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Today’s Agenda…
 Bellringer: Draw a diagram of the
Earth. Label the 4 layers.
 Review
 Notes on Earth’s Moving Plates
 Exit Slip
Earth’s Moving Plates
Study Pack #3
Today’s goals…
 I can explain how Earth’s plates move.
 I can explain why Earth’s plates move.
Earth’s Plates
 Earth’s lithosphere is the upper part of
the mantle and the crust
 The lithosphere is broken up into
pieces called tectonic plates
They float on the mantle
Different sizes and shapes
Earth’s Plates
Earth’s Plates
 The plates move very slowly
 About 2cm/year
 This has caused the position of the
continents to change over the years
 The movement of these plates can also
cause changes in Earth’s surface
Plate Boundaries
 The places where the edges of plates
 Plates experience stress at boundaries
Plate Boundaries
 Convergent
Plates move toward each other
Plates experience a type of stress called
The plates crumple up and form
Sometimes one plates goes under the
other - subduction
Plate Boundaries
 Divergent
Plates move away from each other
Plates experience a type of stressed
called tension(pulling)
New crust is formed causing a ridge
Plate Boundaries
 Transform Boundary
Plate move past each other
A type of stress called shearing occurs
This causes faults or cracks in the crust
Earthquakes can occur here
Why do the plates move?
 Convection currents in the mantle
behave like a conveyor belt to move
the plates
Exit Slip
 Identify the plate boundary