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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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“Unlike commonsense
knowledge… scientific
knowledge as it was then
coming into being needed
to be organized around
systems of technical
concepts arranged in strict
hierarchies of kinds and
parts” (Pg. 6) Halliday &
Simple Food Chain
Food Chain Circle
Disruption in Food Web
Nominalization in Diagrams
• Flow charts or concept maps can also demonstrate
nominalization. From the previous examples, the
slides build on one another, becoming more
complex within the series. The first slide
explained what the food chain was. The second
one demonstrated how it interacted with the
environment. Finally, the third slide showed how
pollution may affect the food web.
“Nominalization frequently entails
ambiguity, especially for those who
are relative novices in the field”
(Pg. 245) -Len Unsworth
What can students do to have a
better understanding of
• Students must understand the meaning behind the
first slide before moving on to the next.
Therefore, one way in which students can
understand how nominalization works within
diagrams is through repeated exposures to such
diagrams. The teacher explains what is going on
from one slide to the next. Students can be trained
to notice such occurrences through repeated
practice or exercises.
Pond Water Activity
Hard at work or hardly working?
Does anyone notice anything wrong
with these typical pictures found in
our students’ textbooks?
Layers of the Earth
3-D Layers of Earth
Were those pictures accurate?
Nah…the visual model that represents the inner
layers of the earth are not drawn in proportion.
The actual sizes should be:
– Crust = 5.5 km (oceanic), 35 km (continental)
– Mantle = 2,900 km
– Outer core = 2,000 km
– Inner core = 1,370 km
Hence, in reality, the mantle is actually 530 times thicker
than the oceanic crust! Furthermore, the mantle should
only be 2 times thicker than the core. Did those
pictures look proportionate to you??
How do we know students
understand the distortions found
in the textbook visual models?
An activity in which we can help teach students learn
about proportions is to have them observe the
disparity within diagrams/visual models. Students
can identify the disproportions by first measuring
to see if the ratios match the actual scale. They
can then draw the actual proportions while
comparing and contrasting to the erroneous
“Learning about images, as with
language, can occur implicitly in
these experiences but also needs to
be explicitly taught and
understood” (Pg. 4) Jon Callow
What do you notice about
the following visual
models of cells?
“Simple” Cell
“Complex Cell”
Microscope Image of Cell
Do the images look the same?
Students may be confuse with what is drawn by an
artist to that of the real cell. They would probably
have a hard time finding organelles on the actual
images of cells. Once again, repeated exposures
to all types of models with the teacher discussing
about the cell’s complexity may help students
discern among various images. In addition, such
exercises would help them learn that the
actual/real cell’s organelles are very different to
that shown in textbooks/hand-outs.