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Life Science
This is review for the GA Milestones test.
On a piece of notebook paper, head your paper
with your name, homeroom and Life Science.
Number your paper - 1-45. You only need to write
the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
You are welcome to use your ISN or your book to
answer the questions. You may work with a
partner if you pick your partner wisely.
Good luck and turn it in to the science basket
when you are done.
Question 1
The structures on a chromosome that
contain DNA code for a specific trait an
organism inherits are called
A. ribosome
B. genes
C. bacteria
D. cytoplasm
Question 2
Which pair of kingdoms has members
that can make their own food?
A. Plants and Animals
B. Fungi and Protists
C. Protists and Plants
D. Monerans and Fungi
Question 3
The frog, toad, and salamander are grouped
together because they share all of the
following characteristics
A. being cold-blooded.
B. having scales.
C. laying eggs.
D. reproducing in water.
Question 4
Which of these is not an instinctive
A. a bird building a nest
B. a turtle burying its eggs
C. a bear hibernating in winter
D. a horse pulling a plow
Question 5
Which group of animals has the MOST
similar type of body coverings?
A. humans, dogs, horses
B. owls, beetles, chickens
C. grasshoppers, bats, worms
D. snails, whales, sunfish
Question 6
Which is NOT a characteristic of organisms
in the animal kingdom?
A. They use sunlight to produce their own
B. They are made up of many different cells.
C. They have the ability to move.
D. They have cell membranes.
Question 7
Smelts are fish that lay their eggs in the
sand on beaches. When the eggs hatch,
the babies know to go to the water. This is
an example of
A. instinct
B. hibernation
C. camouflage
D. learned behavior
Question 8
Which of the following is NOT a mammal?
A. a cow
B. a dog
C. a duck
D. a zebra
Question 9
Which structures differentiate plants from
other organisms?
A. cell membranes
B. cell walls
C. nuclei
D. veins
Question 10
Which are NOT found in both birds and
A. eggs
B. feathers
C. legs
D. wings
Question 11
Some birds fly south for the winter. Birds
know when and where to fly because of
A. camouflage
B. mimicry
C. instinct
D. hibernation
Question 12
Racedogs would MOST LIKELY be
crossbred for which characteristic?
A. long hair
B. highly developed sense of smell
C. companionship
D. speed
Question 13
Several scientists observe an animal with
hair and wings. This animal is a
A. bat.
B. bird.
C. butterfly.
D. flying squirrel.
Question 14
Organisms with a body covering of feathers
are classified as
A. birds.
B. fish.
C. insects.
D. mammals.
Question 15
Which object would best demonstrate how
roots function in the soil?
A. rock
B. sponge
C. mirror
D. jar of water
Question 16
A reason scientists crossbreed dairy cattle is
to produce cows that
A. give more milk.
B. have fewer calves.
C. eat corn instead of hay.
D. drink more water.
Question 17
Plants growing from maple seeds always
become maple trees. Why is this true?
A. Maple trees are easy to grow from seeds.
B. The "pattern" for what seeds can become
is determined by the parent plant.
C. Maple seeds always fall where it is best
for growing maple trees.
D. The maple seeds that could become
other kinds of plants are never healthy.
Question 18
Which of the following sea animals would be
classified as an invertebrate?
A. Sea horse
B. Squid
C. Shark
D. Seal
Question 19
Traits or characteristics that come from
parent to offspring are called
A. learned behavior
B. parent traits
C. organisms
D. inherited traits
Question 20
A paramecium is a one-celled animal. Which of the
following MUST be true about the paramecium?
A. Its one cell does everything it needs to live.
B. It can only live inside the cells of other living
C. It is the smallest living thing.
D. It causes dangerous diseases.
Question 21
New bacteria comes from
A. unclean water.
B. mosquitoes.
C. other bacteria.
D. flies.
Question 22
Redwood trees can grow to be very tall.
They can grow so tall because they are
A. vascular
B. deciduous
C. nonvascular
D. flowering
Question 23
Which organism is NOT a member of the
animal kingdom?
