager of Peace or Violence?)
Koran vs. the Bible (Various Discrepancies)
Jesus Christ and Islam
Koran vs. the Bible
(Various Discrepancies)
• If I were to write a book and claim that it came from
God, what would you expect?
– Would you expect my book to agree with all other books that
came from God?
– Would you expect my book to also be in agreement with other
passages in my book?
– Well, you don’t find that in the Koran?
• Islam and Christianity have absolutely nothing in
common. Islam denies the God of the Bible.
– Fourth in this series on Islam is the various discrepancies that
we find within the Koran.
– Also, we will find a number of contradictions as we compare
the inspired Word to the Koran.
Contradictions in the Koran
and the Old Testament
• Miriam = Mary? Muhammad somehow
mistakes Miriam (sister of Moses and Aaron) as
Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus.
– Surah 19:27-28:
“Then she brought him to her own fold, carrying him.
They said: O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing
thing. Oh sister of Aaron! They father was not a wicked
man nor was they mother a harlot.”
Contradictions in the Koran
and the Old Testament
• Noah’s Flood – two changes made here.
– One of Noah’s sons did not board the Ark, stayed
outside and drowned (Surah 11:41-43).
– Noah’s wife was a harlot and the son that
drowned was through another man.
– Gen. 6:18; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20-21 teach that
Noah saved his whole household from the flood.
– Noah’s wife is never portrayed as a harlot in the
Surah 11:41-43
“Embark therein! In the name of Allah be its course
and its mooring. Lo! My Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.
And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains,
and Noah cried unto his son and he was standing
aloof: O my son! Come ride with us, and be not with
the disbelievers. He said: I shall betake me to some
mountain that will save me from the water. (Noah)
said: This day there is none that saveth from the
commandment of Allah save him on whom He hath
had mercy. And the wave came in between them, so
he was among the drowned.”
Contradictions in the Koran
and the Old Testament
• Exodus – four differences here.
– Pharaoh and Moses in Egypt – Haman is
mentioned as a servant of Pharaoh’s Egypt
(Haman served in the Persian Empire in Esther
3:1-7; 10).
– The Exodus without a Passover – not once does
Muhammad mention the Passover.
– The Death of Pharoah – Pharoah is converted to
– Moses and the Samaritan
Contradictions in the Koran
and the Old Testament
• Ishmael or Isaac?
– The Koran places a huge emphasis on Abraham’s
relationship with Ishmael.
– Gen. 22:2-19 foreshadows the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ for our sins (Jn. 3:16).
– The Scriptures paint Ishmael much differently
than in the Koran:
• He was successful in the ways of this world; absent
from the grand scheme of God.
• Where does the Bible commend Ishmael’s faith?
Contradictions in the Koran
and the Old Testament
• Ishmael or Isaac?
– The Koran does mention Isaac – only that he
tried to teach Islam to his Jewish descendents.
– The true legacy of Abraham and his descendents
is through Ishmael, not Isaac.
– Allah will place Ishmael in some significant roles:
• Build the Ka’bah (Surah 2:128).
• One of the patriarchs (Surah 2:133, 136; 3:84; 14:39).
• A messenger and prophet (Surah 4:163-165; 19:54-55).
Ka’bah: Sacred Temple in Mecca
Contradictions within the Koran
• Muhammad's Calling – Perhaps the greatest
discrepancy was how he received his supposed
– Allah personally appeared as a man (Surah 53:218)
– The Holy Spirit issued the call (Surah 26:192-194)
– Angels announced the call (Surah 15:8)
– Only Gabriel brought the call (Surah 2:97)
Contradictions within the Koran
• Creation
– Gen 1:31 And
God saw
everything that
he had made,
and behold, it
was very good.
And there was
evening and
there was
morning, the
sixth day.
• SURAH 7:54
– Lo! your Lord is Allah Who created
the heavens and the earth in six
Days, then mounted He the Throne.
He covereth the night with the day,
which is in haste to follow it, and
hath made the sun and the moon
and the stars subservient by His
command. His verily is all creation
and commandment Blessed be
Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
• SURAH 41:9
– Say (O Muhammad, unto the idolaters):
Disbelieve ye verily in Him Who
created the earth in two Days, and
ascribe ye unto Him rivals? He (and
none else) is the Lord of the Worlds.
Contradictions within the Koran
• What substance did Allah create humans?
– From nothing (SURAH 19:67)
– From the earth, dust, or clay (SURAH 11:61; 3:59;
15:26; 6:2; 7:2)
– From water (SURAH 21:30; 25:54)
– From a blood clot (SURAH 96:1-2)
– From thick fluid (SURAH 16:4; 75:37)
Contradictions within the Koran
• The punishment for adultery
– Both the adulterer and the adulteress shall receive
100 lashes for the offense (SURAH 24:2)
– Only the adulteress shall be punished by life
imprisonment (SURAH 4:15)
• Will Christians be saved or damned to Hell?
– Christians shall enter Paradise (SURAH 2:62; 5:69)
– Christians shall go to Hell (SURAH 5:72; 3:85; 98:6)
Contradictions within the Koran
• Who was the first Muslim?
– Abraham / Jacob? (SURAH 2:132)
• The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and also Jacob,
(saying): O my sons! Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true)
religion; therefore die not save as men who have surrendered
(unto Him).
– Moses (SURAH 7:143)
• And Moses fell down senseless. And when he woke he said:
Glory unto Thee! I turn unto Thee repentant, and I am the first of
(true) believers.
– Muhammad (SURAH 39:12)
• And I [Muhammad] am commanded to be the first of those who
are muslims (surrender unto Him).
• Reminder:
– Again, respect their culture and expound on our common
beliefs – build bridges…
– As Americans, we need to understand that any attempt
to turn a Muslim away from Islam is considered
aggression against them – in their eyes even discussion of
our Bible-based beliefs is thought as blasphemy against
• My friends, according to the bible, Allah is not God,
Muhammad is not his prophet, and the Koran is not
the Word of God.
– Islam is a false religion and utterly without power to save
one soul from sin. Islam does not recognize Jesus Christ
as Savior.
– No person, no matter how religious or how sincere he
may be, can possess truth or salvation apart from the
Lord Jesus Christ.
– The person and work of Christ is the crucial divider
between Christianity and Islam.
– Christ’s atoning death is the perfect and only sacrifice
which God will accept on behalf of sinners.
– If this sounds unkind or harsh, I do not mean for it to be.
My message to Muslims is that they, like all men, are
hopelessly lost in and because of sin.
– In our final lesson, I plan to discuss how Muslims view
• What saith the Scriptures concerning Salvation?
– Islam teaches that in order to be saved; “Believe in God
and in his Apostle Muhammad, and do what God
requires, and if God so wills he will accept you." (Miller,
page 81).
– The Scriptures teach simple steps to enter Heaven:
HEAR – Rom. 10:17
BELIEVE – Jn 8:24
REPENT – Lk. 13:3
CONFESS – Mt. 10:32
BE BAPTIZED – Mk. 16:16 ….be added to the church that Jesus
built (Mt. 16:18)
• BE FAITHFUL – Rev. 2:10
The Spread of Islam
The Afterlife
The Koran (Encourager of Peace or Violence?)
Koran vs. the Bible (Various Discrepancies)
Jesus Christ and Islam