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Introduction to Islam
Islam is an Arabic word meaning
A person who follows the teaching of Islam is
called a MUSLIM – “one who submits to
God and finds peace in Him”
Islamic belief is captured in their CREED,
called the SHAHADAH (like the “Sh’ma” and
the “Apostles’ Creed”) – it states:
“There is no god but
God and Muhammad is the
Messenger of God”
Muslims believe…
In the 7th Century (600’s) God sent a series
of “revelations” through the Archangel
These were sent to a man named
“MUHAMMED” – who is seen as the LAST
Prophet sent to humanity by God – KNOWN
What is “a revelation”?
A REVELATION is a clear and vivid
experience that teaches a profound, spiritual
Muslims believe that it is a special kind of
inspiration reserved for special Prophets …
The revelation given to
Muhammed by God
proclaims the ONENESS OF
GOD and the NEED TO
worship and righteous living
Is the third of the three great
monotheistic faiths born in the Middle
East (i.e. Judaism and Christianity)
Key Figure: Prophet ABRAHAM (patriarch
of the Jewish Faith, and ultimately, important to
Muslims also view the following as “great
Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in
the world today – despite negative publicity
accompanying some more militant elements of
the Islam religion…
Islam is a worldwide religion
(its founder) it spread rapidly throughout Middle
East and North Africa – into Southern Europe,
especially the Iberian Peninsula (southern
Spain/northern Africa) and India
 During Middle Ages, Islam was very influential in
the creation of Western Civilization – areas of
science, philosophy, medicine
During the “Modern Period”
(about 1500- 1800)…
Islam was forced out of the Iberian
Peninsula, and BRITAIN began to colonize
places once ruled by the Muslim
At the end of the 20th Century and
beginning of the 21st, Islam is striving to
return to the greatness it once
Islam is a universal religion. It recognizes
no national barriers and no distinctive
race. All people are accepted as children of
Allah (God)
Spread of Islam
The spread of Islam was faster than any other
religion and is the most recent religious political
By 650 CE Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and the
Persian Empire fell quickly to Islam political and
military actions.
Reasons for Islam’s Military success:
Islam promises eternal reward to its members
who go into battle on its behalf
Muslim soldiers were allowed to keep over half
of the war booty
It’s goal is to purify corrupt and confused
The Caliphs where the brilliant leaders that
guided these soldiers
It is the second largest, and currently the fastest growing
religion in the world…
It lays claim to 1.2 billion adherents
Over 50 nations hold a population where the
majority are Muslims
Range: from Indonesia in east to Morocco in
the west
Small Muslim populations in Europe and the
According to stats Canada, there were over
250,000 Muslims living in Canada in 1991
Closer to 650,00 today…
Majority living in urban centres such as
Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver
Islamic Beliefs
Absoluteness of ONE GOD
FIVE PILLARS – simply stated beliefs
and practices for Muslims throughout
the world
 Like Judaism and Christianity,
Islam is:
 monotheistic (the QUR’AN is - holy
Has Sacred Time: Muslims required
to pray 5 TIMES DAILY facing the
Islam DOES NOT separate the
“secular” from the “sacred”…
Muslims believe that ALL OF LIFE – physical,
social, economic and political IS TO SUBMIT TO
This is the nature of all creation
“plants and animals” submit to the will of Allah
Many humans make a choice to go AGAINST and
NOT SUBMIT to the will of Allah…but it is believed
Islam is a simple religion it has very few elaborate
rituals, harsh practices, and focuses on authentic
prayer and a few specific rituals that call one to
total devotion.
What are the Five Pillars of
Faith and Seven Basic Beliefs?
The five Pillars of Islam form the
framework of Islamic life. They
represent the five actions a
Muslim must fulfill to achieve
The most important pillar is
the testimony of faith, called
the Shahada: “La ilaha illa
Allah, Muhammadun
rasoolu Allah,” meaning
“There is no true god but
God (Allah), and
Mohammed is the
Messenger (Prophet) of
This simple statement
expresses a Muslim's full
commitment to the
teachings of Islam.
There are only 4 positions in
1 Standing
2 Bowing
3 Prostrating
4 Sitting
MASJID – MOSQUE: “Place of
Prostration”, worship and prayers
- A masjid is an institution that is
central to the Muslim community
as it fulfils social and economic
needs as well as religious needs.
Salat is the name for the
obligatory prayers said five
times a day.
The Islamic faith believes
that individuals have a
direct relationship with
God, and the prayers
represent the direct link
between the worshipper and
Prayers are said at dawn,
noon, midafternoon,
sunset and nightfall, with
the worshippers facing
A “call to prayer” is made
by a Muezzin – this call to
prayer is known as ADHAN
Zakat refers to the financial
obligations required of
A key principle of Islam is that
everything belongs to God, and
that wealth is only held by
human beings in trust. The
word zakat means both
"purification" and "growth."
Each year a Muslim calculates
his or her own zakat.
Most adherents use a
benchmark of 2.5 % of an
individual's capital, given
annually to the needy or for
religious purposes.
Almsgiving is common in all
religions, like the organized
form of Catholic charitable
donations in Canada Sharelife, weekly donations
at Church…
Sawm –
The Fast
Ramadan is the
month Muhammad
first received his
revelation from
Every year in the month of
Ramadan, all Muslims fast from
first light until sundown,
abstaining from food, drink and
sexual relations.
The fast is used as a method of
By forgoing worldly comforts, the
fasting person seeks to gain a
richer perception of God and a
heightened sensitivity to the
sufferings of the poor.
Fasting is done during the
month of Ramadan as it is for
Christians during Lent, Holy
Week, or Good Friday
Ramadan is the month
Muhammad first received his
revelation from Allah.
The HajjThe
The annual pilgrimage to Mecca -- the
Hajj -- is considered the most
significant manifestation of Islamic
faith and unity.
It is an obligation for those who are
physically and financially able to
perform it at least once in life.
It is a demonstration of the
solidarity of the Muslim people,
and their submission to God
In 2007, the Hajj took place from
December 17 to December 21.
The next one will begin in the
first week of December 2008.
The Hajj continued…
The Hajj is associated with the life of Muhammad,
but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca predates Islam,
and is considered by Muslims to stretch back to the
time of Abraham and Ishmael.
Pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands
of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca
for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of
As part of the Hajj, each person walks counterclockwise seven times about the Kaaba, the cubical
building which acts as the Muslim direction of
prayer (qibla); run back and forth between the hills
of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah; drink from the Zamzam
Well; go to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in
vigil; and throw stones in a ritual Stoning of the
The pilgrims then shave their heads, perform an
animal sacrifice, and celebrate the four day global
festival of Eid al-Adha
All Muslims must take a Pilgrimage to the Ka’bah in Mecca once in a lifetime.
The Ka’bah is a meteor , or “Black Stone” that is said to have been given to
Abraham by the Angel Gabriel. It is important because Muslims believe
that the Patriarch Abraham personally built the Ka’bah (cube-shaped
building), using the Black Stone in its construction. Abraham's son Ishmael
assisted in that construction, according to Islamic beliefs. Because
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son because the Lord asked him to do
so, clearly indicated that Abraham was the first truly Devout believer in the
One God (Allah). The fact that Muslims face Mecca (the holiest city to
Muslims) is really them facing the Ka’bah in honour of Abraham
Risalah- Messengers, Books, Angels
Al Risalah is the channel of communication
between Allah and mankind.
(The Prophets/Messengers, the Divine
Books, and the Angels.)