A. a shark
B. a sea star
C. an amoeba
D. a worm
Question 24
During photosynthesis, green plants remove
a substance from the air. The substance is
A. water.
B. oxygen.
C. sulfur dioxide.
D. carbon dioxide.
Question 25
All living organisms are created through the
process of
A. growth.
B. metabolism.
C. respiration.
D. reproduction.
Question 26
Yeast, molds, and mushrooms are classified
in which kingdom?
A. Fungi
B. Animals
C. Protists
D. Plants
Question 27
Both plant and animal cells have
A. a cell membrane, a cell wall, and a
B. cytoplasm, vacuoles, and chloroplasts.
C. a cell membrane, a nucleus, and
D. cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and a cell
Question 28
An animal with six legs, three body sections,
and wings is
A. a reptile.
B. a spider.
C. a bat.
D. an insect.
Question 29
Which animal feeds milk to its young?
A. seal
B. salmon
C. seagull
D. salamander
Question 30
Which adaptation is most important for
allowing land mammals to obtain oxygen?
A. fins
B. gills
C. pores
D. lungs
Question 31
John bought a loaf of bread. A week later he
noticed a bluish-black mold growing on the
bread. To which kingdom does the mold
A. Plants
B. Animals
C. Protists
D. Fungi
Question 32
Which animal is an amphibian?
A. whale
B. fish
C. frog
D. duck
Question 33
Mosquitoes hatch from eggs laid in
water. They spend their first stage of
life as larvae in the water. When they
become adults, they are flying,
winged insects. This is an example of
A. mutation.
B. evolution.
C. metamorphosis.
D. parasitism.
Question 34
An organism that can move itself, has
many specialized cells, and eats food
from its environment belongs to which
A. Fungi
B. Animals
C. Protists
D. Plants
Question 35
Which is NOT a basic life function of all
living things?
A. reproducing young
B. growing
C. moving from one place to another
D. excreting waste materials
Question 36
Which animal would NOT be found in or
near a small lake in the Georgia
A. a frog
B. a shark
C. a sunfish
D. a duck
Question 37
As plants grow, they take nutrients from the
soil. How are nutrients in the soil naturally
A. falling rain
B. decomposing plants
C. adding fertilizer
D. feeding animals
Question 38
Erica's class used a peach as a model of a
cell. What part of the model is the cell
A. the peach seed
B. the peach skin
C. the peach stem
D. the peach juice
Question 39
Which cellular structure is found in plants,
but not in animals?
A. mitochondria
B. nucleus
C. chloroplast
D. endoplasmic reticulum
Question 40
Would it be good for your health to kill all of the bacteria in
your body?
A. Yes. Most bacteria in your body are harmful. Killing all
of the bacteria would get rid of these bacteria.
B. No. Many bacteria in your body are beneficial. These
beneficial bacteria help your body perform physiological
functions, such as digestion.
C. Yes. Getting rid of all bacteria in the body would
prevent most diseases. This is why doctors use
D. No. The harmful bacteria in your body are important
for stimulating the immune system.
Question 41
A biologist discovers a new multicellular organism.
The biologist is not sure if it is a plant or an
animal. She decides to look at the cells under a
microscope. Which structure would best indicate
that the organism is a plant?
A. chloroplast
B. Golgi body
C. ribosome
D. lysosome
Question 42
Which can bacteria do?
A. spoil food
B. heal cuts
C. purify water
D. cause cancer
Question 43
Which is a characteristic of reptiles?
A. They have slimy skin.
B. They use lungs to breathe.
C. They are invertebrates.
D. They maintain a constant body
Question 44
One benefit of bacteria is that they can be
used to
A. strengthen some wood products.
B. produce plastic from petroleum.
C. produce certain kinds of foods.
D. keep our clothes from wearing out.
Question 45
How is a fish different from a jellyfish?
A. A fish has a backbone.
B. A fish is in the animal kingdom.
C. A fish can reproduce.
D. A fish lives in water.