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Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Informational Text
RI 7.8 I can trace and evaluate an
argument and specific claims in a text.
Ethos, Logos and Pathos
These appeals are prevalent in almost all arguments.
In approximately 300 B.C.
Aristotle, who was a famous
Greek philosopher, wrote a
book entitled, “The Art of
Rhetoric.” In his book,
Aristotle identified the three
methods of persuasion. He
called them ethos, pathos
and logos.
Journal – Who was Aristotle?
What is rhetoric?
Rhetoric: Using language
effectively to persuade,
inform, educate, or entertain
Journal – 1. What is rhetoric?
Three Methods of Persuasion
Ethical Appeal (ethos)
. . . I and my arguments are trustworthy &
. . . it’s the respectable, moral thing to do.”
Logical Appeal (logos)
. . . I give you sound facts, figures, & arguments.”
. . . it’s the reasonable, logical thing to do.”
Emotional Appeal (pathos)
. . . you’ll feel good if you do.”
. . . you’ll feel bad if you don’t.”
Journal – 2. What are the three appeals?
Logos appeals to your need for
PROOF (facts)
Facts and Figures
Journal – 3. What is logos appeal?
logic, numbers, facts,
and data to support
your argument
Journal – 4. What is logos appeal?
LOGOS in everyday life
 to argue a grade:
refer (rationally) to the assignment
sheet, rubric, textbook, test question,
lecture notes, handouts
Journal –
5. How can I use logos in my everyday life?
Pathos appeals to your
Journal –
6. How can pathos appeal to your emotions?
to your audience’s
Journal –
7. Describe what you see in each picture.
PATHOS in everyday life
 to argue not turning in your homework:
 appeal to your bad day
 death in the family
 the evil printer
 Internet would not work
Journal –
8. How can you use pathos in your everyday life?
Ethos appeals to your sense of
Journal –
9. Describe what you see in each picture?
ETHOS: Using experts and important people
that seem trustworthy and believable
Making yourself look
trustworthy and believable.
Journal –
10. What is ethos appeal?
ETHOS in everyday life
request for help or argue a grade
factors: attendance, participation,
preparedness, tone
Journal – 11. How do you use ethos in your everyday life?
Answer Task 1, 2, and 3 assessment questions on a
separate sheet of paper and turn in to the basket.
Task 1 Assessment
1. Which appeal do you feel is the most
effective: logos appeal, ethos appeal, or
pathos appeal? Explain why you think
that and support your answer with
Task 2 Assessment
Is it Ethos, Logos, Pathos?
Complete each sentence
below with the correct appeal
and explain why it is that
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
1. This is an example of _________
appeal because ___________________.
LeBron James
endorses Nike.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
2. This is an example of _________
appeal because ___________________.
A child is shown
covered in bug bites
after using an inferior
bug spray.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
3. This is an example of _________
appeal because ______________.
Sprite Zero is 100%
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
4. This is an example of _________
appeal because __________________.
A commercial shows
an image of a happy
couple riding in a
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
5. This is an example of _________
appeal because ___________________
Cardiologists recommend
Bayer more than any other
brand of aspirin.
Argument – Logos, Ethos, Pathos
Persuasive Appeals Review:
Ethos - Establishes the writer/speaker as
a credible/(ethical or moral) person.
Pathos - Appeals to an audience’s
values and beliefs through
Logos - The use of sound reasoning or
Task 3 Assessment
Find and cite textual evidence of
pathos, ethos, and logos in the article,
“Would you eat this?”
1. Pathos:
2. Ethos:
3. Logos: