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Layers of the Earth Review
Do not depend on this as your only form of review…not all
information is contained in the slide show!
The thinnest layer of the Earth
The crust is made of mostly
_________________ rock.
The two types of crust are __________
and ________ crust.
Oceanic Crust is made mostly of
the dark, fine rock __________.
Continental Crust is made
mostly of the light , coarse rock
Ocean crust is much __________than
continental crust.
Ocean crust is much denser than
continental crust, however it is also
much ____________ than Oceanic
Oceanic crust is made mostly of
The crust that is found on the
continents and at the beginning
of the oceans (the continental
shelf) is ________________.
Continental crust is made of
mostly _________________rock.
Continental crust is much ________than
oceanic crust.
Continental crust is much thicker
than oceanic crust, however it is
All life on Earth exists on or
within a few hundred meters of
the __________.
How do scientists study the Earth?
The instrument used to
record the two types of
waves that penetrate the
Earth’s interior and then
return to the surface is a
Two types of seismic waves are
_____________ and _____________.
_____________do not move well
through liquid.
The inner core of the Earth is
made of _________ and ________.
The inner core is a solid due to
the enormous __________ from
the layers above it.
The temperature of the
inner core ranges from
A very thin layer called the
__________________separates the
mantle and the core.
The main layer above the outer
core is the _________.
A very thin layer called the
______________ separates the
mantle and the crust.
The central part of the mantle is
considered to be the
The asthenosphere has the
ability to _________ and has the
property of __________.
Asthenes means ______in Greek!
Both ____________ and_________
increase as you go deeper into the
The lithosphere is made up of
the ___________ and the _______.
Geologists have used two main
types of evidence to learn about
Earth’s interior: __________
and ____________________.
Studying rock samples is an
example of ___________.
Studying seismic waves is an
example of ______________.
Litho is Greek means _________or
____________ is the study of the
Earth’s composition, structure,
processes and history.
Liquid rock outside the Earth is
called _____________.
Rocks are classified as either
___________, ______________ or
___________________ rocks.
The ________ is made of soil,
sand and rock.
The most abundant elements
found in the Earth’s crust are
____________and _________.
The ________ sphere is where all
the water is found on Earth.
The ________ is the envelope of
gasses that surrounds the Earth.
Scientists think that movements
in the liquid outer core create
Earth’s ___________ that
surrounds the planet.
What are the segments of
the Earth’s crust that are
moving called?
What is liquid rock that hardens
inside the Earth called?