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Photosynthesis and
Because organisms use the energy from the previous
trophic levels to maintain and reproduce much of
it is lost to higher trophic levels (10% rule).
Energy that decomposers get cannot be passed to
producers in food chains therefore we say that
energy does NOT cycle.
• Produces convert the sun’s energy into
chemical energy by the process of
– Plants take carbon dioxide and water from
the environment and produce glucose and
carbon dioxide + water + light energy
glucose + oxygen
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2
Cellular Respiration:
• The process by which molecules such as
glucose (sugar) are broken down to release
energy required for life processes is known as
Cellular Respiration.
Glucose + oxygen
carbon dioxide + water + energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
• The products of respiration are the
reactants of photosynthesis. The products
of photosynthesis are the reactants of
• Plants use carbon dioxide to form sugars.
Animals eat these sugars and release carbon
dioxide through respiration.
• Organic carbon
– Held in the bodies of living things
– Carbon is returned to the atmosphere when
things die and decompose
– Sometimes decay is slowed down (e.g. in wet
areas) and may be converted into rock or fossil
fuels – it’s stuck there until something happens
to release it (e.g. digging it up and using it for
• Inorganic carbon
– Carbon in the atmosphere, oceans and
crust of the earth
– Most inorganic carbon is in the ocean
where it is not available to land
• Human Impact on Carbon Cycle
– Release organic carbon faster (e.g.
burning fossil fuels, burning forests)
– Increase amount of carbon in the
atmosphere by clearing vegetation
• What are humans doing that is causing the increased
release of organic carbon?
• Clear Cutting Forest, Burning Fossil Fuels
• What is the effect of this release?
• Global Warming – increase in earth’s temp because of
an increase in carbon dioxide that traps heat
• Where do the producers get the materials for the
production of sugars?
• Carbon Dioxide in the air and water
• How do primary and secondary consumers obtain the
carbon that is necessary for growth and reproduction?
• From consuming other living organisms
• Movement of nitrogen through the
• Nitrogen is used for:
– Synthesis of DNA
– Protein
– Helps plants grow
• Nitrogen accounts for 79% of the gas
in the atmosphere, but plants are not
able to use it in this form
• Nitrogen fixation:
– When atmospheric nitrogen (N2) is
converted to nitrates which can be used
by plants.
• Two ways of fixing nitrogen:
– Lightning: the energy in lightning can
break the N2 apart and make it able to
combine with other elements so that
plants can use it.
– Bacteria: symbiotic relationship –
bacteria give plants nitrates, plants give
bacteria sugar
• Denitrification:
– When nitrogen gas is released from the
soil back into the atmosphere
• Nitrogen also gets into the soil
through animal droppings and
decaying matter.
• Nitrogen gets into consumers when
they eat plants.
• Explain how nitrogen is taken from and returned to the
• Bacteria take it out and put it back
• Why do farmers use decaying matter to help plants
• Rich in a nitrogen source that plants can use
• What is the process called whereby nitrogen is
returned to the atmosphere?
• Denitrification
• What happens to the nitrogen contained in all living
• Used to make proteins or excreted back into the soil
• What impact have humans had on the nitrogen cycle?
• Put nitrogen into the soil with fertilizers