Download Chapter 11 Bacteria

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Chapter 11
Brucella abortus
G-, coccobacillus
Brucellosis in cattle
Reproductive organs
Sterility and abortions
In humans – mild symptoms
• G- coccobaillus
• Obligate intracellular parasites
• Transmitted by insects such as ticks
Obligate intracellular parasites
• Rickettsia rickettsii
• Rocky mountain spotted fever
• Southeastern parts of this country,
transmitted by ticks
• Rash – palms and soles
• Treated during the early stages of the
• It can cause damage to the kidneys
• Aquatic environments
• Has a stalk
• Attaches to algae and absorbs nutrients
Stalk (stem)
• Roots of plants beans and peas
• Convert nitrogen gas to ammonium ions
• Ammonium ions are used by the plants to
make protein.
• Beneficial to plants.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
• Gonorrhea - STD
• Gram negative diplococci
• Uses fimbriae to attach itself to the mucus
membrane. Painful urination, discharge of
• Pelvic inflammatory disease – sterility
• Cephalosporin, doxycycilne.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
• Ophthalmia neonatorum – eye infection of
the newborn.
• Lead to blindness, antibiotics are placed in
the eyes as prophylaxis.
• Neisseria meningitidis
• Some people are asymptomatic carriers
• Aerosol
• Meningitis, throat infection
Bordetella pertussis
Gram negative coccobacillus
Whooping cough
Grows on cilia lining the trachea
DTP – vaccine – pertussis
Heat killed bacteria
Gets energy from hydrogen sulfide
Found in soil
Gram-, rod shaped
Pseudomonas aeruginosa – G- rod
Water soluble pigment (blue-green)
Burn and wound infections
Gentamicin, polymyxin
Escherichia coli
G- coccobacillus
Normal flora of the intestinal tract
Strain O157:H7 – pathogen – cattle
Bloody diarrhea
Salmonella typhi
G- rod, typhoid fever
Found in humans
Carriers – gall bladder
Fluoroquinilones, chloramphenicol
Contaminated food or water
Salmonella enteritidis
Poultry and cattle
Undercooked, contaminated food
Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea
Fluid and electrolyte therapy
Cooking the meat thoroughly
Shigella dysenteriae
G- rod, shigellosis
Contaminated food
Produces toxin
Damage to the intestinal wall
Klebsiella pneumoniae – normal flora
Proteus vulgaris
Serratia marcescens – soil
Endotoxin – lipid A
Nosocomial infections
Septic shock, pneumonia, urinary tract
Yersinia pestis
G- rod, plague
Fleas from rats
Southwestern – squirrels, chipmunks
Direct contact
Proliferate in the blood stream
Y. pestis
• Buboes – swelling of lymph nodes.
Bubonic plague
• Mortality – 50 to 75%
• Streptomycin and tetracycline –
• Pneumonic plague – aerosol
• Mortality rate 100%
Vibrio cholerae
G-, bent rod, single flagellum
Intestine, toxin
Cells lining the intestine
Stimulate them to release water and electrolytes
Profuse and watery diarrhea
Rice water stools – mucus, epithelia cells,
Pasteurella multocida
G- rod, normal flora of dogs and cats
Oral cavity
Dog or cat bites
Local infection, septicemia
Hemophilus influenzae
• G- rod, throat of carriers
• Opportunist, aerosol, meningitis
• Compromised immune system pneumonia
• G- rod, lakes and ponds
• Photosynthesis
• Hydrogen sulfide + CO2  sugar and
• Water + CO2  sugar + O2 (plants and
• anoxygenic
G- rod, bent rod, flagellum
Periplasmic space of E.coli
Pathogenic to E.coli
• Sediments of lakes and ponds
• Anaerobic respiration
• Sulfur – final electron acceptor
• Gliding fruiting bacteria – G• Soil
• Vegetative cells glide over surfaces –
slime trail
• Aggregate – fruiting body
• Nutrient depletion
• myxosopres
G-, carries on photosynthesis
Aquatic environments
Heterocysts – nitrogen to ammonium ions
CO2 and water make sugar
Oxygen is released
• G- cocci
• Obligate intracellular parasite
• Elementary body – usually extracellular,
• Reticulate body – intracellular, active
Chlamydia trachomatis
Sexual contact
Most common STD
Chlamydia trachomatis
Common in the tropics, southwestern USA
Direct contact, flies, towels
