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Albornoz Carnelli Victoria,
Breard Anderson Tomás,
Cainelli Brussa Victoria
Prieto fernández Romina
Muhammad’s Life
Faith of Islam
Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born in Mecca around 570.He was
orphaned and spent his youth in poverty. He never learned to write and he
became a camel driver and a caravan trader.
Muhammad thought about religious and ethical problems. The time the
Arabs worshiped many gods. He became convinced that there was one
Gods called Allah.
He was about 40 years old and had a great religious experience. He believed
that he archangel Gabriel ordered to preach the Arabs to bring them religious
purity. Muhammad didn`t have any supernatural power, he considered himself
a prophet and teacher.
Muhammad’s preaching was opposed by the rulers of Mecca. He took his
little band of followers to Medina, is known as the hegira, meaning “flight”.
This was an important event in Muhammad’s life, it became the first year of
the Muslim calendar
Muhammad made many converts and became the leader of a community.
Then he returned to Mecca at the head of an army and captured the city. In
the 632, when Muhammad died, almost all Arabia had accepted Islam.
Islamic religion
The faith of Islam is simple, it is based on a central belief: “There is no God but Allah and
Muhammad is his prophet”. Islam has a holy book called the Koran (recital) where all the
definite rules and certain moral teachings are.
The Koran was written in Arabic, which became a common language among Muslims.
A Muslim must obey five main obligations:
1. Recite the words of witness.
2. Pray five times a day facing Mecca.
3. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once ( if possible)
4. Give alms to the needy
5. Fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of
The month of Ramadan was considered holy because it
was when Muhammad received the instructions of Allah
from the Archangel Gabriel.
This rules were later written in the Koran.
A muslim was allowed to have as many as four wives if he treated them with
equal kindness.
Slaves were also permitted, but they had to be treated humanely.
Muslims could not drink alcoholic beverages or eat pig`s meat because it
was forbidden. To make representations of human and animal forms was
also forbidden.
At a service in a mosque ( Muslim temple) people must pray
together under the guidance of a leader. There were no formal
priests, but men called MULLAHS.
Mullah Dadullah
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