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The Solar System
The Solar System
• The solar system consists of the sun, 9
planets and their moons
• The 9 planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
The Sun
• The sun is the star that our solar system
revolves around
•The earth could fit into the sun 1.3 million
• The sun is the largest object in the solar
• It is mostly made up of hydrogen
• Mercury is the planet that is closest to the
• Mercury does not have a moon
• A day on Mercury is equal to 176 days on
• The surface of Mercury is similar to that of
the Earth’s moon
• Venus is the Second planet from the sun
• A day on Venus is longer than a year on
• The Atmosphere is composed of Carbon
• Venus has no moons
• Called Earth’s sister planet
• The third planet from the sun
• The only planet that supports life in our
Solar System
• Earth has 1 moon
• 71% of the Earth’s crust is
covered with water
Fourth from the sun
Last of the Terrestrial (Earth-like) planets
Called the Red planet because of its color
Mars has 2 moons; Phobos and Deimos
• Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun and is
the largest planet in the Solar System
• Jupiter is the first of the Gas planets
• Jupiter has 61 known moons!!!
• Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun
• Saturn is best known for its rings
• The rings around Saturn are made up of
frozen gases, water ice and rock. So the
rings are not solid bands around the planet
• There are 31 moons orbiting Saturn
• Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun
• It, along with Neptune, are the only planets
whose orbits overlap each other
• Uranus has 21 moons
• Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun
• A year on Neptune is equal to over 164
years on earth!!
• There are 11 known moons, Triton is the
• Pluto is the 9th planet from the sun and the
smallest in the Solar System
• Pluto has 1 moon, Charon
• Pluto is the rockiest of the outer planets
What planet is best known for its
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Which two planets represent the
largest planet in the Solar System
and the smallest?
Saturn and Earth
Uranus and Venus
Mercury and Mars
Jupiter and Pluto
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About Me
• My name is Amanda Pumfrey
• I am 22 years old.
• I hope to be a middle school
• History teacher one day!
• My love right now is AFW,
the co-ed service fraternity
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