Eye infection, scarring of cornea
Chlamydia trachomatis
Lymphogranuloma venereum - STD
Tropics, Southeastern USA
Grows in the lymphatic system
Obstruction of lymph vessels
Chlamydia psittaci
Birds – parrots, ducks, pigeons
Bird droppings
• Spiral shaped, axial filaments
• Treponema pallidum – syphilis
• STD, ulcer – site of inoculation – primary
• Secondary stage – bloodstream, rash on
the skin & mucous membrane
T. pallidum
• Latent stage – no symptoms
• Tertiary syphilis – blindness, insanity,
heart problems
• Congenital syphilis – from the mother to
the fetus
• Stillbirths, mental retardation
Borrelia burgdorferi
• Lyme disease
• Transmitted by ticks from mice
• Rash at the bite site – bull’s eye rash, flulike symptoms
• Paralysis, heart problems
• Arthritis
Leptospira interrogans
Leptospirosis – hooked ends
Infected or carrier dogs – urine
Contaminated soil, water
Nonspecific symptoms
Damage to the liver and kidneys
Obligate anaerobe
G- rod
Normal flora – intestinal tract, oral cavity
Opportunist – infects surgical wounds,
puncture wounds
• G- rod, slender with pointed ends
• Oral cavity
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
No cell wall
Pleomorphic – irregular
Different arrangements
Walking pneumonia – mild symptoms
Not bedridden
Gram +
Obligate anaerobe
3 pathogenic species
Clostridium tetani - tetanus
Infects deep puncture wounds
Endospores become vegetative cells
Neurotoxin – spastic paralysis
Stiffness of the muscles
DTP vaccine – tetanus toxoid
Antitoxin – antibodies
Tetanus immune globulins (TIG)
Clostridium botulinum - botulism
Improperly canned food
Flaccid paralysis
Double vision, drooping eyelids
Toxin is heat labile
Clostridium perfringens
• Gas gangrene
• Gangrene – death of a tissue due to the
loss of blood supply
• Ferments carbohydrates and releases gas
• Toxins kill cells
• Bullet wounds, frost bites
• Amputation
Bacillus anthracis - anthrax
• Sheep, cattle – endospores are ingested
from the soil – septicemia
• People at risk – work with animals
• Cutaneous anthrax – cuts and breaks in
the skin.
• Inhalation anthrax – wool sorter’s disease
• Dangerous form of pneumonia
• Tetracycline
G+ rod, aerotolerant
Does not use oxygen
Produces lactic acid
Normal flora – intestinal tract, oral cavity
Used in yogurt production
Listeria monocytogenes
• Soil – contaminate dairy products such as
• Grows in the refrigerated temperatures.
• Placenta – stillbirths and miscarriages.
• Weak immune system – meningitis.
Staphylococcus aureus
• G+ cocci, clusters, normal flora
• A strain – toxic shock syndrome –
tampons – toxin – rash
• Damage to the blood vessels
• Nasal surgery – absorbent packing is
S. aureus
A strain – food poisoning
Custard, cream pie – toxin
Food poisoning
Heat stable
Refrigerate the food product
Streptococcus pyogenes
G+ cocci, chains
normal flora in the throat of some people
Aerosol – pharyngitis – strep throat
Scarlet fever – lysogenized strain, phage
DNA is inserted in the chromosome of the
• Erythrogenic toxin – pinkish red rash - skin
• Tongue becomes red and enlarged –
strawberry tongue.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
• G+ pleomorphic – irregular morphology
• Aerosol – tough grey membrane in the
throat – fibrin, dead tissue, bacteria
• Lysogenized strain – diphtheria toxin –
kills eukaryotic cells
• Damage to the heart and kidneys
• DTP vaccine – toxoid
• Treated with antitoxin
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Acid-fast, rod shaped
Aerosol – dormant for years
Lungs – spreads to other parts of the body
Cough, weight loss - consumption
Isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol
Mycobacterium bovis
Bovine tuberculosis
Contaminated milk
Infects the bones
Hunchbacked deformation of the spine
BCG vaccine – avirulent strain of M. bovis
Mycobacterium leprae
Leprosy, Hansen’s disease
Face, fingers, toes
Nodules, deformation
Nasal secretions
Nocardia asteroides
• Acid-fast, found in soil
• Infects hands and feet
• Soil
• Most of the antibiotics
• Geosmin – musty odor